Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 104 - May 2017

Happy Birthday to me! My birthday is May 18th and to celebrate I'm offering a half  price school visit to a school that books me this month for next school year. I love seeing kid's reactions to my stories. If half price is too high and you live near Tennessee, you're in luck! See below for how your school can win a free school visit.

     Two years ago all three of my children graduated-one from graduate school, one from college, and one from high school! I'm thrilled to announce my oldest son, who wrote the Slime Wars series with me, is engaged to a lovely young lady named Ana. Very exciting times ahead for them! Here he is about the time that Slime Wars was published (one of the few times he smiled during his teenage years!)
How fun would this be? Here's a chance to win a screening of Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie in your town for yourself and 49 friends! 

Given the choice between helping owls, gorillas, or polar bears which would you pick? This Earth Day, second graders at Tamarack Elementary in Owensboro, Kentucky faced that exact choice. Click here to see what they did. 
Girls should have books about them too! Gail Nall, Stephanie Faris, and I all believe that girls are very important and need books where they are the heroes. Hope you agree and will join us on our Tennessee leg of the Girl's Read Tour. The school with the most kids in attendance will win a free school visit from me! We'll start at Knoxville's Books-a-Million on May 19th, Parnassus in Nashville and the Brentwood Cool Springs Barnes and Noble on May 20th, and finish in Chattanooga on May 21st!
My favorite's from this month's social media:

Hope you have a fabulous summer and get time to read lots of fabulous books! To get you in the mood, here's a summer reading video I made with imovie with my author friend, Rick Starkey. It was my only chance to be a rock star! Happy reading, Debbie