St. Catherine 
of Siena
Episcopal Church

10435 Double R Blvd.
Reno, NV

A publication to promote our mission:
"In community, love God, love others, serve both."


Those on our prayer list include: Gary, Bob, Eric, Alan, Barbara, Shelby, Rick, Margi, Glenn, Butch, Joann, Maggie, Georgia, Ed, Amanda, Jacob, and the Yakub family. Please keep them in your prayers.


Family Gather Service: 9 a.m.

Godly Play for children ages 5-10 : 10 a.m. on the 1st & 3rd Sundays

Adult Education : 10 a.m.

Traditional Service : 11 a.m.
AA Men's Group: Meets at St. Catherine's on Wednesday evenings at  7 p.m.

Jan 7: Celebrating the Feast of the Epiphany, 9:00 and 11:00 am;
Baby Bundles donation collection

Jan 10: Vestry Meeting, St. Catherine's, 5:15 pm

Jan 21: Annual Meeting, Pot Luck (bring a dish to share), 10:00 am

Jan 26: Pizza and Game Night (bring your favorite game to share!), 6:00 pm

Jan 27: Installation of Rector Sarah Syer, St. Patrick's, Incline Village, 3:00 pm


February 2: Organizational Meeting of Nevadans for the Common Good, Northern Nevada

February 4: Bishop Dan's Annual Visitation


Our Current Vestry Members are:

Linda Rosenthal Senior Warden
Shelby Thistlewhite, Junior Warden
Donna Sanders, Clerk of the Vestry
Gretchen Korver
Andy Kuhn
Sharyl Milegich
Michael Nusbaum


If you would like to schedule some time to talk, Rev. Laurie keeps regular office hours on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please give her a call at 771-4168 to coordinate a time, or e-mail [email protected].


Tuesday Homework Club 
at Double Diamond Apt Complex,  3:30-5 pm Tuesdays
No experience needed, just a desire to make a difference. 
Call Sally Dickinson:  853-7850

11 a.m. Choir
Call Molly Mitchell:  224-1156  

Coffee Hour Hosts,  Greeters
& Ushers
Contact Sharyl Milegich:
853-5016 or [email protected]
Lay Readers
& Eucharistic Ministers 
Contact Anne Towner: [email protected]
Altar Guild  
Contact Linda Stetzell: [email protected]
Help a young person with reading skills at Double Diamond Elementary. Contact Sally Dickinson at 853-7850 or [email protected] . L earn more by  visiting the 360Blueprint web site .

Name Tag
Why wear a name tag?
  • Name tags encourage conversation;
  • Name tags promote an outward focus;
  • Name tags make guests feel more comfortable; &
  • Some folks aren't great at remembering names!
If you need a name tag, call Sally D ickinson at  (775) 853-7850.
January  2018
St. Catherine

St. Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)
Rev. Laurie's Message

Epiphany: that season of the Church year when we follow a star, much as sages did of old.  From January 7th until February 11th, we hear of the wise men's visitation, of Jesus' calling of the first disciples, and of his first callings to ministry.  There is a great parallel between this season and the calling of the St. Catherine's community.  For as baptized members of Christ's Body, the Church, we call others to join with us in worship and discipleship and to live out God's ministry for us in the world.  What we do each Sunday morning as we gather for worship is important.  It is the nourishment we need for the work before us.  But, it is what we do when we walk out these doors that makes Christ manifest in the world... it is through us that the light he brought into the world is reflected into the dark corners crying out for his light.

Now, with our own building, we have new resources to serve the wider community. What great work is God calling us to in our families, community, and personal lives?  What is God's dream for St. Catherine's as we respond to a world that often prefers violence and alienation to love?  As we begin this Epiphany season, may we experience our own epiphanies, may we stay alert to God's dream for each one of us and for this community called St. Catherine's.

Laurie +
The Rev. Laurie Chappelle
annual meeting
Annual Meeting

On January 21, we will hold our annual meeting at 10:00 am at the church between our two services.  

At this meeting we will be discussing our budget for the coming year, electing three Vestry members, and electing delegates and alternates for our Diocesan Convention.  Reports from our Ministry Teams will be available for your reading.  

Please plan on attending this very important parish meeting and enjoying a delightful brunch.  Child care will be available.  It will be an hour of fellowship well spent.

Game Night! Pizza, too!

On Friday, January 26, we'll have another St. Catherine's All-Ages Game Night!  From 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., let's all get together for pizza, pop and board games.  Come play some of our favorite games, and bring along the games you like, too.  This is fun for all ages and everyone is invited.

Convention Delegates & Alternates

If you are interested in being a delegate to our diocesan convention, to take place November 30-December 1, 2018 in Elko, please let Sharyl Milegich, Donna Sanders or Shelby Thistlewhite know.  This will be a particularly important convention because we will be electing our new bishop.  St. Catherine's will be electing three delegates and two alternates to represent us at Convention.  

Qualifications are that you must be at least 15 years of age, that you have regularly worshiped during the year, and that you have given financially toward the work of the parish.

Ministry Team Reports due Jan. 14

This year, in preparation for our Annual Meeting, we're asking each Team Leader, for both outreach and those ministries that support our parish, to submit a brief written report for inclusion in our meeting handouts. Please have them to Rev. Laurie by January 14th. If you have a special message you'd like to share with the congregation, please feel free to contact Rev. Laurie to put you on the agenda. Thank you for all that you do and for your willingness to serve.

Baby Bundles:  S haring Our Blessings with Others

By Ann Crase

Baby Bundles is composed of and supported by members of St. Catherine's and Trinity Episcopal Churches.  With items donated by both congregations, we assemble "Bundles" of  layette items for St. Mary's and Renown hospitals. They are then distributed by hospital staff to disadvantaged new parents who have little or nothing for their newborn.

  • Long-sleeved onesies
  • Afghans or blankets
Any help with these items would be greatly appreciated. Clothing should be between 0 and 6 months.  

We still have enough diapers.   Monetary donations are always welcome, too. (We'll shop for yo u!)  

God Bless!  If you have any questions, please contact Susan Lombardi at 329-2044 or Ann Crase at 356-1155.

St. Catherine of Siena Episcopal Church |
 E-mail: [email protected]  | Phone: 775.771.4168 
10435 Double R Blvd.  Reno, NV 89521