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Communications Director
Shout Out to Our New Members!
Allied, Associate and Student Members
Samantha Grzymala, Student ASID
Kathaline Clements, Student ASID
Donna Jackson, Student ASID
Deirdre Kurzenberger, Student ASID
Ellen Valenti, Student ASID
Pegeen Rubinstein, Student ASID
Joanne O'Neil, Student ASID
Nicole Juliano, Student ASID
Katharine Rhudy, Student ASID
Kip O'Brien, Associate ASID
Robin Henry, Associate ASID
Judith Biggar-Maguire, Allied ASID
Industry Partners
Michael Paolello - Westwood Flooring and Design Centers
Karen Salerno - Elizabeth Jackson Estate Sales
Jeffrey Miller - HomeCare by Fabricare
Leisa Guiliano - Humanscale Corporation
Student's Review SCALE
ASID CT sent student members Madelynn Hopkins and Rachel Lodi to ASID National's SCALE Event!
What did you learn from this experience?
: This experience taught me how to dig deep into a design. It opened my mind up to a whole new design process and a new way of thinking. At SCALE, every speaker pushed the concept of Design Impacts Lives. I feel like I learned what that really means and how a designer can really impact humans and how they live.
I learned so much about myself and what I am capable of as a designer and leader. SCALE inspired me to believe in myself as a person and that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to; I can incorporate this mindset when I design any space.
Do you believe this was a good opportunity?
This was one of the greatest opportunities I could attend. SCALE was one of the best decisions I made after enrolling in college, I cannot wait to attend next year!
MH: The best opportunity an interior design student could experience. We were exposed to huge design firms and how they work. Amazing designers and how they think. We got to dig deep into subjects that sometimes aren't taught in the classroom. Amazing experience that makes you so excited about design and the future of design.
What did you like the most?
MH: One of my favorite speakers was Kay Sargent from HOK who spoke about Well Design. She really opened my eyes up to how designers impact lives. How we can transform how people live and their health.
I loved the keynote speakers on Friday and Saturday. My favorite speaker was the dean of architecture for the University of Oklahoma. His speech inspired me the most because he explained how every small detail in design is incorporated into the concept. The memorial him and his wife designed downtown Oklahoma City was incredible and a prime example of what he was talking about earlier in the day.
Did you meet anyone you'd like to work with in the future?
I did not meet any specific designers I would work with in the future, but I was exposed to interior design companies that I would consider working for in the future.
MH: I would love to have the opportunity to work with Kay Sargent from HOK. She was inspiring and so filled with knowledge and passion.
Message From Our Sponsor
Extraordinary kitchens begin at Clarke, New England's Official Sub-Zero & Wolf Showroom and Test Kitchen. In three locations - South Norwalk, CT, Boston Seaport, Milford, MA - Homeowners, architects and designers are invited to explore the world's finest appliances, taste culinary perfection and find design inspiration in full-size kitchens. Visitors also have the opportunity to get answers to a wide range of questions from Sub-Zero and Wolf experts and learn about their nearest dealer. For more information, visit clarkeliving.com
President Elect Jody Myers-Fierz
Honored by Serendipity Magazine!
We're excited to announce that Jody has been honored by Serendipity Magazine as a 2017 DM Honoree for her incredible design contributions! Make sure to congratulate her at our next event!  |
How to Upgrade Your Designer Portfolio Go to the Log In tab at www.asidct.org then select your chapter and log in by entering your Firstname.Lastname.membership number (enter exactly as shown, using capital letters and periods)then use your ASID member number again as your password. Once you have logged in you will see your member preview and a place to upgrade your portfolio. Also when you are logged in you can edit your profile and add photos. If you have any problems or don't know your member number please email administrator@ct.asid.org |
Check Out Our Job Board!
The new ASID Job Board has been revamped and is now ready for your next job posting! National Industry Partners receive two complimentary job postings for the 2017 calendar year. Each posting is live for 60 days with the use of the promo code ASIDPartner16. To register for and post a position on the ASID Job Board, please go to ASID.org, then:
Job Bank
Post a Job
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Choose Job Type
Post Job
Once you have completed your job posting, please email the link to industrypartners@asid.org and potentially be featured in the next issue of our all-member
Thank You to Our Sponsors!
Thank You to Our Media Sponsor!
Message From the President
The new 2017-2018 ASID CT Board
is decided! Thanks to Craig Smith and your committee on putting forth a slate of exceptional Interior Designers and Industry Partners to continue the good work of ASID CT. I speak for the current Board and for membership thanking Craig and our new
Board members, your time and effort is highly valued.
Jody Myers-Fierz, ASID - President
Karen Raines Davis, ASID - President Elect
Leo Robitaille, Industry Partner - Finance Director
Elisa Billings, Allied ASID - Professional Development Director
Ellen Kebabian, Allied ASID - Communications Director
Student Launch was held on April 13th at the University of New Haven. Student participation was unsurpassed this year thanks to the efforts of our Student Representatives to the Board, Kristine Firine. Kristin received outstanding support from John Arabolos, Assistant Professor, Department of Art and Design and from Cassie Charles, graduating senior in Interior Design at University of New Haven. Thank you to all three and to the University of New Haven.
Student Launch is an ASID CT sponsored event to support the Interior Design students in Connecticut Universities and Colleges. Each year, we honor our students and help them transition from education to be an emerging professional in all related fields to interior design. We offer an event that includes interaction with professional designers and industry partners, portfolio review, networking with professionals in all design related fields and an inspirational speaker targeting to the emerging professional.
Our keynote speaker for the 2017 Student Launch was Elizabeth von Lehe, Director - Strategy, Brand and Architectural Design at ICRAVE in New York City. Known for creative, high-energy environments that actively engage visitors, ICRAVE has mastered the art of experience design in a wide range of architecture and interior design projects, melding operational, digital and physical elements across a spectrum of diverse spaces. Elizabeth was inspirational and gave the interior design students a view into the future of design that is actually occurring at this moment, highly sought after by each adopter clients and creating new paths in interior design. Thank you Elizabeth von Lehe and ICRAVE.
Your Board is working on CEU events to round out our year and an exciting venue and speaker for Annual Meeting this September. Until then, enjoy your summer and thank you for your commitment to and involvement in ASID CT. Please remember to thank your Board members if you see them, they are dedicated to making ASID CT an exceptional organization for you, our members.
Hollie Sutherland, President
Member Spotlight
In college, Connie majored in Interior Design at Michigan State University and then transferred to the Rhode Island School of
ign for their Interior Architecture program. She then discovered the world of textiles and changed her major to Textile D
esign. After graduation, Connie worked as a designer/stylist designing floor covering, textiles and other home furnishing products. She also worked for a high-end hand screen wallpaper company and designed a number of collections that had her name on their books. Connie's family moved to Asia for seven years and when they returned, she decided to go back to Interior Design full time. In 2000, Connie opened her own firm 'Connie Cooper Designs'. Her focus is on residential interiors, mainly in Fairfield County, CT. Connie has done jobs in NYC, The Hamptons, and Atlanta as well. She does not impose a signature style on her clients. Instead, Connie guides them in finding their own style and helps to create a home that fits their families lifestyle and budget. Using an interesting combination of colors, textures and styles, she is able to create a look that is uniquely their own.
"Being a member of ASID has been very helpful in running my business. It gives me the opportunity to meet other designers and vendors in the industry. We can share information and keep up with all the latest technology and trends. Attending the various CEU sessions and various ASID events allows us to network with the other industry members and makes the being a member of ASID very valuable."
-Connie Cooper
Industry Partner Spotlight
Kebabian's is a family business that treats people like family. This includes their customers, designers, employees and suppliers. They are not in business for a quick sale, they're in business for the long haul! Kebabian's is the oldest Oriental rug importer in America. They know their rugs, and you can rest assured that Kebabian's sells only quality, serviceable products. Kebabian's has the best rugs both in terms of quality and aesthetic, and they have developed their own product lines to fit various budgets. They know custom. Projects large and small, they can help you custom order the perfect rug within your client's budget. For example, in June and July, they will be receiving and installing over twenty custom carpets to Yale's two new residential colleges. Most carpets are extremely large with two of the hand knotted carpets at 15' x 48' and 17' x 40'. Yale selected Kebabian's because of their unparalleled reputation and experience, and because of the price. They travel overseas consistently, develop many of their own products, and have regional exclusivity with many manufacturers.
"If you haven't worked with us or seen us in a while, we would greatly appreciate the opportunity to have a brief meeting and discuss how Kebabian's can help you do your best design. We are confident we can make the "rug" piece of your work easy, fun and rewarding."
-Josh Kebabian, Kebabian's
Pick-Up Your Source Book at Our Next Event!
ASID CT's Designer Source Book is the complete
guide to all of our ASID Industry Partners from Fabrics to Finishes and everything in between! Source local, and source within our ASID CT Community!
Building The ASID Brand
Don't Let This Deal Expire
Looking to reach the full 26,000+ ASID membership base? A benefit of your National Industry Partner membership is one complimentary rental per year of the full ASID postal mailing list. The list may be purchased for additional postal mailing uses for $2,500 per rental, with a maximum of four per year, per partner. If you would like to take advantage of our list rental, see guidelines below.
- Content and postage fees are to be taken care of by the partner.
- The list can be segmented to target a specific member class (designer, students, educators, or industry partners).
- To protect the privacy of our members, ASID does not give member contact information out to the partner.
- Partners will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement.
- Facilitation of postal mailings will be conducted by the ASID preferred third-party mail house or the partners.
If you have any additional questions on pricing or policy, or if you are ready to claim your postal mailing list rental, please email
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