Quick updates from Hays Hills Baptist Church
All camper slots are full!  
We do need some extra hands during the week to be special helpers.  Youth and Adults needed - contact [email protected]

Coming up...

Core Beliefs Class for New Members with Pastor Aaron
May 24, 6:45 pm, Building E, Classroom E-2 (Building E is located at the back of the campus, behind Building D - Worship Center)
RSVPs are not needed, but please email [email protected] if you need more information or have questions

Lunch with Pastor Aaron
May 28, Noon, Bldg D, Fellowship Hall (down the hall from the Sanctuary) 
RSVPs are needed, please email [email protected]

MOPS and MomsNext registration is now open!


Carpenter's Helpers Special Project Notes
The Reba Pace Trailer Project is confirmed to begin this Saturday, May 13th, at  8AM .  We will pick up flooring panels  Friday  evening and deliver them to the site.  We have 25 4x8 sheets to lay and hope to get most of them done by about  1PM  if we get enough troops.  Please let Mike Rubsam know if you can help. 
The site is a wooded ranch at 277 Cricket Hollow Road in Dale, about 6 miles east of Lockhart off CR 672.  There is a button in a box on a dead tree trunk that opens the gate...make sure you close it, they have cows on the property.  If you can come on a Saturday we need you.  Bring saws and electric screwdrivers with T--20 bits if you have them.  This is our largest and most important project yet. 

We have examined the mobile home trailer and determined that it can be made livable for Reba Pace and her wheelchair-bound son.The entire 800 sf interior must have another layer of flooring added to cover holes and weak spots, about 25 8x4x3/4 sheets are required.  A 8'x8'x3' high deck in back will be replaced and a 36'x4' ramp will be added to it to provide powered wheelchair access.  

We will work every Saturday morning available and try to finish before July.  Eric Patterson is providing a trailer for this weekend to haul plywood to the site.  

Make plans to join us on Wednesday nights this summer!

The Jakubauskas family is still looking for assistance with caring for Sennie - see the description here.  Because they have not found a caregiver yet, they looked at ways to find other types of help in their home life and have determined finding a housekeeper might give them some relief.  Please contact Kelsey, if you are interested, at  [email protected]
Our Missions: Possible Offering supports  Central Texas Life Care .  Hundreds of men, women and couples come into the center each year seeking help and guidance for a crisis pregnancy, or counseling following an abortion.  They are offered information on making healthy choices in life.  The gospel is shared at every opportunity.  The center provides baby clothes and supplies, assistance, counseling,  pregnancy tests and information on pre-birth development.  It is a gospel ministry meeting many at the point of their desperation.  For more information go to http://www.saprc.org

Donations to Missions: Possible Offering also go toward Help One Now, a catalytic "tribe" committed to empowering and resourcing high-capacity local leaders who care for  orphans and vulnerable children in order to transform communities and break the cycle of extreme poverty.  As a collective group of churches, businesses, 
communities, and individuals from around the world, Help One Now is dedicated to using their gifts, talents, and resources to help end extreme poverty, care for orphans, rescue slaves, and see communities transformed through international partners. 
For more information go to http://helponenow.org/about-help-one-now/

Women's Paint Night
May 19
7 pm, Bldg A (steeple)
Register and find the supply list here or in the Hub on Sunday morning!

by Tim Snowden

Celebration Choir and Praise Band
are NOT meeting Wednesday night May 10 but will be singing in the Sunday morning service May 14.  Sandra and I are on vacation but will be back on Saturday evening.  Enjoy your night off!

The Symphonic Band will be playing a Patriotic song and accompanying the choir on "Victor's Crown" on May 28.  This will be their last performance before the summer break then they will return in the fall.

The last day for Children's Choirs and AWANAS will be May 24.

Silver Servants be sure and get your money into the church office absolutely no later than May 14 for the Sandi Patty concert, shown above.  The tickets have to be purchased the next day.

Welcome to our new Preschool Coordinator, Sandra McDonald!  

Sandra takes on the role formerly filled by Shelley McDaid, our new Interim Children's Minister. We rejoice that we have Sandra and Shelley serving the preschool and children of Hays Hills.

Sandra can be reached at [email protected]
by David Sweet

When you have seven minutes, watch this.

We have challenged every adult Bible Life class to have the following three leadership roles filled to assist the class and the teachers. 
The outreach person or couple would help the class make contacts with prospects for the class to thank them for visiting or to invite them.
The in-reach person or couple would help the class keep up with class needs, and how members can help each other.
The fellowship person or couple would organize the (almost) monthly class fellowships: preferably the first Sunday of each month.
The teachers can't do it all!  They are studying to bring great lessons.  We need others to step up for at least a year at a time to serve in these leadership roles.  Then we need the whole class to assist these leaders.
We will be training leaders in these roles on Sunday, May 21 at 6 PM, in fellowship hall of Bldg. D.
Children's Ministry News
by Shelley McDaid

Like Children's Ministry on Facebook for regular updates!
Search: @hhbccm

It's an exciting time in Children's Ministry at Hays Hills! We are finishing the year strong in AWANA with our Verse-a-Thon tonight. Thank you to all who have committed to help listen to kids say verses and to those who have donated to kids who may not have sponsors. It's not too late to join us; text me at 512-672-9082 or show up in Building A at 6:45, and we'll find you a place!  

Summer is almost here! We kick it off with Heroes Camp June 12-16. We appreciate your prayers and support for camp. We welcome over 225 campers, many from the community, and it is our opportunity to share the Gospel with them and minister to them all while having a ton of fun. I'd love to have some more help with camp; contact me if you are available any time the week of June 12-16.   

