DMARC Food Pantry Item for May
Canned fruit

This Week's Ministry Blog
You Can't Handle the Truth

When I hear Jesus say, "I am the way, the truth, and the life," this scene from the movie "A Few Good Men" immediately comes to mind:

Jack Nicholson showed up in my December " Season's Greetings" blog post, too.
Does anyone else have visions of Jack Nicholson when they read the gospels? Anyone? Anyone?
Ok, maybe it's just me.
But there is something about an angry, unhinged, often yelling Jack Nicholson that speaks an important reminder to us about the scriptures. Perhaps we've become accustomed to hearing the words of scripture speaking in hushed, polite tones. Maybe we've heard these words so many times they sound too familiar, too predictable, too comfortable. Just maybe, we say we've heard the good news and yet we feel little and do nothing. That's why we could use a little Jack Nicholson in our biblical interpretation. In the jarring contrast, we are reminded that the gospel message was, is, and forever will be challengingly life-changing, mind-blowingly difficult, and even in-your-face offensive to those who hear it.
Just look at the disciples here in John:
They say they want the truth. But when they get it, they can't handle it.
The truth does not fit into the world as they know it.
The truth does not make sense.
The truth is a trip down a never-ending rabbit hole full of twists and turns.
The truth puts anyone who receives it, who proclaims it, who lives it at risk.
And they can't handle it. We see that in their questions, in their repeated requests for proof, in their doubt, and in their running away.
So it is for the disciples of every time and every place.
When Jesus shows us the truth of who we are, how much we need salvation, and offers it freely...
When Jesus reveals the astounding unfairness of God in grace, that we didn't earn, don't deserve, and can never pay back...
When Jesus calls us into relationship, not just with him, but with all of God's broken and beloved world...
When Jesus models a life of self-sacrifice, truth-telling, forgiveness, sharing, and welcome...
We can't handle it.
And it will take a lifetime and whole lot of Jesus if we hope to even get close.

Pastor Sarah

 Missing Emails?  
Are you not getting Faith E-news, Children and Family Ministry Team emails, or anything comes from Constant Contact? You are not alone. There is an issue with and emails bouncing and they are working with the service provider to resolve the issue. The only work-a-round that they have is for you to provide the church office with an alternate email address. If you want to read Faith E-news, you can go to our website Links/Faith E-news. Please let Miranda know if you have any questions.

 Adult Sunday School   
Members of our Congregational Council will be present to share about the upcoming year. Come to take part in the conversation! Adult Sunday School meets in Messiah Hall rooms 203 and 204.

Welcome Faith's New Council Members    
Our 2017-2018 Council members are being installed this weekend. The Council members are:

John Bunz, President
Chad Thompson, Vice President
Marti Jensen, Secretary
Nate Stone, Treasurer
Brad Clark, At-large
Judy Akre, At-large
Andy Wood, At-large

Congratulations, and thank you for your willingness to serve Faith in these leadership roles.
In the Big Inning Musical DVDs and Photos Are Here

In the Big Inning Musical DVD's and photos are here! They will be handed out between services from 9:15-10:30 a.m., on Sunday the 14th and 21st in the Commons. If you need to make alternate arrangements for pick up, please contact Kim at or Heidi at 

Learn, Laugh and Lunch       

The speaker at the May Learn, Laugh and Lunch program on May 17, at 11:00 a.m., will be Dr. David Demarest from On With Life. Dr. Demarest is the principal neuropsychologist at On With Life. He has more than 25 years of experience in the rehabilitation and neuropsychology field. He will discuss dementia and Alzheimer's disease and what the differences are between them. The menu will be chicken Alfredo pasta with green salad and cake. We suggest a minimum contribution of $5.00 per person to cover the cost of the food. Please contact Miranda at or at 225-8334 by Monday, May 15 if you plan to attend.

The June Learn, Laugh and Lunch is a picnic on the 21st at the Porter Greenbelt Shelter in Clive Greenbelt Park at 11:00 a.m. (same place as last year). Brats and buns will be provided. Bring a side dish, salad or desert to share.

Vacation Bible School Volunteers Needed!   

VBS at Faith will be June 11-15. VBS is a huge event at Faith and we will need many, many volunteers to pull it off! The youth will be on their synod mission trip at this time so we will be calling on even more members of the congregation to help us with this event. Please contact Michelle Zimmerman at to volunteer or online at We have many needs ranging from pre-vbs craft prep, t-shirts, registration, decorations, kitchen/dinner help, classroom shepherd, crew leaders, teacher, games and more!

Clive Community Services Projects Seeds of Faith Logo

Seeds of Faith's Noisy Offering for January through April of this year was donated to Clive Community Services. The preschool families donated over $460 in change for their chapel offering. This money will be put towards supplies needed for their newly formed ESL classes. It will be used to purchase supplies such as whiteboards for the classrooms, picture dictionaries, classroom posters, and notebooks and pencils. The 6-week classes started on April 19th and will run through May 24th and includes 14 students! All are refugees from Burma. Volunteers for this program help each week in the class and include Faith's own Pam Mohr, Joan Strentz, Seana Jefferson, and Ann Drummond.

Faith Book Club 

Faith Book Club will meet at the Clive Library at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 16, for a discussion of   Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult, followed by a "book tasting" led by Teri Nelson from the Clive library. Teri will share some great books to add to your summer reading list. All are welcome! Faith Book Club meets in the evenings on the third Tuesday of every month. Our June selection is Left Neglected by Lisa Genova. For more information or to be added to the email distribution list, please contact Sara Broadrick at or 515-528-6881.

An Opportunity to Show Welcome   

Each summer Drake University hosts young professionals ages 25 to 35 from sub-Saharan Africa as part of the U.S. Department of State's Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI). As part of this program, Drake is seeking families to host 4-5 of these visiting scholars for dinner. If you are interested in hosting during one of the upcoming dates, please contact Pastor Sarah.
  •  Thursday, June 22, at 6:30 p.m.
  •  Thursday, July 6, at 6:00 p.m.
  •  Thursday, July 13, at 6:00 p.m.
  •  Tuesday, July 25, at 6:30 p.m.

Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Group  
A Caregiver Support Group led by an Alzheimer's Association trained facilitator, meets regularly at Faith on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 1:30 p.m., in Messiah Hall room 201/202. This meeting provides information, education and support to the caregivers. All caregivers of dementia related loved ones are welcome. If you need assistance with respite care for your loved one while you attend the meeting or need additional information, please call Beth Bishop at 515-224-5683.