Lesson 130
Every Question Will Be Answered
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80 Because of your Father's love you can never forget Him, for no one can forget what God Himself placed in his memory. You can deny it, but you cannot lose it. A Voice will answer every question you ask, and a Vision will correct the perception of everything you see. For what you have made invisible is the only truth, and what you have not heard is the only answer. God would reunite you with yourself and did not abandon you in your seeming distress. You are waiting only for Him and do not know it. Yet His memory shines in your minds and cannot be obliterated. It is no more past than future, being forever always.
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SonShip Workbook
L e s s o n  130
  It is impossible to see two worlds.

Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio
   Perception is consistent. What you see
   reflects your thinking. And your thinking but
   reflects your choice of what you want to see.
   Your values are determiners of this,
   for what you value you must want to see,
   believing what you see is really there.
   No one can see a world his mind has not
   accorded value. And no one can fail
   to look upon what he believes he wants.|
   Yet who can really hate and love at once?
   Who can desire what he does not want
   to have reality? And who can choose
   to see a world of which he is afraid?
   Fear must make blind, for this its weapon is;
   that which you fear to see you cannot see.
   Love and perception thus go hand in hand,
   but fear obscures in darkness what is there.|
   What, then, can fear project upon the world?
   What can be seen in darkness that is real?
   Truth is eclipsed by fear, and what remains
   is but imagined. Yet what can be real
   in blind imaginings of panic born?
   What would you want that thus is shown to you?
   What would you wish to keep in such a dream?|
   Fear has made everything you think you see.
   All separation, all distinctions, and
   the multitude of differences you
   believe make up the world. They are not there.
   Love's enemy has made them up. But love
   can have no enemy, and so they have
   no cause, no being and no consequence.
   They can be valued, but remain unreal.
   They can be sought, but they can not be found.
   Today we will not seek for them, nor waste
   this day in seeking not what can be found.|
   It is impossible to see two worlds
   which have no overlap of any kind.
   Seek for the one; the other disappears.
   But one remains. They are the range of choice
   beyond which your decision cannot go.
   The real and the unreal are all there is
   to choose between, and nothing more than these.|
   Today we will attempt no compromise
   where none is possible. The world you see
   is proof you have already made a choice
   as all-embracing as its opposite.
   What we would learn today is more than just
   the lesson that we cannot see two worlds.
   It also teaches that the one you see
   is quite consistent from the point of view
   from which you see it. It is all a piece
   because it stems from one emotion, and
   reflects its source in everything you see.|
   Six times today, in thanks and gratitude,
   we gladly give five minutes to the thought
   which ends all compromise and doubt, and go
   beyond it all as one. We will not make
   a thousand meaningless distinctions, nor
   attempt to bring with us a little part
   of unreality, as we devote
   our minds to finding only what is real.|
   Begin your searching for the other world
   by asking for a strength beyond your own,
   and recognizing what it is you seek.
   You do not want illusions. And you come
   to these five minutes emptying your hands
   of all the petty treasures of this world.
   You wait for God to help you, as you say:
    " It is impossible to see two worlds. 
     Let me accept the strength God offers me 
     and see no value in this world, that I 
     may find my freedom and deliverance."|

   God will be there. For you have called upon
   the great unfailing Power Which will take
   this giant step with you in gratitude.
   Nor will you fail to see His thanks expressed
   in tangible perception and in truth.
   You will not doubt what you will look upon.
   For though it is perception, it is not
   the kind of seeing that your eyes alone
   have ever seen before. And you will know
   God's strength upheld you as you made this choice.|
   Dismiss temptation easily today
   whenever it arises, merely by
   remembering the limits on your choice.
   The unreal or the real, the false or true
   is what you see, and only what you see.
   Perception is consistent with your choice,
   and hell or Heaven comes to you as one.|

   Accept a little part of hell as real,
   and you have damned your eyes and cursed your sight,
   and what you will behold is hell indeed.
   Yet the release to Heaven still remains
   within your range of choice, to take the place
   of everything that hell would show to you.
   All you need say to any part of hell,
   whatever form it takes, is simply this:
    " It is impossible to see two worlds. 
     I seek my freedom and deliverance, 
     and this is not a part of what I want."   
        ~ Original Handscript of ACIM

