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we are pleased to present your January-February 2018 First Presbyterian Church of Green Bay newsletter! 
"Food for Thought" by Pastor Randy

Discerning Our Values 6

This month I wrote a reflection paper on my project. The course on religious fund-raising that I took at Luther Seminary required a project with a local congregation.  My project involved helping our congregation discern its values and then using those values in our annual fall stewardship campaign.  In my reflection paper, I reported that the discernment process and the campaign were a success.   Read the rest of Pastor Randy's article here . . .

Note: You can access previous, current, and upcoming blogs at the link below. You can also now access the Pastor's sermons in an audio version here.

Reminder: Update your Pledge 

If you are an online donor to First Presbyterian, or if you would like to be, please take the time to review both your donation information, and your personal data. Log in on our website ( under the "Giving History & Profile" option at the top of the page. First time donors should click the "Donate Now" tab.

If you've pledged a new amount to the Stewardship campaign, have a new email or home address, a new cell phone number, or new bank information, we want to make sure that we have the most current data possible. 
Taylor Wittman a YAAD!

Congratulations to Taylor Wittman, on being chosen to be the Young Adult Advisory Delegate (YAAD) from the Winnebago Presbytery for the 223rd General Assembly being held in June 2018! 

The basic role and function of a YAAD is to make the assembly aware of issues and ideas they might not otherwise know. We are so proud of you Taylor - blessings on your journey through this experience.
Christian Education Events

Everything from a Youth/Family Ski Trip January 26-27, the Souper Bowl of Caring on February 4Sunday School Kickoff on February 11Lenten Study (begins Feb. 15), and 30 Hour Famine on February 23-24 - find the details of all these Jan/Feb  CE events here.
Youth/Family Ski Trip

The annual youth ski trip will be held January 26-27 and we hope you will join us!

Details are still being worked out, so watch our Facebook page and/or our website for updates. And let Loni McCormick or Bobbi Holl know if you are interested in attending.
Souper Bowl Sunday!

You could be the next Souper Bowl of Caring King or Queen of First Presbyterian Church by entering your favorite soup on Sunday, February 4 (Super Bowl Sunday)! Soups will be served and voted on during a luncheon after worship. Last year, the Souper Bowl of Caring raised $471 for the Pantry! Please consider entering your best soup and join us for our luncheon to support this worthy cause. 
Church-Wide Lenten Study

The Lenten book study will be based on Being Disciples: Essentials of the Christian Life by Rowan Williams. 

During the 6 weeks of Lent, there will be several weekly opportunities to join in this Lenten Study beginning:
  • every Thursday, starting February 15 at 11 am
  • every Wednesday, starting February 21 at 6:30 pm
  • every Saturday morning at 9 am, Saturday, February 17
Books will be available for purchase ($5) in the next few weeks after worship.

For further information and details, see the full article on our website.
Sunday School Resumes!

For Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth Grade - join us February 11 at 10:15 a.m. ! We use Bible stories from the Revised Common Lectionary, age-appropriate learning activities, and challenge our children to put their faith into action and grow in their self-understanding as Christians.
Ash Wednesday

First Pres will again host an Ash Wednesday service on Wednesday,  February 14 at 6:30 p.m.

You are invited to join us as we begin the 40-day journey to the cross.
Cozy Kids Campaign

The Outreach Committee reminds everyone of the drive to collect winter items for the kids at Tank Elementary School. First Pres aims to keep those kids cozy with a collection of hats, mittens, scarves, long underwear, jogging pants, jackets, snow pants, and boots - all of which can be gently used; as well as new underwear, socks, chapsticks, and tissues. Please place the items - by January 31 - on the table at the back of the sanctuary, we'll deliver them on February 1. Thank you!
Young Adult Volunteer Update

Lacy Schimmel gave us an update recently, as she continues her year-long mission for the Presbyterian Church in Chinook, Montana. "I have 7 different sites that I work at throughout the week. The people I work with range from age 4 to 104. I am at the elementary school or preschool in the mornings, then I go to the Grand Villa Retirement Apt. for coffee hour, where I get to...visit with the residents there. After the Villa I either go to the senior center or elementary school to help with lunch. Most afternoons I spend at the high school tutoring 7th graders in Math." Whew, that is quite the schedule Lacy!

We look forward to hearing more from you Lacy - we know you are having a wonderful and fulfilling year! May God guide your footsteps.

