April 2017 

Inter-group conversations introduced at Educational Models and Practices Peer Group Forum
Nearly 200 peer group participants discussed their learnings about the next generation of educational innovation at the April forum in Pittsburgh. Read more.

Engaging science in seminaries: 10 things faculty are telling us
In a preview of an in-depth study funded by the John Templeton Foundation, 739 faculty from 186 Protestant schools share their perceptions. Read more.
Perspective, passion, and persistence: reflections on fundraising for theological education
Wesley Brown of Duke University Divinity School shares the wisdom gleaned from 35 years as a development officer. Read more.

Are your graduates ready? Six key findings from the Learning Pastoral Imagination Project
A study of 50 pastoral leaders captures the essential components of theological education that will better prepare students for ministry. Read more.

Association for Hispanic Theological Education (AETH) launches Network of Bible Institutes
Lilly Endowment Inc. has awarded a three-year $750,000 grant to AETH to create the Network in service to the Hispanic church. Read more.

Faculty development: ATS renews 
20-Minute Mentor Commons 
Based on high-frequency usage, ATS has renewed its subscription for another two years to Magna Publications' 20-Minute Mentor Commons, which is available to ATS member schools free of charge. Read more.

What's in YOUR archives? In search of photos for the ATS Centennial
As we plan for the Centennial in 2018, ATS is seeking photos and other artifacts to document 100 years of work on behalf of theological schools in North America. Read more.
By invitation
September 14-15

November 8-10
Biennial Meeting
Denver, CO
June 20-21, 2018

ATS is here to serve you, and we welcome your feedback.

Please send your comments or updated contact information to

Eliza Smith Brown, Director, Communications and External Relations.