Donor Newsletter - March 2017
Your support has kept theatre accessible  for someone like Thelma.
Your donation has meant a special evening out. Thanks to donors like you  Persephone  Theatre’s Seniors Package is affordable for people in your  community.  It allows someone like Thelma to enjoy a night out. On the evening of a  show patrons who are part of the  Seniors Package dine at the Parktown  Hotel before attending the theatre and get transportation  from home  and back through United Cabs. 

We asked Thelma why she enjoys the seniors package:  “Well I had heard  about it and I thought: it’s a nice evening out, I don’t have to drive s omewhere, I don’t have to get into a cold car and be all by myself  coming home. It just seemed like a natural [fit] for a person like me.”

Thank you for supporting Persephone Theatre and programs like  the Seniors package!
“I like it because I feel like it’s a special night out.”
Your support created space for young minds to grow.
Your donation has helped a child find their voice and confidence through theatre school. Winter session classes are just about to wrap up and students have been working hard all semester to prepare a final presentation that they will perform for their family and friends. Thanks to your support young minds have learned how to better express themselves as artists and performers with skills and knowledge that are transferable to their everyday lives.

Your gift made sure that a child had a safe place to share their ideas and creativity and gain new confidence in themselves through theatre school classes.
Your donation reached out into the community.
  Photo from theatre workshop in La Ronge, SK 
Because of your support students were able to access a quality theatre workshop in their own school. When you donate to Persephone you are supporting outreach programming and theatre workshops for young people in your community. In January Emma and Charlie, two teachers from Persephone’s Theatre School, taught theatre workshops for grades 7, 8 and 9 at Churchill Community High School in La Ronge, SK.

Your donation makes a big difference to everyone who accesses Persephone Theatre programs.
Thank you so much from all of us at Persephone, we could not do what we do without the support of generous donors like you. Have questions or want to learn more about Persephone Theatre programs? Feel free to contact me by phone or email.

Thank you for your support!

Megan Kent
Development Associate for Persephone Theatre / 306-384-2126 ext 238

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