If you would like to send Lacy mail, her address is PO Box 231, Chinook, MT 59523 - we know she'd love to hear from you.
2018 Confirmation Class Update

Blessings on our young people as they prepare themselves to be confirmed. Confirmation Class will start up again on Sunday, February 11

Students, parents, and mentors should watch the mail for the full upcoming schedule.
Church Chix

Weather permitting, Church Chix will meet on Tuesday, January 9th at Gippers at 6:00 p.m.

Please join us for food, fun and fellowship. 
Esther Circle

The upcoming meetings of the Esther Circle group will be as follows:
  • January 11 - Lesson 5, Shirley Schoffelman hostess
  • February 8 - Lesson 6, Nancy Siewert hostess
  • March 8 - Lesson 7, hostess to be determined
Pres Folk

As of the first of the year -- since no one has stepped forward to lead the group -- Pres Folk will not be meeting.

If you would be willing to take on this role, please contact the church office.
P resbyterian Pantry

We do value Mission! At the December Pantry, we served 179 family units, which included 350 adults, and 572 children! The Pantry thanks all of the donors and volunteers who make the Pantry a reality. We couldn't do it without you!

For January, the Pantry volunteers are requesting donations of jelly
, and for  February , tuna. You can place them in the shopping cart in the narthex at your convenience.  Don't forget, the Pantry can always use monetary donations as well!

NOTE/REMINDER: If you are going to make a financial donation to the Pantry, please make out a separate check. Since the Pantry has become its own entity, they have their own accounts now. The checks to the Pantry should be made out to: The Presbyterian Pantry.
Outreach Committee Thank You

Thank you to all of the folks who made the Toy Shop a huge success again this year, in particular Jane and Joanne.  Thank you also to the 25 Pantry workers and Santa, including the new workers from the neighborhood - your assistance is greatly appreciated.

The Prayer Basket tags were all taken, and we thank our First Pres members, families, and friends. Three families from Tank had a joyous Christmas.

You all have filled many hearts, and we hope those whom we were able to serve this year, had a safe and very blessed Christmas.
Christmas Eve Thank You

The Christmas Eve performance by the young people of "The Christmas Carol Special Report", was superb! Between the singing and the story-telling, it added up to a very entertaining morning. Thank you to all who were involved.

The pageant was again organized and produced by Mary Steeno, Jill Stenson, and Amy Wittman.  Kudos to this hard-working trio.

Much appreciation as well to our performers for the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols service, including our organist for both services, Bob Nickel; as well as: Bruce Deadman, Mary Nickel, John Nielsen, and Mark Schroeder with the brass quartet; Teresa Schoffelman on flute; and vocalists, Mary Nickel, Teresa Schoffelman, and Tom Schoffelman!
Per Capita Payments Due

Per capita exists as a way for all Presbyterians to share costs that belong to the whole church, to give meaning to the interdependent nature of the Presbyterian community.

Per capita is part of the glue that holds Presbyterians together. It exists to allow the whole church to share equitably in those things that make us Presbyterian:
  • our theological identity
  • our connectedness
  • our system of mid councils that allow elders and ministers together to discern the mind of Christ
  • our ecumenical connections that make us part of the church universal
  • our core structures that keep us together as a church
  • our call to work for full participation in decision-making
Per capita allows us to work with other churches to further the mission of Jesus Christ around the world. Per capita in 2018 is $35.43 for every confirmed member of the congregation, and should be paid by this coming March.

Financial Report

January Birthdays

1st - Lyn Early, Toy Sisavath
18th - Alex Bostedt, Nancy Wittman

3rd - Duber Aceituno
19th - Victor Halloran  

4th - Norm Heverly
20th - Olivia Crooks

5th - Julia Doenges
23rd - Gabriela Jimenez

7th - Tom Escott, Sophia Salb
25th - Sandy Deadman, Theda Nero

8th - Brianna Jimenez
26th - Iner Osgood, Elliott Stenson

12th - Julie Thomas
27th - Thomas Schoffelman

15th - Suzie Heverly
29th - Aaron Schoffelman

16th - Dayton Wellner
31st - Thomas Steeno

February Birthdays

1st - Alyssa Kage
16th - Abigail Jackson

2nd - Abby Jansen,
         Amy Wittman
18th - Gifty Berko, Todd Mattison,
          Phillip Mikulsky, Kaye Schimmel

4th - Susan Rietz
20th - Amanda Jackson, Lauren Olson

6th - Nancy Hedge
22nd - Morgan Siewert

7th - Kristen Hedge
25th - Kayla Jones

9th - Linda Higgins, Ethan Houle
26th - Sara Dietzen

11th - Lisa DeLeeuw
28th - Georjeanna Wilson-Doenges

15th - Jody Sperduto

***  January Calendar  ***