Your latest news on SOILMAP software will be found below. Please take a minute to keep up to date as this will contain important information on software updates.
  • User Conference August 8th & 9th
  • Midwest Labs Integrated
  • GMO Traits feature added
  • GMO/Crop Neighbors feature added
  • DriftWatch Integrated
  • Multiple Dispatch Updates
  • Dispatch Machine Availability
  • Dispatch People Availability
Save The Date for the 2017 SOILMAP User Conference
The User Conference will be held August 8th and 9th in Storm Lake, Iowa. 

Please take this short survey on the User Conference to help us make this the best one yet! User Conference Survey

Midwest Labs Integration     
SOILMAP is now integrated with Midwest Labs.  This means that when your soil sample results are completed at Midwest Laboratories they will sync with SOILMAP. This will give you the added feature of your lab PDF appearing in the SOILMAP tree. 

GMO Traits   
You now have the ability to mark your GMO technology fields.  This will be a layer that can be toggled on/off and will help bring attention to these fields. In addition to being on the SOILMAP map this will also be visible on blend sheets and in dispatch.

The GMO release notes can be found here - GMO Release Notes

Below is a screenshot from SOILMAP displaying Roundup Ready Soybeans on the map.

Crops/GMO Non Customer  
How do you avoid the potentially catastrophic event of spraying a neighbor's expensive GMO?  Here's your solution!  You can now draw neighboring crops without creating a new farm/field boundary. These will show on the map as well as on your blend sheets.  They will however be recognized as usable boundaries if/when you acquire that customer.

For more information please see the Release Notes found here - Crop Neighbor

SOILMAP is now integrated with the Driftwatch sensitive crop registry.  Here is a view of the Driftwatch layer in SOILMAP.  This should help provide awareness to your application team that beehives, grapes, organics, etc. are in the area. Driftwatch is visible in SOILMAP, SOILMAP Dispatch, and the Dispatch in-cab tablets.

Main SOILMAP window showing beehive with a 1 mile buffer.

Tender Map with Dispatch layer on.

Updated sensitive crops report that will attach to your blend sheet. The max number of items to display as well as the the search radius in miles are adjustable at the company level.

SO ILMAP Dispatch     
The latest in Dispatch updates:

In this screenshot we can see the application equipment machine "1000" has GPS and is traveling on a road. The field boundary intended for application has our crop color of yellow(corn) along with the grower name in the center of it.  Blend sheet notes, Dispatcher notes, task details, and current weather are along the right side of the tablet display. 

Weather, aerial view, legend, and Driftwatch are also available layers.  In this scenario there just simply isn't any weather or Driftwatch notifications in the area. 

Upon pushing the Completed button we are now presented with the Weather Input screen.  In the future this will also allow you to change/edit products. Today, weather data is available and can be changed if observed weather is not consistent with forecast or if little to no connectivity is experienced. You can also set your target pests for diseases, disorders, insects, and weeds. Lastly there is a spot for an applicators signature.

Not only was there plenty of changes to the in-cab app experience, but a couple of highly requested updates came to the web page as well.

The Save option now appears on all screens.  This is a great way to customize your user experience and make you more efficient.
When a blend sheet is sent to a machine you will then see additional information such as Start and End date along with some other field specific items. 

SOILMAP Dispatch from early April.  Dark blue represents Completed, light blue is In Process, and green is Assigned. All of today's jobs on one screen. No paper stack. Get organized with SOILMAP Dispatch.

Help & Support   
Please remember to use as your primary address for support.

We can also be reached at:

Patrick Olmstead - 515-955-9004 or 515-835-0550
Wade Broom -  515-570-5907
Laura Thilges - 515-955-9016
SOILMAP | 515 955 9004  | INFO@SOILMAP.COM |