Love your neighbor as yourself
Servant to Servant                                         5-12-17

Feeding our neighbors
Holy Cross Lutheran, Cleveland, OH, thanks volunteers from Kohl's who helped with the Heavenly Harvest food distribution.

In our churches
Congratulations, Confirmands!
We rejoice with the 2017 Confirmand Classes, their families and congregations from the following churches:
+ Grace, Redford, MI - 75th Year of Confirmations
+ Hales Corners, Hales Corners, WI
Grace, Redford Twp., MI
Hales Corners, Hales Corners, WI
The ears have it
The Rev. Jim Gau, Fairlawn Lutheran, Fairlawn, OH, used "lamb's ear" headbands to illustrate the relationship between sheep and shepherd. The fact that they looked like bunny ears didn't get past the kids!

Learning to serve
Every One His Witness workshop was held at St. Luke Lutheran, North York, Ontario. Many thanks to The Rev. Mark A. Wood and Mary Ellen for leading, encouraging, and pointing the group to Jesus. We plant and water, God creates the growth.

Parish visit
On Sunday, May 7, 2017, The Rev. J. Derek Mathers, Assistant to the Bishop and Mission Executive, worshiped with God's people at Hope Community Lutheran Church in Syracuse, NY. The Rev. David Werly officiated. Pastors Ben Eder and Dwayne Hendricks were also in attendance.
In our schools
Students beautify their campus
National Honors Society students from Redeemer Lutheran School PreK-12th, Oakmont, PA, sponsored the beautifying of the school entrance. They organized the donations of flowers and worked with the younger students to plant them. It was great to see the interaction of the older and younger students - one of the great benefits of Redeemer's Pre K to 12th grade school building. All were thankful that the rain stopped and the sun was shining while they worked hard outside all afternoon. A great job by all, and a special thank you to the parents who donated all the lovely, colorful flowers.
Student athletes
Bethesda International Academy placed well in a recent track event: The boys won the 75-meter dash, and the girls won the 50-meter dash. Congratulations!!
Watch both of the videos on their Facebook page  here. (Scroll down to May 7th.)
Living history
A successful "History Fair" was held at Martin Luther Christian School, Pennsauken, NJ.
Memory Madness
Students at Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran School, Hartland, MI, enjoyed a "Memory Madness" assembly. The presenter shared some great tricks with the students for remembering lists of things, such as the names of the planets in order and the first ten presidents in order.
Display of talent
Beautiful student art from talented students at Grace English School, Chicago, IL, which receives fine art services through the Title I program. Grace English contracts with Urban Gateways, a vendor for the Chicago Public School System. Mr. Jonathan is one of the teachers employed by Urban Gateways and was the art instructor both this year and last. The number of classes he can teach depends on the amount of money that is available through Title I. This year, the school received a total of six art classes, two for each of the following classrooms: first, second and third (Teacher Linda Boehm); fourth and fifth (Teacher George Bryant) and sixth, seventh and eighth (Teacher John Michael Jurica).

In our District

It's a boy!
Congratulations to Rev. Ted and Rebecca Krey on the birth of Azariah Rudolph Albert Krey! Azariah means: The Lord has helped. God's richest blessings to all!  

Called to Glory

Rev. Roland E. Holder of Dearborn, MI was called to glory on Thursday, May 4, 2017. Loving husband of the late Barbara. Beloved father of Stephanie (Walter) Daugherty and the late Michael Holder. Proud grandfather of six. Rev. Roland faithfully served in his ministry for over 30 years. The funeral service was held on Tuesday, May 9, 2017 at Angelica Lutheran Church, Allen Park, MI. 
English District Blog
Meet the Missions - Mother's Day Edition
By Lynne Cobb, Communications Coordinator, English District, LCMS

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:13

Welcome to the first in our "Meet the Missions" series. See how the English District is helping to serve Christ by serving others!

What does Mother's Day have to do with English District mission work?

In addition to supporting churches and church workers in the English District, we also provide mission support. Mother's Day weekend seemed to be the perfect time to kick-off our new "Meet the Missions" series, introducing programs that the district supports. Each year, representatives of various missions apply for grants to help fulfill the work they do - everything from campus ministries to urban assistance to pregnancy assistance.

