January 2018
January Birthdays
William Allen (1/2)
Nicole Newhouse (1/12)
Cathi Sander (1/24)
Diane Asbill (1/2)
Trevor Newhouse (1/12)
Tom Sudderth (1/27)
Brenda Stiles (1/3)
Debbie Cowan (1/14)
Henry Tennant (1/29)
Cornerstone Singles
New Study
The Cornerstone Singles are beginning a new 5-week Bible study on Faith vs. Fear and Trust vs. Worry starting on Wed, Jan 10, @ 6:30pm, room 104. Anyone is welcome to participate. Contact Susan for more information.
Christmas Cards
 Pick up your Christmas cards. Please check the alphabetized boxes in the church hallway for cards addressed to you and your family. The boxes will be available until the end of the month.  for more information.
snowcovered car
Inclement Weather Reminder
In the event of bad weather, church activities may be cancelled. If cancelling is necessary, we will contact WRAL TV5 and WCHL 97.9/1360 AM radio to be included in their list of closings. We will also try to send out a churchwide email.
Opportunities for Ministry
Canned Food
Food Pantry Donations Needed
Help feed people in our community by contributing to the Yates Association food pantry. From now through February we will be collecting for the pantry. A list of needed items is here and on the collection table in the hallway.
CNY celebration
Chinese New Year Celebration
Saturday, Feb 17
For the first time in HillSong's history we will host a Chinese New Year Celebration. Mark Saturday, February 17th on your calendar. The times and other details will be coming soon. You won't want to miss this special event.
Die to Self - from Pastor Rob
        I continue to be grateful to the church I serve, for allowing me a 4-month Sabbatical in 2017. This week, I looked back at my journal from that time. On one of the early days of my time away from the church, searching for a passage to be a theme verse for the Sabbatical, I stopped at Matthew 10:38, "Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it."
        Jesus here, and in other passages, talks about this idea of dying to self . At our church, the three foundational pillars of ministry philosophy are safe space , to be made new , and sent into the world . The "safe" pillar is our commitment to being a welcoming community that loves people "as they are." We say, "All are welcome."
        The "sent" pillar is our commitment to carrying the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ to a lost and hurting world. When we think of the term 'evangelical,' we do not have in mind how you vote or what your politics are. We mean evangelistic people, people who go out into the world motivated to help people they meet become followers of Jesus. 
November Numbers
November 2017 Financial snapshot
        HillSong Church's financial year is the same as the calendar year. Contribution (donation) statements are being finalized and should be available mid-January.
        Above is the November 2017 year-to-date financial snapshot. The final year ending statement will be reconciled and reviewed by the Deacons in January. Preliminary indications for the month of December 2017 show solid receipts to end the year. Thank you for your continued support of HillSong Church. For more detail on the amounts in the Financial Snapshot, consult the November 2017 Financial Statement. Copies are available at the back of the Worship Center on the Information Table.