Throughout my working career, the month of April has often been the month in which I've started a new job. After five months of being unemployed, I am grateful to report that this year that held true once again.
I'm working a contract position as a Technical Writer, this time in a bank. It brings me back to my days of working for American Express Bank in NY, although not in the same role. As has been brought into my consciousness of late, "The world was not given to you; rather, you were given to the world." Bearing that in mind, I'm endeavoring working this corporate job from a new perspective, one which will ultimately be more satisfying to everyone than might have been otherwise.
And, Saturday morning found me taking a kayaking course (the first of 4 classes) on Tempe Town Lake. I've said in recent years, when I lived in Sedona, that if I had to live in a big city, Phoenix would be a really good choice. Being on Tempe Town Lake in my kayak, looking towards the city, reconfirmed that to me; there are just so many wonderful offerings and adventures to be had in the metropolitan area. However, I do have to say that I'm eager to get back north to the 'country' to float on the Verde River in early June.
I hope you are getting your soul nourished wherever you may be located, in the way that works best for you.
Inspiration and Contemplation
Joy and Sorrow
Claim Your Nourishment
Emmet Fox wrote "Sermon on the Mount," one of my favorites books of spiritual literature. Late last year I picked up
"Around the Year with Emmet Fox: A Book of Daily Readings" at a book sale. Reading it this year has been simply delightful.
The reading of
April 14 - Claim Your Nourishment was spot on in alignment with what I've been studying about prosperity and abundance.
I had an amusing experience when I first came to America. Passing an attractive-looking restaurant, I went inside, and selecting a table, sat down and waited. Nothing happened. I continued to wait. All around me, people were enjoying their food, and only I was left out. After a while the truth dawned on me-I was in a cafeteria. (This system had not yet made its appearance in England.) I then realized that while there was plenty of food to be obtained, one had to go forward and claim it for oneself, or go without.
The universe is run exactly on the lines of a cafeteria. Unless you claim -mentally- what you want, you may sit and wait forever.
Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat... - (Isaiah 55:1)
People Helping People
Tickets or Car Seats?
Two Texas police officers have received praise after they made a judgment call to buy car seats for a father instead of ticketing him during a traffic stop.
Read more about the thoughtfulness and generosity of these officers.
May your body and soul get all the nourishment it needs to make this journey through life a joy as often as possible.
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You, Me, and Spirit
I was a devout atheist until about 27 years ago when I "came to believe" in a Power greater than myself. Thanks to hearing the novel idea (well, at least it was to me!) that one could choose their own concept of God - and name too - and the workings of synchronicity, I embarked on a new way of thinking, a new way of living, a new way of being in the world and with others. It impacted all aspects of my life and relationships.
Since that time of commencing my conscious spiritual journey, I have endeavored to remember The Presence in all that is, all whom I meet, and all that I do - including working with clients in my own business and in the corporate world. I strive to be of service
and to nurture the human spirit in all environments.