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January 2018

Family of red wolves born at Wolf Haven_ photo by Julie Lawrence
Family of red wolves born at Wolf Haven - all grown up!
 photo by Julie Lawrence

Beginning the New Year on a Positive Note 

We want to start this new year with a grateful THANKS to all of you who supported Wolf Haven and our mission in 2017. In myriad ways - through donations, volunteering, becoming Wolf Haven members, sharing this newsletter, subscribing to our blog  - you also helped to conserve and protect wolves.

T hank you to each and every one of you! Although you can't see our gratitude, we feel as exuberant as our "Fresno Four" family of red wolves.

Fresno Four leap into the new year

Fresno Four leap into the new year

Wolf Haven news

  Upcoming events 

Environmental Nature Center, Newport Beach, CA 

February 6 Humane Lobby Day 
1115 Washington St SE, Olympia, WA

Wet Science Center, Olympia, WA

Mid-February through mid-March

Wolf Haven will be closed to the public and won't offer sanctuary visits when wolf breeding season comes around again. Although we never breed our rescued wolves and breed red and Mexican wolves based upon Species Survival Plan program needs, Wolf Haven still shuts down annually to offer all of our residents some privacy during this time.

"Conserve and protect wolves and their habitat."
Wolf Haven International | 3111 Offut Lake Rd SE | Tenino, WA 98589
360.264.4695 | |