All Saints' Episcopal Church
"A church without walls"
Seventh Sunday of Easter - May 28, 2017
Ascension Day

"The occasion on which the risen Christ is taken into heaven after appearing to his followers for forty days (Acts 1:1-11, Mk 16:19). The Ascension marks the conclusion of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances. It is the final elevation of his human nature to divine glory and the near presence of God. The Ascension is affirmed by the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds. The Ascension is celebrated on Ascension Day, the Thursday that is the fortieth day of the Easter season. It is a principal feast of the church year in the Episcopal Church." - from the website of The Episcopal Church.

We will celebrate the ascension of Christ on Sunday. Please note that the readings below have changed.
Summer Meals

Children and youth under 18 can get free breakfast and lunches during the summer. Here is a list of locations in the Bentonville, Rogers, NWA area. Adults are also able to purchase meals in many locations.
No Children's Chapel This Sunday

There will be NO Children's Chapel this  Sunday, May 28  over the Memorial Day holiday weekend.  Please remember that the joyful noises of children during the church service are always welcome!  
Church Behind the Scenes - Bulletin preparation

Each Sunday we are handed a bulletin as we enter the church. We use this important document to help us participate in the service. Where does it come from? As in most things, it's a group effort. The bulletin preparation is an unseen, but integral part of our worship experience.

Weekly readings are determined by the Revised Common Lectionary and are found online at The Lectionary PageThe Prayers of the People and oftentimes the Blessing at the end of the service, generally come to us from the Rev. Lowell Grisham at St. Paul's in Fayetteville. St. Paul's is the sponsoring church for All Saints' so it's appropriate that we have this connection. Eucharistic prayers come from the Book of Common Prayer according to the church year and season. Krista Mays, our director of liturgical arts, pulls all this information together and chooses appropriate songs and music to go along with, and enhance, the worship message. Once everything is finalized, Krista sends the document to Vikki Strutton, Christ the King's secretary, and she prints and folds the bulletin. Father Guillermo puts together the Spanish version and Marj Bernhardt prepares the one for Saturday evening worship.

On Sunday morning, there is generally someone at the door, handing out the bulletins. Often this is Geraldine Madsen, or someone from the hospitality guild assigned for that week. We can always use more friendly faces at the door so anytime you would like to help out, please do! And 'Thank You!' to everyone who makes our worship service go so smoothly!
Feed the Funnel - New Info!

So far we've raised enough money to provide 992 meals! We just learned from the Pack Shack crew that we need 5,000 meals in order to have them come to our location and set up a party. While we would love to raise that amount, and possibly we will, for planning purposes we will hold our packing party at the Pack Shack location in Cave Springs. We can carpool if needed. They will have everything ready to go. All we need to do is show up, put on our hairnets and party!

Your spare change (or bills and checks) can make a difference in someone's life in our area. Checks can be made payable to The Pack Shack. 

We need lots of help for this project! Everyone in the family, age three and up can help! Invite your best friend, and even your coworkers! This would be a good way to introduce new people to All Saints'/Todos Los Santos.  Please contact Alex Ruiz to sign up or get more information. 
And We're Moving!
an update from Senior Warden Scott Comiskey

We have notified Christ the King Lutheran of our intention to move. August 13 will be our last service at Christ the King and our first service at the First Christian Church will be the August 19 Saturday evening service. More details to come as we get closer to moving day!
Live Your Faith - Sunday School for Adults

May 21  - Morning Talk
Join the group as they have a lively discussion about that  Sunday's scheduled readings.

May 28 - No class, Memorial Day weekend

The Great Courses:  Science and Religion
June 4 - August 20

This summer Ralph Kunz will lead the Live Your Faith class through The Great Courses:  Science and Religion DVD & discussion series.  Given the prominence this topic has recently received in the media, conversation after each video is sure to be lively and engaging.  Come to all, most, or just a few classes, you will not be lost if you miss some.  

Course Description:
Science and religion - two crucial forces that helped shape Western civilization and continue to interact in our daily lives.  What is the nature of their relationship?  When do they conflict?  And how do they influence each other in their pursuits of knowledge and truth?  Science and Religion, taught by award-winning Professor Lawrence M. Principe, answers these and other pointed questions about the historical sweep and epic interaction between faith and science, revealing a surprising cooperative dynamic in which theologians and natural scientists share methods, ideas, and aspirations.  
Food Pantry and Community Dinner
Wednesday - food pantry 2:00 p.m., community meal 5:30 p.m.