Because, as a district, we honor life, we are committed to the women and families who need our help. Several of our churches help local pregnancy centers by stocking shelves with diapers, wipes, clothing, car seats and more.

Do you have a ministry experience you would like to share? If so, you, too, could be a guest blogger for the English District. For consideration, please send an email to Lynne Cobb, Communications Coordinator for the English District LCMS, at [email protected].

The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod in the Dominican Republic
Our featured DRLM workers this month are Rev. Joel and Clarion Fritsche and family. Please keep them in prayer, and click on this link for information and updates about their work.

Professional Church Worker Conference: Lifeline
Grab lunch next Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at the PCWC and join Lifeline to learn about a new drug that can reverse the abortion pill. Over the years, most people have heard of the abortion inducing drug RU486. Now a drug has been developed that can safely counteract the abortion pill and save a baby before any harm has been inflicted! Learn about this new abortion reversal drug and find out how congregations like yours can make sure local doctors and health clinics carry these abortion reversal kits.
Explore Adoption & Foster Care
As recently as 2014, there were 415,129 foster children in the United States. Many foster care children are eligible for adoption. In fact, many of you probably know parents who chose to bring children like these into their Christ-centered households to love, nurture, and guide them into adulthood. November is national adoption month and national adoption day is November 19th. Consider encouraging this incredible gift of human care to people in your congregation. From the early church, God's people have always looked after orphans. A great place to start exploring is  one of the Lutheran Family Service RSOs that can be found at  
Lake Erie Region Concert For Life
If you are a member of a congregation in our Lake Erie Region, consider attending a concert by the Erin Bode Group at Risen Christ Lutheran Church (English District) in Plymouth, MI. Erin Bode is the granddaughter of J.A.O. Preus and a noted jazz singer based in St. Louis. She composed some music for the LCMS Eyes of Life campaign that can be found here . The concert is Wednesday, May 31st at 7:00 PM and the cost is $15. Contact Risen Christ, Pastor Rennie Kaufmann, for more details or visit  

Eyes of Life: Jennifer
Meet Jennifer: Human trafficking. Prostitution. An absent mother. An unborn child. For many, it would be too much. But for this child of God, it's really just the beginning..
June Prayer List
We encourage you to use the prayer list for your daily personal,
congregational, school, classroom, staff, and circuit prayers to the Lord, our God. The Scriptures tell us to "pray without ceasing." Please feel free to use this list in your weekend service folders, on the congregational website or in newsletters.

Used Church Pews Available Now
Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 4865 Wilmington Pike, Kettering, OH is offering their entire inventory of pews. All must be removed by June 5, 2017, when their sanctuary renovation begins. Available lengths are listed below. All pews have racks for 4 books on either the back or under the seat. All are mechanically sound. A few have cosmetic defects. Many are like new. The new owner is responsible for pickup and transport of the pews. Call Dave at (937) 430-2760 or e-mail [email protected]  or call John at 937-434-1798 for pick up arrangements or more information.
8 pews:          8ft to 10ft
15 pews:        10ft to 12ft
30 pews:        12ft to 16ft
12 pews:        16ft to 20ft
6 pews:          20ft to 24ft

Financial Aid Available
Supporting church workers is a priority for the English District LCMS, and we continue to work to increase the amount of funding available for students to pursue a ministry career. The first time you apply for aid, there are two forms to complete: the District Financial Aid Application and the Financial Aid Information Form.

Grants are given to applicants enrolled in synodical-approved church work programs (pastor, teacher, DCE, DCO, deaconess, etc.). Grants are not given to interns, vicars, or graduate students. There is a separate Colloquy Financial Aid Application for colloquy students.

Please read the Financial Aid Instructions before completing the forms. The deadline for submission of English District financial aid applications is June 1, 2017.

Please share your congregation's or school's unique ministries with the rest of the District. Send pictures and stories for consideration to Lynne Cobb by Wednesday, 3:00 pm ET.

We want to see how YOUR congregation or school is "loving your neighbor as yourself."
Previous issues of the eNewlsetter, Servant to Servant, are available on the  English District website. You are encouraged to share the information from Servant to Servant with members of your congregation.
All are invited to subscribe to this weekly publication. Forward the newsletter to members of your church using the "Spread the Word" link at the bottom left of this newsletter. They can subscribe by clicking on the link at the bottom right titled, "Sign up for our emails." Thanks for spreading the word!


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