Weekly Notices
January 5, 2018
2018 SAR Leadership Installed 

SAR photo

Your 2018 SAR leadership team was installed at the association's first meeting of the new year, Thursday, January 4th, at Hotel RL by Red Lion Spokane at the Park.
2018 SAR President Ken Sax was installed as the 106th president of the association, which was founded in Spokane in 1911.
Hear his inaugural address (pictured above) - on a theme of discover - online here: 
2018 SAR President Ken Sax - Inaugural Address 
2018 SAR President Ken Sax - Inaugural Address
SAR photo
New officers and directors were sworn in by 2018 Washington REALTORS® President-elect Dale Chumbley (pictured above): Gina Mosey, 2018 SAR president-elect; Dave Crosby, treasurer; Jack Kestell, Secretary; Eric Etzel, director; Cynthia Gustafson, director; Abbey Parsons, director; Bill Richard, director, and Taylor Ward, director.
Continuing officers and directors (sworn in last year): Jennifer Valerien, immediate past-president; Mike Crowley, director; Karene Loman, director; Pam Novell, director; Rick Richard, director.
SAR photo
2018 Women's Council of REALTORS® leadership team members were sworn in by WCR Washington State President Cheri Daniels (those present are pictured above): Gwen Arrand, 2018 WCR president; Dezda Finn, 2018 WCR president-elect; Jane E. Reilly; Deidre M. Arnold; Sean Berry; ChristieAnne N. Lindeblad.   
SAR photo
2018 Young Professionals Network leadership team members were sworn in by 2018 YPN President Cynthia Gustafson (those present are pictured above): 
Stephanie Johnson; Justin Gray; Ilona Dymchenko-Bakshi; Nicole Malubay; Drew Henry; Perry Domini; Craig Hudkins; Kari Hayes; Kelly Quinn.  Immediate past-president is Abbey Parsons

2018 Legislative Day 

Washington REALTORS® 2018 Legislative Day will be January 17-18 in Olympia.
Our lawmakers want to hear from you.  
YOU represent the constituents of their district.  
YOU represent the real estate industry.  
Come be present on the Hill with fellow REALTORS® and make your voice count...all in one day.  
SAR Governmental Affairs committee members and association leadership are making plans now to attend and help bring the voice of Washington REALTORS® to our elected leaders.
Visit the WR Legislative Day pages online for schedules and more information, online here.    


REALTOR® Safety 

"Every time I talk about REALTOR® Safety, I remind real estate professionals that the Department of Labor considers real estate sales and leasing a "hazardous" occupation," says Tracey "The Safety Lady" Hawkins.

Although there are many common and obvious dangers in real estate, there are also scenarios you may not consider risky that are in reality.

Here are seven such situations to keep in mind.

Read more online here.


When Politics and Business Clash  

You may have noticed that the extremely partisan political climate had some effect on your business relationships in 2017.

Managing conflict with clients and colleagues amid a culture of divisiveness was REALTOR® magazine's most popular sales and marketing topic this year, along with tips on improving your listing etiquette and sales pitches to FSBOs, among others.

Brush up on your sales skills with the top five sales and marketing stories of 2017.

Read more online here.


Whom may Buyer use as Home Inspector 

Washington REALTORS ® Legal Hotline attorney Annie Fitzsimmons continues a new video series, this week, about the use of Form 35 (the Inspection Contingency Addendum).

In this episode, explains Form 35R in detail and how parties negotiate the corrections buyer seeks.

See Annie 's ten-minute answer online here:
Negotiations after the Form 35
Negotiations After the Form 35R

2018 REALTOR® Education

Quality of Education 
through SAR/WR Education Instructors

Here is the latest class listing from your SAR - offering the best live and local continuing real estate education classes for 2018.

Click on each class title,  underlined in blue, to bring up a flyer for that class - suitable for posting in your office. 

