Will 2018 be the year you become a better leader?

2017 was a great year for IISE professional chapters! 
 But the full period that we spent making that happen came to a conclusion at one second after midnight on December 31. 
  Take a look back at your issues of The Chapter Link in 2017.  
Leadership - your leadership - will be critical for a successful 2018 for your chapter!
Stay healthyYou hear this a lot around the New Year. Your personal performance - and therefore your effectiveness as a leader - are heavily influenced by your health .
Stop wasting time in meetings. We've all complained about time spent in a meeting that just wasn't worth it. So how can you make sure that the meetings you set are productive? Here are 3 tips to start (1) only hold a meeting if it's necessary (2) invite only those required and enforce behavior standards to keep everyone engaged (3) decide in advance what the purpose of the meeting will be and how you'll achieve its goals. 
Make better group decisions. We've all heard that several minds are better than one. But actually making good decisions as a group is challenging. (1) define the task (2) set decision making criteria (3) brainstorm alternatives (4) select the best alternative (5)develop action plan (6) take action
Lead your team through change. Change is the one thing we can be certain of. For leaders, it's also a virtual certainty you'll need to lead your team through change. (1) know what you want to achieve (2) accept that change won't happen unless you take action (3) demonstrate your personal commitment to the change.
Understand the millennials (1) millenials place a high value on team and want to be appreciated (2) they want their volunteer work to be meaningful (3) they are particularly interested in development opportunities
Make 2018 the year you become an even better leader !