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Thank You

We want to extend a huge thank you to Greater Spartanburg Ministries. They've gone above and beyond to assist our staff with helping clients. Summer Tebalt, RN Case Manager, shares her experience:

"I received a text from a client who asked me to bring him some food. He said he was starving, had transportation issues, and no way to get any food for the weekend. I called  Greater Spartanburg Ministries  and spoke with Kevin Coker. He instructed me that the food pantry does not open until Monday, but if this client doesn't have food to get him through the weekend to come on by. I went there and received two large boxes of food including frozen meat, canned goods, and bottled water. He was extremely helpful and eager to help." 

We appreciate your dedication to helping those in need and are grateful for your impactful presence in our community!
Upcoming  Events
Walk With Us
When: Friday, April 21
From 12:15pm -1 2:45 pm 
Where: Liberty Park

Join various healthcare professionals from Spartanburg Regional  once a month for a 5 minute health talk. You will walk at your own pace around the Liberty Park loop for 25 minutes. All fitness levels and ages welcome. 
Physical Therapist and Registered-Dietitian-to-be Dr. Patrick Berner, PT, DPT will explain how physical activity and proper nutrition go hand-in-hand. 
Head and Neck Cancer Screening
When:Tuesday, April 25
From 5:00p m - 6:00pm
Spartanburg & Greer ENT physicians, in partnership with Gibbs Cancer Center and Research Institute, will provide free he ad and neck cancer screenings. Registration is not required. Screenings will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Client Focus Group Feedback

On March 17, we held our first focus group of the year with current clients. Here are some of the comments we received from participants.

"AccessHealth Spartanburg has been a change of life. I feel better as a person and a woman. It's a piece of mind and it has been a blessing.  Every time I come here, I get the help I need." ~O.C.

"I am so grateful for the health coverage. To be able to know I have AccessHealth and I can go to a doctor instead of the emergency room means a lot."~S.L.

"It's pleasant to know you care and take the time to listen to our feedback. I want to turn around and be a blessing for somebody else." ~O.C.

"Can Community Health Organizations Pave the Way for Local Technology Adoption?"

We have partnered with Healthify to pilot a community resource platform that addresses the social determinants of health at the point of care. 

"As a country, the U.S. spends less money on social services and more on healthcare. Yet, a large majority of what makes us sick can be attributed to the social determinants of health- factors such as socioeconomic status, availability of resources, employment and access to healthcare. While using technology to address social factors in underserved regions has generated momentum, it's an area of healthcare and digital health that is emerging with the shift from reactive to proactive healthcare."

Check out Health 2.0's blog post  to learn more about our work on this project!
Spartanburg's Way to Wellville

Community Pride 
Community Pride is one of Spartanburg's Way to Wellville's five focus areas. You might be thinking, "what does community pride have to do with health?" Samantha Overton, Neighborhood Engagement Coordinator, explains, "It really means, are you healthy and are you well as a resident- if you are these things, then you will be prideful of your community." 

Click the video above to find out how Way to Wellville plans on building Spartanburg's community pride. 
AccessHealth Spartanburg | ikarnabi@srhs.com | 358 Serpentine Drive
Spartanburg, SC 29303