BSB #92. Simple Video on Sustainability

"Big Picture" Video Everyone Can Understand
from J. Morris Hicks

I have been writing and speaking about sustainability for about fifteen years and just found a great video that can help people of all ages and education levels understand what is at stake. We simply must develop a global plan to solve the four "situations" listed in the following chart.

Just below the chart, I have provided a great 34-minute video that explores all aspects of our grossly unsustainable lifestyle. 

Don't let the title of this 2015 video scare you off. Rather than predicting doom and gloom, the producers artfully and simply explain why we must quickly begin to address all of the "situations" described in the above chart.

The Bottom Line. This video should be required viewing by all executive and legislative leaders of all major countries. Unfortunately, complacency about our future is widespread as the world continues with business as usual.

People hear about things like the Paris Climate Accord, the growth of renewable sources of energy and the ever increasing amounts of recycling that is taking place around the world -- and they conclude that everything will turn out fine.

That simply is not the case. We must begin taking drastic action now--before it is too late. Otherwise, our "extinction," as suggested by the video's title, could become a reality well before the end of this century. 

Be well,  J. Morris (Jim) Hicks

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Moonglow J. Morris Hicks

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J. Morris (Jim) Hicks, CEO, 4Leaf Global, LLC

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