Here's a look back at a great year in photos.
Day of Unity Rally, Jan. 20, 2017 

On January 20, 2017, South Kern Sol in partnership with local community leaders held a rally outside of the Liberty Bell to celebrate our collective power, our diversity and our values of inclusion and equity.

Community leaders took to the stage to remind folks that there's a lot of work ahead of us and now is the time to get louder about the issues that impact our families and communities and we must unite in order to have an impact. 

Communities Stricken By Fear #GetLoud for Safe Havens

Hundreds of Arvin residents and community leaders came together in February to advocate for a safe haven community and remind decision makers of the contribution that immigrants bring to Kern and the State of California. Read more here. 

Building Healthy Communities South Kern got loud for our immigrant communities. 


This ad generated a lot of dialogue in Kern County.

" Right now in Kern, community members are living in fear just to go shopping at their local supermarkets or to bring their kids to school. A safe haven would change this. It would mean, for example, that I could go outside in my city and ride my bike without being scared of being detained and deported."

Remember the May Day Rally?

This  march was inspired by Phoenix Hailing, a former senior at Highland High School, who asked if Building Healthy Communities South Kern can get behind and help organize a rally for unity.

Youth leaders in Kern organized a day of resistance.


Phoenix also spoke during the rally.  Check out his speech here: Speech Calls for Youth to Rise Up.
Kern Education Justice Collaborative's Accountability Campaign

Building Healthy Communities South Kern's Kern Education Justice Collaborative launched a media campaign for more transparency and accountability among school districts on the distribution of Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) funds aimed at supporting  low-income, English Learners, and foster kids.

The campaign included advocating to reverse Kern High School District's decision to allow teachers with Concealed Weapon Permits to bring guns to campuses. This decision was annulled with the passage of State legislation that closed the loophole, which allowed CCW permit holders who receive permission from a district superintendent to bring guns to school. 

The billboard's and ad's featured former East Bakersfield High School teacher, Jesse Aguilar. 

How About That Victory For Kern High School Students!

Thanks to the fearless residents, organizations and attorneys who took on this fight for our students. 
Read more from South Kern Sol here: Kern High School District To Pay $670 Thousand to Settle Discrimination Lawsuit
In July We Celebrated the Youth Who Successfully Advocated for a Skate Park

Arvin youth who participate in Bike Bakersfield's Arvin bike kitchen gathered signatures, received input from members of the community and presented plans to the city. The effort grew from there and resulted in a state-of-the-art facility. 


It's a been a tough year for our Health Access folks and our communities...

We rallied for health care coverage and access.

The community stood up and got loud for #Health4All.

Our Youth Are Stronger Than Ever... 

BHC-SK youth are speaking up for more youth investment, maintained parks among other issues.
The Center for Social Justice Center and the Immigration Justice Collaborative Produced a Film
American Migrant Stories from Kern County
American Migrant Stories from Kern County

The film, 'American Migrant Stories from Kern County,' exposes the  pain that families face in their search for prosperity. 

The Immigration Justice Collaborative is a group of prominent local attorneys in Kern County who organize to assist immigrants in known their constitutional rights, the first of this type of collaborative in Kern. The collaborative brings in new voices and influence to the fight for social justice.

The Immigration Justice Collaborative is a group of prominent local attorneys in Kern County who organize to assist immigrants in known their constitutional rights, the first of this type of collaborative in Kern. The collaborative brings in  new voices and influence to the fight fo r social justice.

This year we lost one of our own rising stars: 

Marcos Vargas
(1991 - 2017)

Photo courtesy of Amador Vargas

Marcos, 26, was a co-founder of the Immigration Justice Collaborative and an attorney for Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance.

Marcos was an advocate and champion for the people. 

Photos of Marcos Vargas courtesy of Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance