Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 103 - April 2017 

I had the most fun at my local library's mermaid tea party. When I walked into the room and saw 90 places set, I thought 'no way', but it filled up! The librarians were amazing: dressing up, having a shell craft to paint, a photo booth and boat, and themed snacks (Including cupcakes as mermaid tails and guppy juice)!
It reaffirmed my belief that librarians are awesome!!!      

Missing My Pennsylvania Tea Party!
When I lived in Bucks County, PA. I volunteered at the historic Moland House. I was in charge of the Spring Tea and had great fun with all things girly! I must admit I miss that, so I hope you'll join me in some tea party fun with A Royal Tea. Shelly finds out that she is a princess and the queen is coming to take her away from her home! Shelly doesn't want to leave her grandfather and her friends, but will she have a choice?  Click here for a discussion and guide to have your own tea party with friends. 
                                 I have two dogs, so it came as quite a
shock when I woke up
Debbie, Stephanie, and Gail at a mermaid party at the Beaumont branch of the Lexington Public Library with a cat on my
chest! It was during the KY Girl' s Read Tour wh en I spent the night with fellow author, Gail N all. My dogs were jealous when I got home! Congrats to
Mill Creek school for winning a school visit from me for the most kids in attendance! The weekend of May 19-21, the Girl's Read Tour will be in TN. Hope your school will win a visit from me.  We'll be at the Knoxville BAM on May 19th at 5:00, Parnassus (2:00) and the Cool Springs BN (4:00) on May 20th, and Chattanooga's BN on May 21st at 2:00.   
My fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Forker, taught me to love Laura Ingalls Wilder and her stories. I found this article about Laura's life with Almanzo very interesting.
     Of course, I remember Mrs. Forker for something else. She was the only teacher to spank me for talking too much! My, how times have changed!
So what book is your state's claim to fame? This Business Insider article lists each state's most famous book. Where I live now, Tennessee, is famous for 'The Client' by John Grisham.
If you live near KY and TN, hope you'll join me and 170 other authors for the Southern KY Book Fest April 21st and 22nd.
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Debbie Dadey, Author
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