CDF and CCA seeking Board Members committed to co-operatives and international development
Ottawa, May 1, 2017 - The Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada (CDF) and the Canadian Co-operative Association (CCA) are looking for individuals who are passionate about international development and co-operatives to serve on the Board of Directors of a newly amalgamated organization, beginning in July 2017.
Since the formation of Co-operatives and Mutuals of Canada (CMC) in 2014, the international development division of the previous Canadian Co-operative Association (CCA) and the Co-operative Development Foundation (CDF) have been working towards an amalgamation into one international development organization.  Recently, CCA's member, CMC, approved this amalgamation in the form of a charitable foundation.  The new Board of Directors will now lead a charitable organization that raises funds for international development projects and plans and supports the delivering of those projects.
Candidates should have a strong connection to Canadian co-operatives and/or credit unions, as well as interest/experience in international development and a belief in supporting co-operative programs in developing countries as a means of reducing poverty on a sustainable basis. We are looking for individuals with skillsets in the following areas: business development, change management, communications, fundraising, human resources, leadership, financial management, risk management, marketing, strategic planning and governance and ethics.
Board member duties and responsibilities will include representing CDF/CCA to stakeholders and the public, careful stewardship of the organization's resources, due-diligence relating to programs and projects, and ensuring that CDF/CCA operates with ethics and integrity.
Application Process.   Interested candidates should submit the following documents:
  1. Completed Application Form
  2. Cover letter and resume
  3. A letter of support from a senior executive or Board Chair of your organization
Deadline for Applications.  The application package outlined above must be submitted in confidence by email to [email protected] no later than 4:00 p.m. EST Friday, May 19, 2017.

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Canadian Co-operative Association (CCA) is a not-for-profit co-operative which establishes and strengthens co-operatives, credit unions and community-based organizations to reduce poverty, build sustainable livelihoods and improve civil society in less developed countries. CCA proudly delivers programs for the  Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada (CDF) and other organizations which help communities fight poverty and create more secure lives through community-owned co-ops.

Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada (CDF)  is a registered charitable organization. It raises money, mostly from Canadian co-operatives and co-op members, to help alleviate poverty by building and strengthening financial and non-financial co-ops in developing countries. Working with the   Canadian Co-operative Association (CCA)   and other partners, it helps poor communities fight poverty and create more secure lives through community-owned co-ops.

Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC) is the national, bilingual association for co-operatives and mutuals in Canada. Through advocacy with the federal government, CMC provides a knowledgeable voice committed to improving the economic and regulatory environment for co-operatives and mutuals on behalf of our members. CMC's members come from many sectors of the economy. CMC provides leadership to support, promote, and develop the co-operative economy in Canada. The co-operative and mutual movement in Canada counts more than 18 million memberships from approximately 9,000 co-operative and mutual enterprises.

For more information contact:

Diane Lanthier, Executive Assistant
Canadian Co-operative Association
(613) 238-6711 ext. 236
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