Kardel Newsletter, Events & Programs
West Coast REACH! Association Christmas Performance

West Coast REACH! received huge cheers and incredible applause for their recent show, PerformAble!, inside the Parliament Buildings on Friday, Dec. 1st, and in The Bay Centre on Sunday, Dec. 3rd. The show was in commemoration of the UN International Day of Persons With Disabilities and included songs that touched hearts and put smiles on faces (and also included some seasonal favourites). Click here to watch the video and see if you can recognize some of the performers! 

West Coast REACH! will be accepting additional members in January (2018) for their REACH! Performing Company.  Half of their members have a significant disability; the others are members from the community with huge hearts.  They're bringing a powerful message of unity and inclusion to the community through their performances. If you are interested please contact them at [email protected], phone 250-882-4339, or click here to view their website.

Hillside House News

The Admin Office hosted a Christmas potluck/Secret Santa for the Management Team.  There was lots of good food, some gift-stealing, and a guest appearance of the Grinch hat.  Two minutes for "Grinching" was awarded to the person who momentarily lost their Christmas spirit - the hat made the rounds! 


Patterson House News

Lots of fun for our folks at Patterson during the month of December. Susie was involved with a performance with her Dance class Reach. There was one at the Parliament Buildings and One at The Bay Centre; both were very successful.

Ken had fun at the Juan de Fuca Christmas party and also attended the Good Neighbours party at the Greek Society Community Hall. Susie and Ken both went to see Santa and had their photo taken.
All of Patterson went to see the Christmas lights at Butchart Gardens.
Shirley attended 2 special concerts at the Mary Winspear Centre and is attending the play Sleeping Beauty after Christmas. Shirley also has plans for a pub lunch out at the SpitFire Grill, meeting up with folks from Dustin Court.
Shirley and Susie both have family visiting over the holidays and will stay with them for dinner.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season.


O, H, & S Wellness World
Here are a few Wellness trends for 2018 that you might want to read up on (some of its kind of cool!):
  • Breathwork rises in popularity as an advanced alternative to meditation (remember square breathing!)
  • Sleeping well become a huge priority and a huge market...have a plan and a ritual
  • Our gut health depends on more than just good bacteria (eat clean, eat fresh, and eat local)
  • Big technology is the next big tobacco (turn off your phone, iPad, tablet...enjoy and heal!)
  • Protecting the planet will become an integral part of our wellness routines



Henry House News


Henry House enjoyed many activities in the month of December; table badminton, Christmas shopping, red t-shirt day, ugly sweater day, all-day pyjama day, tablecloth folding (and wearing!), jamming along with Carey the music guy, and hosting a New Year's party! 
Times Colonist Readers' Choice Award Winner: Shoppers Drug Mart, Royal Oak
Congratulations to Murray and his team at the Royal Oak Shoppers Drug Mart for winning the Times Colonist Readers' Choice Award for best pharmacy in Victoria.  Murray and his team provide all the medications for Kardel's homes south of the Malahat and are a wonderful resource for any questions that come up. 

Thank you for your service and a big congratulations! 

Paskin House News
Iggy and Susan enjoyed the live nativity play at Topaz Park.  Paskin hosted a party and Christmas dinner for the gang from Dustin House. 

Kylie and Matt went with Jackie and Aiden to see the Timebenders New Years Eve concert at Mary Windspear  - a super fun concert and welcomed the new year in, arriving home at 1:15am!!! The rest of the gang stayed at Paskin for games night, playing the hilarious game Watch Ya' Mouth! 

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the hampers for the Mustard Seed.  The staff at the Mustard Seed were very appreciative of the food and warm clothing that we were able to provide for people who may be struggling to put food on their table at this time of year. 
Thanks again for your generosity! 

Home Share Nanaimo News

The Home Share Team in Nanaimo got together to celebrate Christmas and enjoy some good food.    

Futures Club News

Futures Club hosted a Christmas pizza party in December.  Some former staff and participants made guest appearances; it was great to reconnect with them.




Kardel Consulting Services |  [email protected] | 250-382-5959 |
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