June 2017
Summer Sermon Series

Beginning June 4th, and going through the month of July, we will be walking through the New Testament book of 1st Peter in our Sunday Morning Gatherings.

Reading The New Testament In 2017

For those of you reading through the New Testament with us this year, we hope that you are finding this journey as rewarding as we are.  Everyday get excited to see what God will show and bring to your life in His Word.  On Thursday June 1st, we will be on Acts chapter 20.  If you haven't started yet, just jump right in and join us.  We do five chapters a week, Monday through Friday.  If you haven't involved your children, we encourage you to do so.  You can even set up a journal and keep an account of what God is revealing to you as you make your way through the scriptures.  If you happen to get lost or don't know where to start, each week we post in our congregational notes that we hand out on Sunday morning a list of chapters to read for the week. 

Heritage Family-

We are excited to share that our church has access to an extensive, new video library called RightNow Media! It's like the "Netflix of Video Bible Studies" and has a HUGE library of faith-based videos that you can access whenever and wherever you want-on your phone, iPad, computer, or at home on your TV.

As a church staff, we're always looking for ways to help you develop and strengthen your faith. We believe that RightNow Media will be a tool to serve you as you live out your faith at home, at work and in your neighborhood. RightNow Media has videos for everyone-kids, youth, parents, married couples, college students, single adults, working professionals-all aimed at helping you grow.

You should have already received an official invitation email to give you FREE access to RightNow Media. If you haven't received it yet, check your mail filter (because it came from RightNow's system, it may have gotten caught there). 

Once you find the email, simply click the link, sign up for an account, and you're all set to explore more than 12,000 videos. We pray that RightNow Media will be a blessing for you and your family!

Send Pastor Brian an email  [email protected] asking for your free invitation email invitation.
Beyond The Walls

Immediate Need

Beyond the Walls Food Pantry is in serious need of food donations to be able to continue to serve our neighbors. The following items are some of the most needed items.

*Pasta Sauce
*Canned meat
*Hearty Soup
*Canned beans
*Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap
*laundry detergent
*dish soap
*toilet paper and paper towels

Thank you so much! Items can be dropped off at Beyond the Walls Food bank on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursdays from 10am-12pm. The can also be left in the foyer of our church house. Thank you so much and any questions please contact [email protected].


NextGen Student Ministry

It's Summertime!!! I know our students are excited and hopefully you are as well. 

 We do here at NextGen!  We will be meeting on Wednesdays in June through June 21st.  On the 28th, I will be just getting back from Camp KidJam with our treehouse kids. 

 As always in July, we are planning some fun outings. Exact dates and times will be set very soon. We will be doing our annual tubing trip as well as another surprise or two. 

Our big event for the summer is always Camp and this year we are blessed to be taking 54 students with us. Please pray that God shows in a big way as He usually does during that time. 

 Thank you all again for all of the support and prayers along the way. It's been a great year!!!


Tree House Kids

Happy Summer, Families!

Besides bringing a slower pace, the months of summer bring relaxation, some sweet family times and very special memories.   Excited for your families!!

In the Treehouse, we hope to make the summer a time to teach our preschoolers how important kids are to God.  They will hear true stories from God's Word about young people in the Bible who made a difference.   In the Hideout,  we are teaching our elementary kiddos about Creation so they can appreciate and begin to understand the depth of God's creativity.  See the attached links for home resources!!

The month of July is always a time for us to show appreciation to our small group leaders by giving them the month "off".  It is also a VERY special opportunity for our families to worship together.  Family Worship in the Worship Center will be every Sunday from June 25th - July 30th.    Elementary kids will be provided worship bags so they can stay engaged with the Worship Service and be able to participate in your family's conversation throughout the week about the message.   Preschool environments will still be available.  

If you have not served in our Children's Environments throughout the year and would like to serve one Sunday during the month of July in our preschool environment, please let me know!!   ([email protected])  You will be blessed....promise!  And you are needed!!   It is a wonderful way to partner with our Heritage families!   

May this summer give your family even more opportunities to spend time in God's Word, have faith-filled conversations and make memories that God will use for a lifetime.  

Praying for you!!  


June Babies and Toddlers
Pastor Sidney Brock

Oh Baby!!!! On Mother's Day this year,  we set a Heritage record with 10 babies being dedicated in the same service, and we still have more to come in the Fall of this year.  We love Baby Dedication at HCC because of the commitment that parents make to do their best to live as a Godly example, raise their children to know God's Word and, hopefully, one day have the privilege of leading their child to come to trust and follow Christ personally. Be in prayer for our new parents as we partner and provide support.

As summer approaches, pray for our children's camp June 25th-28th and youth camp July 17th-24th.  Also for Zach Lucas serving this summer on Centrifuge summer staff camp at Panama City Beach, as well as Bob Reading serving with Samaritans Purse in South Sudan for the next 30 days. 

Talking about missions, we have a potential trip back to Haiti in the Fall to help build a church for a village.  As soon as we have dates and details, we will communicate those with you.  

As I sign off for this month, I just wanted to tell you how much we as staff love and appreciate our church family. Thank you so much for your faithfulness and generosity in the giving of your tithes and offerings as well as your time in serving.  Reflecting back, many of you as well as our staff and overseers have experienced a rough couple of months with sickness, unexpected deaths, and difficulties within our families.  Thank you for being so faithful to encourage and pray for us.  Thank you for the calls, texts and words of encouragement.  Know that we love you, and we are very thankful to partner with you in ministry.

So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up  Galatians 6:9


Pastor Sid