Harmful Health Care Bill is Coming Back - Call Congress Now!
Take Action:
We MUST stop Congress from moving forward with this harmful bill once and for all. Call your Senators and Representatives now and ask your friends and family to call.
Every single call matters. Don't let them take away health care and services for millions of people and reduce federal support.

What to Say:
  • I am a member of The Arc.
  • I am a person with I/DD, or I am a family member of someone with I/DD, or I am a professional in the disability field.
  • Do NOT support the American Health Care Act, the bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  
  • Do NOT allow cuts to critical Medicaid services to pay for tax cuts.
  • Do NOT allow states to opt out of requiring health plans to cover basic health care and keep it affordable for people with pre-existing conditions.
By inputting your address, this web site will identify and provide phone numbers for your Representative in Congress and your two Senators. 

For additional information, see The Arc's fact sheet about Medicaid 
The harmful health care bill, called the American Health Care Act (AHCA) is back on the table and could move quickly. Members of the House of Representatives and the Trump Administration continue negotiations on the bill.

This bill is very dangerous to people with disabilities and their families. It repeals major provisions of the Affordable Care Act, and many of its critical protections, and cuts $880 billion out of the Medicaid program - and uses it to help pay for tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations.

Major components of the bill include:
  • A decimated Medicaid program: The federal government would no longer share in the costs of providing health care services and community living supports beyond the capped amount, a proposal known as per capita caps. It weakens Medicaid by ending the Medicaid expansion earlier, offering Medicaid block grants to states, and promoting work requirements. 
  • Loss of essential health benefits:  States may have the option to waive important consumer protections in the Affordable Care Act.  For example, states could choose to ignore the essential health benefits requirement which ensures that health plans cover basic needs such as prescription drugs, mental health services, and rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices, that have been critically important to people with disabilities and chronic health conditions.   
  • No more protections for pre-existing conditions: Another dangerous change being discussed is letting states waive the requirement for community rating.  This would allow the insurance companies to charge people with pre-existing conditions whatever they wanted, essentially making the pre-existing condition protections meaningless.  The combination of these changes would make it nearly impossible for people with pre-existing conditions to find affordable plans that cover basic health care services.
Your Advocacy Tool Belt
We know that calling your representatives may feel overwhelming. We want to help you feel more comfortable and confident in your advocacy role. Below are some resources to help. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us [email protected].