New Year greetings!

We look forward to seeing all of our students back for two more weeks of classes in our fall term starting Monday, January 8th.  Fall term continues through Sunday, January 21st followed by make-up week from January 22nd - 28th.   Be sure to register for spring term group classes and private lessons soon.  Returning private lesson students, you have priority before January 9th in reserving your current lesson slot(s).

Speaking of spring term registration, welcome to Registration Coordinator and Administrative AssociateHannah Carr-Murphy! Hannah has recently returned from the University of Limerick with an MA in Community Music and comes to us with lots of administrative experience.  Contact Hannah at to register and pay for spring private lessons today!

Congratulations to Mag McDermott!  A fter more than ten years of teaching fiddle to students of all ages the Center for Irish Music,  Mag  McDermott has moved to Tucson to take a position at the University of Arizona!  Mag recently completed her MS in Plant Pathology from the University of Minnesota.  We will miss you, but we wish you and Bill all the best. Thank you for your dedication to the music, and to your students at the CIM.  

This month, I am very excited to be heading to the Irish traditional Music Archives in Dublin for 10 days to delve into field recordings made in 1975-79 in areas of Irish settlement on the south shore of Newfoundland, Canada. The Aidan O'Hara Collection, named after writer, RTÉ broadcaster and collector, holds over 400 hours of fascinating songs and lore. Brian and the kids will head over for a short family trip including some sessions and workshops at the Ballincollig Winter Festival and at the University College Cork. Thanks to the Canada Council for the Arts for funding the research part of this trip!

So, once again all of us at CIM wish you a Happy New Year!  Thanks for being a part of the community and for all of your support in 2017.  We look forward to a great year ahead filled with new tunes, songs, and community events.  

Norah Rendell
Executive Artistic Director

Current students, please note that CIM is closed for  the holidays through January 6.  There are still 
2 more weeks of Fall term in the new year
RegisterNowRegister Now for Spring Term Classes!
Register now for spring group classes, ensembles, and private lessons at the Center for Irish Music! 

Spring term runs from January 29 through May 27. Make-up week is May 29-June 4. 

  • January 8th - Registration deadline for returning students to reserve private lesson times
  • January 15th - Registration deadline for 5% family discount. Group classes with low enrollment will be canceled. 
  • Contact Hannah Carr-Murphy to set up private lessons. 
  • Download and print the CIM 2017-18 list of important dates

Good Man Yourself! (Ages 11-16)
Saturdays from 11am-12pm with Todd Menton

An exciting new weekly workshop designed to encourage young instrumental students to sing and to accompany songs. Led by experienced CIM instructor Todd Menton, a well-known exponent of Irish song, this class will be aimed at boys who may be too shy or unsure of their singing ability to have explored this vital part of Irish traditional music! Students will learn to play and sing ballads and a sampling of comic and/or dramatic songs. 6 Saturdays starting Jan. 27; Feb. 3, 10, 17; March 3 and 10.

Saturday, February 24, 2018
Gaela Logo - True Black large

The Center for Irish Music and emcee Máirtín de Cógáin invite you to   dress up in your finest, bring your friends and join us for Éigse CIM, A Gaela Event. 

Éigse [eg-shuh] is an Irish word used for festivals celebrating traditional Irish arts and culture. It is in this spirit that we gather for an evening to raise funds for The Center for Irish Music and the mission of handing down traditional Irish music.

This semi-formal evening event includes two ticket options for attendees: come early to share a meal, or join us later in the evening for the silent auction and concert featuring the stellar traditional Irish music of the  CIM Instructors  who boast recording, award winning, and world touring artists among their number.


YOU can support Éigse CIM, A Gaela Event

Silent Auction Items 
We are gathering a wide assortment of  Silent Auction items  to support the  mission of handing down the tradition of Irish music.   To donate a Silent Auction item, visit the  Silent Auction Page , send a completed  Silent Auction Donation Form   or call 651-815-0083.

The Volunteer Team
If you would like to support CIM with  thegift of your time, we'll thank you with a meal, fantastic  music, and excellent company!  For more information, visit our  Volunteer Page   or email .

WOW Raffle
Our Wall of Whiskey, Wine, and Winter Ale is one of our most eye-catching displays at Éigse. Donate a bottle (or two!) by visiting our  WOW Raffle Page, downloading a hard copy of our  donation form, and submitting it with your donation to  the CIM office. 

Sponsoring Éigse CIM, a Gaela Event is a great way to support the Center for Irish Music while promoting your business to our community!  We welcome sponsorships in any amount, with donations of $500 or more receiving special benefits before, during and after our event.  Visit our  Sponsorship Page  or contact  Aja McCullough Beers at  for more details.

MIM2019Mark your calendars for MIM 2019
June 14-16, 2019

The 11th Annual Minnesota Irish Music Weekend has been postponed until June 2019. The 10th Anniversary MIM weekend was incredibly successful thanks to a gifted group of visiting artists and YOU, our enthusiastic supporters, however the 
Center for Irish Music will not be presenting MIM in June 2018.

Please help us to spread this news by word of mouth.

We are sad to not be offering MIM in June 2018, but have decided  to dedicate resources to other areas, making time to reflect on our successes and for strategic planning .  

The event planning team is already working on plans for the next Minnesota Irish Music Weekend , so please mark your calendars for June 14-16, 2019!  Don't worry, this is not the end of MIM.  As always, feel free to send us your ideas for visiting artists you'd love to learn from.

SupportCIMSupport CIM as you shop, work and invest!

Amazon Smile:  Set up your Amazon Smile account to benefit the Center for Irish Music, then use this link every time you shop. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to CIM.

Shutterfly: Shop for photos, cards, invitations and more and CIM receives 13% of your purchase price. 
ThriventThrivent Financial members can now direct their Choice Dollars to the Center for Irish Music to be a beneficiary of Thrivent Financial's charitable outreach funds. 
Workplace Giving:  Many companies support nonprofits like the CIM by matching employee donations or volunteer hours. Check with your HR department, send us any required paperwork, and we'll take it from there! 
RecitalPhotosFall Recital Photos

Thank you to everyone who joined us at our fall youth recitals and adult student open mic!

AnnualReport2016-17 Annual Report Now Online AnnReport

We're pleased to announce that our 2016-17 Annual Report is available online!

Learn what the Center for Irish Music has been up to in this easy-to-share PDF, with photos, stories, and more about our 2016-17 fiscal year. Brew a cup of tea, sit back, and enjoy. 

A limited number of printed copies are available at the Center for Irish Music. Please contact us at to request a copy. 
EventsUpcoming Dates, Concerts & Events

PLEASE NOTE: CIM is closed for the holidays from December 22 - January 6. There are still 2 more weeks of Fall term in the new year.
Spring term begins on January 29th. 

Traditional Irish music concerts and events featuring CIM students and instructors are now listed on the "Gigs & Events" page of our blog.
T he CIM blog's "Gigs & Events" calendar is not an exhaustive listing of all events withi n the Twin Cities Irish community. For more listings, please visit the IMDA Event Calendar, and the Celtic Junction Arts Center concerts.

DonateThe Center for Irish Music is a 501c3 nonprofit, and we depend on donations to continue passing along the tradition of Irish music and song. Please consider making a gift to CIM today! 

SocialmediaFind CIM on Social Media
Connect with us!

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the 
arts and cultural 
heritage fund.