Register for these classes online here: 


Please be in touch with Debbie at the SAR if you have any questions about these classes or your license education requirements, by phone at 326-9222 or by email.
Purchase & Sale Agreement 
Purchase & Sale Agreement
Tuesday, January 9 - Purchase & Sale Agreement - with Sabrina Jones-Schroeder  
Check-in: 8:15 a.m.
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
at the SAR 
7.5 clock hours
Code of Ethics: Standards for Success 
Code of Ethics: Standards for Success
This is the class for new members. 
Thursday, January 11 - Code of Ethics: Standards for Success - with Linda Miller Sheets  
Check-in: 8:15 a.m.
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
at the SAR
7.5 clock hours
for Loan Type 
Basic Appraisal Requirements for Loan Type
Thursday, February 1 - Basic Appraisal Requirements for Loan Type - with Mary Payne  
Check-in: 1:15 p.m. 
Class: 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.   
at the SAR 
3.0 clock hours
Code of Ethics for Real Estate Professionals 
Code of Ethics for Real Estate Professionals
This is the class for renewing members. 
Thursday, February 6 - Code of Ethics for Real Estate Professionals - with Linda Miller Sheets  
Check-in: 12:15 p.m.
Class: 12:30 - 4:30 p.m.
at the SAR 
4.0 clock hours  
In This Issue
2018 SAR Installation Luncheon
2018 Legislative Day
When Politics and Business Clash
Whom may Buyer use as Home Inspector
2018 REALTOR® Education
2018 SAR Special Events
Americans on the Move
Get Started with RPR
YPN January Event
WCR January Event
ListHub - November
Member Roster Update - November

Click on the calendar image below to see
the current SAR calendar showing dates and times
of classes, committees and events. 
2018 SAR Special Events

The SAR Special Events Committee will hold the 2018 "Kick-Off" meeting on Wednesday, January 24, at the SAR from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. 

We invite you to join us for this fun meeting as we will be discussing all of our 2018 events committee's plus any new ideas. 

Learn about the 3rd Grade Poster/Essay Contest Committee,  Golf Tournament Committee,  Food Drive Committee, and Christmas Party Committee. 
No need to RSVP, just show up and join the conversation!

Americans on the Move

More people are moving into the state of Idaho than any other state in the United States (highest percentage of inbound moves) - for the second year in a row.
In fact, all three Pacific Northwest states - Idaho, Washington, and Oregon - are in the top ten for in-migration, according to new data reported by Atlas Van Lines, Inc.  
See an interactive map of the survey results (pictured above), online here.  

Get Started with RPR

When considering adoption of a new business tool, new and seasoned REALTORS® want to know "what will it do for me and how will it help my business?"
Join this webinar to gain a basic understanding of how to use RPR's dynamic data and best-in-class tools to help attract, retain and lead clients to the closing table. 
Topics include:
  • Research properties, markets, neighborhoods, and schools
  • Create branded property, seller's, and market activity reports, valuation workbooks and flyers
  • Tap into RPR's app for on-the-go access
  • Rely on RPR's Learning Center: On demand video tutorials, eBooks, and more!
Remember, RPR is a REALTOR® member benefit and access to RPR is included in your NAR membership.

Two sessions coming up:

Wednesday, January 10th at 10 a.m.
Wednesday, February 7th at 11 a.m.

Register online here.

YPN January Event

Wednesday, January 10th   
The Spokane Young Professionals Network invites all SAR members, friends, and guests to attend its "Growth with a Purpose in 2018" panel discussion on Wednesday, January 10th, at the Montvale Event Center in downtown Spokane. 
Download the event flyer (pictured above), online here.

WCR January Event

DEADLINE: Monday, January 15th   
The Spokane-Eastern Washington Women's Council of REALTORS® invites all SAR members, friends, and guests to attend its "Wine Not be a Member" on Thursday, January 18th, at the new Maryhill Winery in Kendall Yards. 
Enjoy complimentary wine tasting while you learn about the benefits of membership in WCR. 
Download the event flyer (pictured above), online here.

ListHub - November

The ListHub report for November is now available.
Download the report online here.

Member Roster Update - November    

Updated December 2017

Click here to view the latest Member Roster Update - approved by the Board of Directors.

Click here to view the latest list of MLS Subscription Waivers - approved by the Board of Directors.  

Send a message to Brenda at the SAR with any changes.  

Presented by your

Spokane Association



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Quick Information
2018 SAR Leadership

This weekly newsletter is a member benefit of the

  1924 North Ash Street 
Spokane, Washington 99205
T: 509. 326.9222
F: 509. 324.8650