Also, this summer, we have our Wednesday night summer classes. We hope the adult Bible Life classes are discussing which week you can serve and support there. Thank you to Ekklesia and Truth Seekers for committing already! Check your Bible Life folder for the information.  

And finally, we have Missions Camp coming up July 21-23! More info is coming soon, but we'd love to have adult chaperones to attend the camp and people who would come in to prepare and serve the meals. The camp is at Twin Oaks Ranch off of FM 967 in Buda.
Student News
by Greg Burney

God is good! HHSM has been active and growing! We have had the privilege of meeting 27 new students since the middle of January. It is so exciting to have many opportunities to meet students on a regular basis and share with them the love and hope of Jesus!

The last few Wednesday's we were able to start a VERY exciting Jr. High bible study at Dahlstrom! We are grateful that God opened up doors for our student ministry to get into the halls and classrooms of a local public school to proclaim the Gospel! We had 15 students show up to our first week and 24 the second week. Please pray that God protects this opportunity and allows it flourish.

High school has had a bible study on Sunday's at my house on Apologetics. We are about half way through and it has been great! We are averaging 16 students. Our youth are hungry for truth and we have the great joy of sharing it with them!

I want to thank the Rowley's who donated a beautiful table for the youth area. We are working hard to make the youth area something we can all be proud of!

Important HHSM Dates:

May 21st - Senior Recognition Sunday! High School Seniors and their families are encouraged to join us for breakfast at 8:30 and our grads will be recognized in both services as well!

June 7th - HHSM Summers begin!! On Wednesdays all summer we will all (Jr. and Sr. high) meet from 6:45-9:30.

June 23rd - Schlitterbahn Day! Details to come!
CLC News
by Mitzi Hudgins

Our school year is slowly coming to a close at the Christian Learning Center!  We only have 5 more days of school remaining!  As I reflect back on the last 8 months, I realize how much the children have changed...developmentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.  Last week we enjoyed a visit with Pastor 
Aaron in chapel.  The lesson he brought was on the Pentecost and God's holy spirit.  God's gift of the holy spirit lives inside of us, and we should go out and tell others about Jesus and how much He loves them. The Pre-K children in their classroom learned about children all over the world, and how much Jesus loves  ALL the little children!  The children at CLC continue to form new friendships, and it is such a blessing to see!  

In closing, I wanted to share a picture, at left) of a little girl who came to me and was so proud of the special rock that she had found outside on the church property.  It is a reminder for us to open our eyes and take in all of God's beauty that surrounds us each day!  May you be blessed this week!

Special Events
by Jon Lower

Reserve the Date, July 22, 2017

On Saturday, July 22, 2017 Bill Glass Ministries "Behind the Walls" will be taking a team of volunteers into multiple prisons in the Austin area.  This will provide you with an opportunity to witness to many of the men and women who are incarcerated.  Kyle Correctional Center is one of the prisons we will be going into. Please join me and other members of our prison ministry as we fulfill Jesus' request to visit those in prison (See Matthew 25:35-46).
Training is mandatory even if you've been part of Bill Glass Ministries in the past. Training will be held here at Hays Hills Baptist Church on Friday July 21, 2017 at 7:00PM.  Dinner will be served starting at 5:30PM
For more information please contact me at [email protected] or call me on my cell phone  512-913-1091

From Pastor Aaron

James Holzapfel (aka Littleman) and his mother, Reba, were at Hays Hills when I arrived in 2011. When James was hospitalized for two weeks in 2012, the prognosis wasn't good. We spent time throwing socks at one another, playing games, and anything else we could think of to have fun inside of the hospital. The Lord answered our prayers and James was released from the hospital, able to enjoy life!

For a time, Reba and James moved away from our area, but in recent months they've returned. It brought a smile to my face to see James cruising around our campus again. But over the past month, James has once again faced serious health issues and has been hospitalized for more than three weeks.

On Monday, James had another kidney surgery and hopes to be discharged from the hospital later this week.

Due to caring for her son, Reba has been unable to work as much as she'd like. A friend of the family has offered them a trailer to live in, but it needs extensive repairs.

Our Carpenter's Helpers jumped straight to the task and have begun the work of assessing what all needs to be done. I'm so proud to be a part of a church that so quickly comes to the aid of one another in time of need.

If you would like to be involved in the project, we are in need of two resources: labor and supplies. If you can swing a hammer, lay flooring, construct a wheelchair ramp, or are willing to learn, I'd love to put you in contact with our Carpenter's Helpers who will be coordinating the project. If you would like to donate needed supplies or provide finances to purchase supplies, the family would be blessed by your support.

The Carpenter's Helpers are going to begin laying flooring panels this Saturday at 8am. They would greatly appreciate your help.  You'll find specific information on when and where to help in the section above "Carpenter's Helpers Special Project Notes".

You can contact me via email: [email protected]

Also, a tremendous thank you to all of those who joined me at 9:15am in the Resource Center hallway to pray for our morning services on Sunday. It's encouraging to step into the sanctuary covered by your prayers. I look forward to praying with you again this Sunday.

Prayer Updates

Praise the Lord for Polly Powers' profession of faith in Jesus Christ as her Savior on Sunday!

Austin & Tierney Kemper ask you to join them in praising the Lord for the gift of their firstborn son, Hank, on Thursday.

Danny Muegge's father is suffering from stage IV cancer and resulting complications and appears to be in the final stages of life. Pray for Danny as he travels to Brenham to be with his father and comfort his mother, Pam.

Our Christian sympathy is extended to Linda Hagans in the loss of her dad.  He prayed to receive Christ before he passed away.

David Davidson, recovering from wrist and knee injuries.

Earlyn Bowles hospitalized with an infection and will go to rehab soon.

Judy Mannin is recovering from knee-replacement surgery that was successful.

Upcoming Events