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ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 
ACIM Edmonton, CA
It is impossible to see two worlds.
Sarah's Commentary:

This Lesson follows on the heels of two previous Lessons that focus on how we see the world. Lesson 128 said, "The world I see holds nothing that I want," (W.128) meaning there is nothing we can pursue in the world of form that will bring us happiness. This was followed by Lesson 129 that said, "Beyond this world there is a world I want." (W.129) The focus of this Lesson was on the real world, which in truth is the only thing we want, as it is an experience of true joy and happiness. Now we are told, "It is impossible to see two worlds." (W.130) The emphasis here is on the power of our minds to choose what it is we truly want. The choice is between the ego's darkness and the light of the Holy Spirit. One brings a world of fear, specialness, attack, and guilt, and the other a world that forgiveness shows us. It all depends on what we have chosen inside because projection makes perception. In other words, our perception is consistent with the choice we have first made in our minds.
What we see is a reflection of what we have given value. What we perceive is some expression of either the ego thought system or the thought system of the Holy Spirit. Whatever we perceive starts with what we value. "Your values are determiners of this, for what you value you must want to see." (W.130.1.4) We have chosen to value our individual existence and separation, and with it comes an investment in the body and the world. Having made the choice for separation and given our existence value, we now believe that what we see is really there and that it is real. Thus, we see the world and bodies as real and solid. The world is given reality because we value it, and we value it because we value the ego. "The world you see is what you gave it, nothing more than that. But though it is no more than that, it is not less. Therefore, to you it is important. It is the witness to your state of mind, the outside picture of an inward condition." (T.21.IN.1.2-5) (ACIM OE T.21.I.1) We can see what we have chosen by the witnesses to our state of mind.
As we choose the perfection of our One Self, united with all creation, our perception shifts from the material to the eternal in ourselves and others. All that we perceive comes from the choice in the mind, which we make in each moment. With each and every decision throughout the day, we are choosing between staying invested in the illusion or using every situation and circumstance for awakening. There is nothing else to choose but this. Our perception is consistent with our thoughts, and those thoughts are consistent with our choice for the ego's thought system or the thought system of the Holy Spirit.
What do I want, and how can I know what I want? The answer can be seen in what I currently have. "And no one can fail to look upon what he believes he wants." (W.130.1.6) Another way to see it is that every prayer is answered. We just need to look at our lives to see what we have asked for. Jesus reminds us that our purpose, based on what we value, demonstrates what we want and thus what we see. When I cling to my specialness, my individuality, and my personal goals for success and money in the world, then my purpose is firmly invested in the dream. But if I want to know who I am and what love is, then everything that shows up in my day will be turned to this purpose. With this purpose, I become the witness of my dream. I look at everything I have chosen from outside of the dream and, seeing its falsity, I am willing to withdraw value from it.
"Yet who can really hate and love at once?" (W.130.2.1) We think we can love sometimes and hate sometimes. We think both love and hate can coexist in our minds, but hate must disappear in the face of love, and darkness brought to the light must be gone. We have to make a choice between these mutually exclusive thought systems. With the separation, we chose the thought system of the ego, including judgment, fear, and guilt, which supports our individual existence. In the face of love, the ego is threatened. It can't continue to hold sway. As long as we still have allegiance to the ego, we will hold onto our judgments. Judgments are what keep the ego going. Our fear of God keeps us invested in the ego thought system and our specialness. It is this fear that keeps us from recognizing our true reality as the Christ Self. "Fear must make blind, for this its weapon is: That which you fear to see you cannot see." (W.130.2.4) Fear obscures in darkness what is really there, which is the love of God. Fear covers over this love, so we don't even know it is there. We will not be aware of love when we put our energy into maintaining our special individual self.
The undoing process requires that we look within, which the ego warns us not to do. When we listen to its guidance, we defend against the guilt and sin that we don't want to see in ourselves. "Loudly the ego tells you not to look inward, for if you do your eyes will light on sin, and God will strike you blind. This you believe, and so you do not look." (T.21.IV.2.3-4) (ACIM OE T.21.V.42) When we defend ourselves and try to cover over the guilt we think is in us, we will not be willing to look. But Jesus asks, "What if you looked within and saw no sin?" (T.21.IV.3.1) (ACIM OE T.21.43) Indeed, when we go past the dark thoughts, the guilt, and the shame we feel, there is nothing but the beauty of our being. There is nothing but love. Forgiveness is the process of uncovering the dark layer of defenses by being willing to look at the darkness.
