Resource of the Month!

Teachers often ask for additional ways to address their students other than "boys and girls." What Montclair Kimberley Academy Lower School Faculty came up with suits their community, and as a result, teachers feel authentic when using these words and phrases. 

Take a look at their  ideas .

While TFC focuses on Gender and Sexuality Diversity, we know that the intersection of multiple identifiers make up our whole, authentic self. Participating in The Race Institute for Educators earlier this month gave Jennifer an opportunity to reflect deeply about race and racism in PreK-12 schools and communities. 

Dr. Ali Michael and colleagues have created a first-rate learning experience.

Interested in having Jennifer work with your school or organization?

Jennifer offers school consultations, professional development seminars, student programs, and parent education. 

To inquire about the possibility of Jennifer working with your school community or speaking at an event,  contact her here .
May is abuzz! Our Spring newsletter features the amazing Zach Bernard, a 2 nd grade teacher at Head Royce School in Oakland, CA. Visiting his students and learning about how they turned The Different Dragon into their class play was a career highlight for me! Read our interview with Zach for tips about creating-the-class-play process.

Also explore the Executive Summary of our research project; our comparison of boxes versus spectrums of identity leads to some fascinating results.

Always interested in hearing  what's new in your world.

Enjoy Summer.

Jennifer Bryan, Ph.D.

Head-Royce second grade teacher, Zachary Bernard, led his students in adapting and performing Jennifer Bryan's book,  The Different Dragon , as a class play. 

Read TFC's interview with Zach Bernard to learn from his experience incorporating GSD into his teaching and leading his students in a creative and empowering process.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Letting Go of the Binary: Comparing Categorical and Continuous Measures of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality 

When you fill out a form that asks about different parts of your identity, is a check-box sufficient to describe yourself, or might you prefer a spectrum of options? Our study gave participants an opportunity to identify using both categorical and continuous variables.  See our results.

Where's Jennifer headed next?
On May 17, over 90 admissions staff from greater New York schools will join Jennifer in strategizing how to incorporate the Gender and Sexuality Diversity (GSD) framework into inclusive admissions practices.

June 25- July 1
Alexandria, Virginia
Episcopal High School

The Diversity Leadership Institute (DLI) is an intensive residential program that provides educators with tools to lead and manage the shifting intercultural changes in your own school. Join Jennifer to explore best practices for incorporating Gender and Sexuality Diversity (GSD) framework in your practice.

What a thrill to be part of the Leadership + Design team behind WONDER WOMENa lively, deep, playful, empowering and practical learning opportunity for aspiring women leaders in Education.  Join us  in Palo Alto at the Castilleja School in July for WW2017.
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