Don't cook dinner on Wednesday. Come by All Saints' for a fresh cooked meal and eat in community with others!

Numbers for the Week of May 17 - 
75 people served through the food pantry
65 meals served at the community dinner

Pantry needs - 
Cereal, spaghetti sauce, toilet paper

Community meal needs - 
Donations of powdered ice tea and lemonade mix, small dessert plates
Summer Camp at Camp Mitchell

Camp Mitchell, located atop scenic Petit Jean Mountain in central Arkansas, is a ministry of the Episcopal Church in Arkansas. The camp provides a sacred place and offers programs that foster formation, recreation, fellowship, and renewal. 

Summer camp offers youth, elementary - high school aged, the opportunity to spend an un-plugged week participating in spiritual formation, various outdoor activities (including swimming and a water slide!), arts & crafts, singing, making new friends, and much more.  

While making summer plans, consider registering your kids for a week at Camp Mitchell.  Registration and more information can be found at: 

The cost for the week is $425.  Financial assistance is available.  All Saints' goal is for every child that wants to attend camp be able to, regardless of financial barriers.  For more information about camp itself or for financial assistance contact Meredith Schraeder (  

June 11-16 Senior High (completed 9th-12th grade)
June 18-23 Junior High (completed 6th-8th grade)
June 25-30 Middler (completed 4th-5th grade)
July 16-21 Primary (completed 1st-3rd grade)
July 30-August 4 Farm Camp 3
July 30-August 4 Creative Arts Camp 4
Clergy Schedule through June

June 3 and 4 (English) - Angi Tharakan, Executive Director of the House of Blessings

June 4 (Spanish) - Richard Clark, Retired 

June 10 and 11 (English) - Father Benham

June 11 (Spanish) - Richard Clark 

June 17 and 18 (English) - Lora Walsh

June 18 (Spanish) - Richard Clark     

June 24 and 25 (English) - Father Benham

June 25 (Spanish) - Father Guillermo  
Readings, Lay Ministers and Hospitality for May 28

Acts 1:1-11
Psalm 47
Ephesians 1:15-23
Luke 24:44-53

Lay Ministers for Saturday
Chalice: Debby
Lector: Catherine

Lay Ministers for Sunday
Chalice: Ralph K, Susan D
Lector: Sandi L, Scott C
Intercessor: Tom M

Hospitality Guild Schedule
May 28 - Saints of Today
June 4 - St. Bernard
June 11 - All Saints' Emerging (church-wide potluck)
June 18 - St. Francis
June 25 - St. Jude
July 2 - St. Drogo
Ministry Leaders 

It takes many people to support the ministries of All Saints'. Here are email links for leaders of lay ministries. If you have any questions or would like to help, please reach out. There is a place for you. Your participation is much needed and appreciated!

Acolytes - Sarah Chapman
Altar Guild - Jennifer Stoner
Chalice Bearers and Lectors - Sherri Esarte (Sunday) Marj Bernhardt (Saturday)
Children's Chapel and Sunday School - Meredith Schraeder 
Choir - Krista Mays, Director of Liturgical Arts
ECW - Sandi Lynn
Facebook - Belinda Ostrowski, pictures are always wanted!
Flower Guild - we are looking for a leader here!
Hospitality - Sandi Lynn
Newsletter - Sandi Lynn, feedback and suggestions are always welcome!
Theology Pub - Sandy Wylie
Tri-faith Book Club - Barbara Youree
Vestry - Scott Comiskey, Senior Warden
Quick Links

Bishop's Letter
Previous newsletter - in case you missed something
Arkansas 211 Resource Guide - updated list of where to get help
Regularly Scheduled Events

ECW (St. Tabitha's Guild) - 3rd Thursday monthly from September through May, 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. 

Feast of Grace Community Meal - Wednesdays, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Food Pantry - Wednesdays, 2:00  3:30 p.m.

Theology Pub - every other Monday, 6:30 p.m.

Tri-Faith Book Club - 1st and 3rd Tuesday monthly, 6:00 p.m.

Vestry Meeting - 3rd Tuesday monthly, 6:30 p.m.

Church Phone Numbers

All Saints': (479) 321-4217
Father Guillermo: (479) 877-9108