We take Jesus with us. He walks with us through the fear, supporting us every step of the way. We do not go alone. It is not our ego we are facing when we look at the darkness in the mind. It is the state of the separated mind. Guilt does not belong to us. We need not claim it for ourselves. The only thing to claim is our innocence, though we can only know it when we release the grip of guilt on the mind. Jesus helps us look at our darkness by witnessing it without judging ourselves. With his help, we recognize the falseness of the ego thoughts we hold, and now we can smile gently at having been deceived into thinking this is who we are.
No longer do we believe the lies of the ego, which tell us what we look upon is what we are. What we believed to be the truth about ourselves is easily dispelled as nothing real. This includes all our suffering, including death. Our identity is not defined by the limitations of the body and its ultimate demise. "What, then, can fear project upon the world? What can be seen in darkness that is real?" (W.130.3.1-2) What we see in the world of form has no reality. It is just all our imagined fear thoughts. It is all an hallucination of our insanity. When the guilt and fear are healed, what can be projected? Only love is real. Fear covers over the love, but it is not real. Just because we are not aware of love, it does not mean it is not constantly there. "Fear has made everything you think you see." (W.130.4.1) Fear keeps love from our awareness.
"Fear has made everything you think you see. All separation, all distinctions, and the multitude of differences you believe make up the world ." (W.130.4.2) And yet, Jesus says very directly, "They are not there." (W.130.4.3) It is a projected world of our thoughts, and it is all nothingness---just products of our fear thoughts and of our imaginations projected onto the world. Fear is love's enemy, "Yet love can have no enemy, and so they have no cause, no being and no consequence." (W.130.4.5) Even though we value the things of this world, they are still unreal. Even though we seek the things of this world, "They can be sought, but they can not be found" (W.130.4.7) All these things we seek for are all nothing. We seek for value, where there is none. We seek for happiness, where it is not. What we are afraid of is the light, so we are doing everything we can to block it.
The world was made to block the truth. It is a defense against the love of God, which is in our minds. The ego knows we can choose against it at any time. This would be its demise, which is why it keeps us invested in sin, guilt, and fear. We project the guilt in our minds onto others so they will receive God's punishment and not us. What the ego keeps hidden from us is that the guilt, which we believe is ours, is not real and does not belong to us. Therefore, we have nothing to fear. Guilt and fear have no cause. They are illusory. "Love's enemy [the ego] has made them up. Yet love can have no enemy, and so they have no cause, no being and no consequence." (W.130.4.4-5) Such an enemy does not exist, and thus there can be no effect because to have an effect, there must be a cause. God is not the cause of suffering, of wars, or of famine in the world. Without a cause, there can be no effects. When I suffer, I find it helpful to remind myself that I made this suffering because it did not come from God. If I made it, I can choose to change my mind about it. When we look at all the pain and suffering from outside the dream, we can smile gently at the recognition that all of it is our own dream. Nothing happens to us without our invitation.
Our perceptions vary greatly. "Yet they have one thing in common; they are all insane." (T.13.V.1.5) (ACIM OE T.12.V.33) They are insane because "They are made of sights that are not seen, and sounds that are not heard." (T.13.V.1.6) (ACIM OE T.12.V.33) This is all part of our own private world, where we give everything the meaning it has for us. "Each one peoples his world with figures from his individual past, and it is because of this that private worlds do differ." (T.13.V.2.1) (ACIM OE T.12.V.34) Thus, "The curriculum is highly individualized, and all aspects are under the Holy Spirit's particular care and guidance." (M.29.2.6) We each have our own special relationships, which become our special function to heal. For all of us, the world is in our minds and is not real, and the figures we see were never real. "Yet the figures that he sees were never real, for they are made up only of his reactions to his brothers, and do not include their reactions to him. Therefore, he does not see he made them, and that they are not whole." (T.13.V.2.2-3) (ACIM OE T.12.V.34)
What we see is our interpretation of everything. The stories we tell are only stories that reflect how we interpret things that seem to happen to us. We give each situation we encounter a meaning, which is personal to us. In essence, what we conclude is not the truth but only our interpretation based on partial information. We are actually insane and hallucinating. "It is through these strange and shadowy figures that the insane relate to their insane world. For they see only those who remind them of these images, and it is to them that they relate. Thus do they communicate with those who are not there, and it is they who answer them. And no one hears their answer save him who called upon them, and he alone believes they answered him." (T.13.V.3.1-4) (ACIM OE T.12.V.35)
"It is impossible to see two worlds which have no overlap of any kind ." (W.130.5.1) We truly cannot make the best of both worlds. We must choose one or the other. There is no range of choice. We can't choose both of them. "Seek for the one; the other disappears," (W.130.5.2) Yet the real world always remains. "The real and the unreal are all there are to choose between, and nothing more than these." (W.130.5.5) While we think we have many choices, we only have two---the real and the unreal. While we appear to be making a choice, there is only one real choice to be made, because to choose the world of the ego is to choose nothing real. We choose to invest in the world of form when we fear love. No compromise is possible between this illusory world and the real world. We can't invest in some things in the world of form and still be in touch with the real world. It is one or the other. Until the fear and guilt in the mind are released, we will continue to see the world of fear. We are urged today to ". . . devote our minds to finding only what is real." (W.130.7.2)
This requires the "asking for a strength beyond your own," (W.130.8.1) meaning this cannot be undertaken with the ego as our guide. The ego will never undo itself. We must call on the help of the Holy Spirit. We need God's help, but in order for His help to reach us, we must empty our "hands of all the petty treasures of this world." (W.130.8.3) We must give up what we are holding onto and come with wholly empty hands unto our Father, letting go of our preconceived notions of what we need and opening our minds for God to give us a new and clean perception. "God will be there. For you have called upon the great unfailing power which will take this giant step with you in gratitude." (W.130.9.1-2)
Notice this is another of the giant stride Lessons, meaning it is another huge learning opportunity for us. Here it is called a ". . . giant step." (W.130.9.2) The six giant stride Lessons are 61, 66, 94, 130, 135 and 194, so we really want to pay attention to their importance in our practice.
Today, let us be willing to look honestly at the value we give to the things of this world. We will continue to see them, but the value they hold for us will be diminished as we do this practice. "You will not doubt what you will look upon, for though it is perception, it is not the kind of seeing that your eyes alone have ever seen before. And you will know God's strength upheld you as you made this choice." (W.130.9.4-5) What we look upon seems very real to us, but when we are willing to see the false as false, we see the world from a different perspective. Nothing here is real. We acknowledge that we have been wrong. Now we are willing to be taught. Our perceptions are actually hallucinations. We get upset by events and circumstances in our lives, forgetting that there is nothing external to us. Everything is in our own minds. There is nothing outside the mind. It is all our dream, and we are the dreamer. All of it comes from our own minds. Now we are given the means to change our minds and shift our perception from the unreal to the real, from the false to what is true. We can reclaim the power within us to see everything differently.
I seemed to have food poisoning and was suffering immensely, allowing my mind to believe my condition was true and real. In my saner moments, I questioned how love and my condition could both be real. It had to be one or the other. Either my bodily experiences are the truth, or only God's Love is true. I recognized I had made an investment in the sickness and the pain I was experiencing. I was holding onto the belief in the reality of the body and the world. So, while I did take magic to alleviate the symptoms, I asked the Holy Spirit to help me not to use this discomfort in the body to keep me from the awareness of the love that I am. I asked for help to see that this situation was only made real by me in my belief in its reality. From above the battleground, I recognized how the ego set it all up to convince me that I could not be innocent and eternal and must be a body.
Sickness is made by the ego as a defense against the truth, trying to convince us that God is wrong about us. As I rested in God, peace and happiness returned to my mind. Yes, it came and went, but with each temptation to choose suffering, I refused to welcome its presence. Each step we take to release ourselves from the delusions of this world is another step to remembering who we are.
When anything tempts you in the world today where you think you will find value, remind yourself, "It is impossible to see two worlds. I seek my freedom and deliverance, and this is not a part of what I want." (W.130.11.4-5) We can't bring hell into a part of this world and still have the experience of the real world. Anything we are attracted to or value in this world of illusion is blocking our sight of the real world. So watch your mind today for thoughts of fear and guilt. Keep doing the practice. Keep bringing the fear thoughts to the light and remember, "God will be there. For you have called upon the great unfailing power which will take the giant step with you in gratitude." (W.130.9.1-2) We are asking for strength beyond our own. We are asking to see no meaningless distinctions today. There is no good and no bad. God's Son is One, and we share in that Oneness. We are all the same. We are the Christ Self.

