HAPPY NEW YEAR!  Here is Cafe Recap:  

Make sure your Q1 is ready to go!  Post appointments, ancillary products, newsletters, and more!
Home Healthcare Webinar

Where are your clients going to recover after an illness or injury?  Are they getting money back for their prescriptions?  

Find out how to take care of both with a home healthcare plan!
Your Best Year Yet

Are you ready to have your best year?  Let's get started!

We will be live in Kansas City, Columbia and St. Louis all next week.  

Like Us On Facebook

We post additional content on Facebook, so don't miss out!  Content for you to reuse, sales ideas, and more!  

Fun Fact!  


Research has found that some people  were born to be good at math, while others were born to be bad at it.  6 our of 5 people agree with this.

Questions, comments, concerns, threats or promises...let us know!

Senior Marketing Specialists
(800) 689-2800