“When we treat children's play as seriously as it deserves, we are helping them feel the joy that's to be found in the creative spirit. It's the things we play with and the people who help us play that make a great difference in our lives.”

Be Playful
All you want is five minutes to sit down and drink your coffee, but your kids have other plans, right? The laundry is calling your name, but all you can hear is the constant “Mommy, come here! Mommy, look at this! Mommy, can you….” You can’t indulge them 24/7, but it is important to let the responsibilities go for a while, get down on the floor, and just play! Research shows that play is just as important for adults as for children, so let go of the guilt. Fully engage in your child’s activity and add your own elements of fun. Check out the full version of the Ted Talk on the Importance of Play

For more information on the importance of play, visit NAEYC.org and Parents.com
Be Musical
One of the easiest ways to add more play to your day is to make music! Is your two year old having a hard time with dressing? Start singing a favorite song and ask him if he can put his shoes on before the song is over. Stuck inside during a snow day? Have a dance party or make up silly songs while you clean up the toys! Don’t have any instruments? Get out some kitchenware and have a blast! (Opt for more plastic and only a few metal pieces for optimum ear safety!) For more musical ideas, check out these Musical Parenting Hacks .
 Parenting Matters of El Paso County
A project of Alliance for Kids, El Paso County's Early Childhood Council Parentingmatters-EPC.org | 719.466.0099
Allianceforkids.org | 719.634.8045