July 2017

All meetings are open to the public. Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held in the WILMAPCO Conference Room.

July 13, 1 p.m.

July 13, 6:30 p.m.

July 20, 10 a.m.
Lums Pond State Park

WILMAPCO Summer Picnic
July 20, 11:30 a.m.
Lums Pond State Park

In case of inclement weather, please call (302) 737-6205, or toll free from Cecil County at (888) 808-7088 for cancellations or postponements.

For updates or more information on upcoming WILMAPCO meetings, please visit www.wilmapco.org.

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Transportation news and events from the
Wilmington Area Planning Council (WILMAPCO). 
GlasgowGlasgow Avenue Planning Study
Its not too late to submit your feedback on the Glasgow Avenue Planning Study.  WILMAPCO, DelDOT, and New Castle County are working on a transportation and land use study for Glasgow Avenue, between US 40 and SR 896/Porter Road (about 1.3 miles). The study is intended to create a vision plan to guide transportation improvements and future land use changes along Glasgow Avenue. Speeding traffic and unsafe conditions for pedestrians, bicyclists, and people driving vehicles characterize the current roadway.  With development activity planned, this corridor will continue to face mobility and safety challenges. If you live, work, or play in the Glasgow area, we'd like to hear from you. Please complete a brief survey and review project information here: 
Local News
CRBOfficials Break Ground Today for the Construction of a New Bridge over the Christina River  
According to a City of Wilmington release, "Governor John Carney, U.S. Senator Thomas Carper,  Transportation Secretary Jennifer Cohan, DNREC Secretary Shawn M. Garvin, Wilmington Mayor Mike Purzycki, and a host of other dignitaries and local officials were at a groundbreaking ceremony to kick-off the construction of a new multi-modal bridge over the Christina River at the Wilmington Riverfront. This is a new 470' multi-modal bridge over the Christina River that will include two (2-12') travel lanes and shoulders, as well as a 14' wide bicycle/pedestrian path. The path will connect to the Riverfront walkway as well as other bicycle/pedestrian facilities in the area. The project extends from the area near Frawley Stadium across the Christina River to its east bank in the vicinity of Market Street/Walnut Street split of Business US 13." For more project information, visit DelDOT online at http://www.deldot.gov/information/projects/crb/index.shtml.

DEAPA2017 Planning Awards Program Call for Nominations 
The Delaware Chapter of the American Planning Association (DE APA) is seeking nominations for the DE APA 2017 Planning Awards. Awards are given in recognition of outstanding performance and achievement which exemplifies excellence in the Planning Profession. Award categories and qualifying criteria are as follows:
  • Outstanding Planning Project
  • Planner of the Year Award
  • Distinguished Leadership Award for a Citizen Planner
  • Distinguished Leadership Award for an Elected or Appointed Official
  • Friend of Planning Award
  • The Peter Larson Memorial Achievement Award
Submissions are due on or before August 15, 2017.  Please send submissions to atownshend@ci.lewes.de.us .

National News
BudgetThree ways Proposed Federal Budget Impacts Bike and Pedestrian Spending 
According to CityLab, President Trump's budget is bad for pedestrian and bicycle spending in the following three ways, "USDOT's highly competitive Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program would be eliminated. The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) would receive an 84% cut. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which passes on hundreds of millions of dollars from Congress to state and local programs designed to prevent chronic disease and obesity, would see spending for disease prevention and health promotion cut by $222 million." To learn more, please visit https://www.citylab.com/transportation/2017/05/trumps-budget-is-bad-for-bikes-too/527949/.

HeadlightsOutdated Headlights Put Drivers and Pedestrians at Risk 
According to USA Today, "About 2,500 pedestrians are killed at night every year crossing the road, in many cases because drivers can't see them because their headlights don't shine brightly enough. Outdated federal rules have blocked automakers from introducing adaptive beam headlamps that automatically adjust to oncoming traffic to reduce glare and help drivers see better, even though the technology is legal and available in Europe and Japan. At the same time, sleek styling and manufacturing mistakes on currently available systems has led to poor performance on the road, including excessive glare and insufficient light on the pavement."  To view the source article, please visit https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2017/05/26/outdated-headlights-put-drivers-and-pedestrians-risk/102108152/?mc_cid=326afb9f5e&mc_eid=9c2a778248 .

PotholesPlanting Flowers in Potholes to Prompt Attention 
According to My Modern Met, "people plagued by neglected potholes in cities around the world, from Chicago to London, have begun transforming unsightly cracks and holes into beautiful, miniature gardens. While these colorful tiny gardens don't last long, they bring attention to unfilled potholes". To see photos of this and other creative pothole-filling works of art, please visit http://mymodernmet.com/pothole-flowers-protest-art/ .

KidsGetting Kids Moving Now Saves Billions 
According to Education Week, "fewer than 1 in 3 American children get enough exercise every week. If they don't become more active, more than 8 million will be obese by their 18th birthdays-and their health care and lost productivity as adults could cost the country close to $3 trillion, finds a new study in the journal Health Affairs. Researchers found fewer than 32 percent of children ages 8 to 11 get at least 25 minutes of strong physical activity at least three times a week. The researchers found that increasing the percentage of children who exercise regularly to 50 percent would cut the adult obesity rate and save nearly $22 billion in medical costs and lost productivity during their lifetimes. Getting at least 3 out of 4 kids active would save more than $40 billion."  For more information, please visit http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/inside-school-research/2017/05 .   

TownDesign Your Town Interactive Resource 
RPA has announced, "Design Your Town - an interactive web-based resource for citizen planners, professionals and anyone concerned about the quality of the villages and landscapes where they live. This website has attractive and sustainable designs for different kinds of places as well as the details, policies and regulations needed for implementation. You can start by picking the kind of place you want to fix - from downtowns to rural villages - or by searching through best practices for landscape design, connectivity and mixed-use development."  To learn more, please visit http://lab.rpa.org/tips-tools-designing-town/ .