Love and blessings, Sarah
  A Course in Miracles
ACIM Original Edition
Chapter Eleven

God's Plan for Salvation 

   Voice and Music by Martin Weber, CIMS SonShip Radio

IX. Reality and Redemption       

Do you really believe that you can kill the Son of God? The Father has hidden His Son safely within Himself and kept him far away from your destructive thoughts, but you know neither the Father nor the Son because of them. You attack the real world every day and every hour and every minute, and yet you are surprised that you cannot see it. If you seek love in order to attack it, you will never find it. For if love is sharing, how can you find it except through itself? Offer it and it will come to you because it is drawn to itself. But offer attack and it will remain hidden, for it can live only in peace.
78 God's Son is as safe as his Father, for the Son knows his Father's protection and cannot fear. His Father's love holds him in perfect peace, and needing nothing, he asks for nothing. Yet he is far from you whose Self he is, for you chose to attack him, and he disappeared from your sight into his Father. He did not change, but you did. For a split mind and all its works were not created by the Father and could not live in the knowledge of Him.
79 When you made what is not true visible, what is true became invisible. Yet it cannot be invisible in itself, for the Holy Spirit sees it with perfect clarity. It is invisible to you because you are looking at something else. Yet it is no more up to you to decide what is visible and what is invisible than it is up to you to decide what reality is. What can be seen is what the Holy Spirit sees. The definition of reality is God's, not yours. He created it, and He knows what it is. You who knew have forgotten, and unless He had given you a way to remember, you would have condemned yourselves to oblivion.
80 Because of your Father's love you can never forget Him, for no one can forget what God Himself placed in his memory. You can deny it, but you cannot lose it. A Voice will answer every question you ask, and a Vision will correct the perception of everything you see. For what you have made invisible is the only truth, and what you have not heard is the only answer. God would reunite you with yourself and did not abandon you in your seeming distress. You are waiting only for Him and do not know it. Yet His memory shines in your minds and cannot be obliterated. It is no more past than future, being forever always.
81 You have but to ask for this memory, and you will remember. Yet the memory of God cannot shine in a mind which has made it invisible and wants to keep it so. For the memory of God can dawn only in a mind that wills to remember and that has relinquished the insane desire to control reality. You who cannot even control yourselves should hardly aspire to control the universe. But look upon what you have made of it and rejoice that it is not so. Son of God, be not content with nothing! What is not real cannot be seen and has no value. God could not offer His Son what has no value, nor could His Son receive it. You were redeemed the instant you thought you had deserted Him.
82 Everything you made has never been and is invisible because the Holy Spirit does not see it. Yet what He does see is yours to behold, and through His vision your perception is healed. You have made the invisible the only truth that this world holds. Valuing nothing, you have sought nothing and found nothing. By making nothing real to you, you have seen it. But it is not there. And Christ is invisible to you because of what you have made visible to yourselves. Yet it does not matter how much distance you have tried to interpose between your awareness and truth. God's Son can be seen because his vision is shared. The Holy Spirit looks upon him and sees nothing else in you. What is invisible to you is perfect in His sight and encompasses all of it. He has remembered you because He forgot not the Father.
83 You looked upon the unreal and found despair. Yet by seeking the unreal, what else could you find? The unreal world is a thing of despair, for it can never be. And you who share God's Being with Him could never be content without reality. What God did not give you has no power over you, and the attraction of love for love remains irresistible. For it is the function of love to unite all things unto itself, and to hold all things together by extending its wholeness.
84 The real world was given you by God in loving exchange for the world you made and which you see. But take it from the hand of Christ and look upon it. Its reality will make everything else invisible, for beholding it is total perception. And as you look upon it, you will remember that it was always so. Nothingness will become invisible, for you will at last have seen truly. Redeemed perception is easily translated into knowledge, for only perception is capable of error, and perception has never been. Being corrected, it gives place to knowledge, which is forever the only reality. The Atonement is but the way back to what was never lost. Your Father could not cease to love His Son.
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