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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                            

May 15, 2017 | ORSANCO |


Contact: Lisa Cochran

Communications Coordinator




DuPont and Chemours Support 
the Ohio River Sweep 2017 

On Saturday, June 17, many Parkersburg residents will volunteer for the Ohio River Sweep, a shoreline cleanup of the Ohio River and many of its tributaries. DuPont and Chemours are sponsors for the 2017 event. The sponsorship checks were presented at the Washington Works facility by Robin Wallace with DuPont and Becky Tanner with Chemours. Lisa Cochran, Ohio River Sweep program manager, accepted the checks on behalf of the program.
"We are thrilled that DuPont and Chemours support this community event which brings people to the Ohio River to help this important resource." said Lisa Cochran. DuPont has sponsored the event since 2001. Chemours sponsored the event in 2016.
The Ohio River Sweep is funded by contributions from corporations throughout the Ohio River Valley. These contributions provide funding to purchase volunteer supplies like gloves, trash bags, and t-shirts, as well as promotional materials like brochures and posters which make the event successful. 
" The river is an important part of the community and DuPont is pleased to be participating in the ORSANCO River Sweep to help sustain the river for future generations.  It is a pleasure to be a part of this valuable work that is helping to improve and beautify our community" said Rebecca Adams.
" Chemours and our employees are part of the surrounding communities and because we are concerned about the preservation of the environment, Chemours is proud to join DuPont and many other organizations in sponsoring this annual river beautification event" said Becky Tanner.
The Ohio River Sweep will occur on Saturday, June 17 at multiple locations in the Parkersburg area. Please visit to find the nearest location. Volunteers are needed!

Please see attached photos.

Photo 1:
Left to Right: Becky Tanner with Chemours and Lisa Cochran with the Ohio River Sweep.


Photo 2:
Left to Right: Sharon Lawrence, Chuck Hill, both with DuPont, Lisa Cochran with the Ohio River Sweep, Robin Wallace and Rebecca Adams, both with DuPont. 

The Ohio River Sweep is sponsored by the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO) and other environmental agencies from Pennsylvania to Illinois.  ORSANCO is the water pollution control agency for the Ohio River and its tributaries.
For further information about the Ohio River Sweep, contact Lisa Cochran at 1-800-359-3977 or visit

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