Nativity Lutheran Church

1300 Collingwood Road

Alexandria, VA 22308


The Rev. Brent H. Thalacker, Pastor

People of Nativity, Ministers

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January 11, 2018 
Second Sunday after Epiphany
9:30 am
All the baptized have a calling in God's world. God calls not just the clergy but also the youngest child, like Samuel. The story of the calling of Nathanael plays with the idea of place. Nathanael initially dismisses Jesus because he comes from Nazareth. But where we come from isn't important; it's where-or rather whom-we come to. Jesus refers to the story of the vision of Jacob, who called the place of his vision "the house of God, and . . . the gate of heaven" (Gen. 28:17). Jesus says he himself is the place where Nathanael will meet God.

We are also observing Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with a rousing chorus of "Lift Every Voice"  to conclude our worship.
stewardship heart
We Give Our Best... God Does the Rest
This has been the theme for our stewardship program for 2018.  Our presentations have concluded, and we await the return of our giving intentions for the year ahead.  A good portion of our membership has already offered theirs... but our program will not be complete and our unity will remain unrealized until all have committed.  So for the remaining three Sundays in January, we will continue to encourage you to place yours in the offering, and we will dedicate it with prayer.

Offering envelopes are also available in the Narthex for your weekly use....  pick yours up on Sunday!
Next Men's Breakfast
on Saturday!

The Men of Nativity gather for breakfast this Saturday,  January 13 at 8:30 am at Mamma's Kitchen.  Contact Joe Mattaino if you have questions... all are welcome!
Nativity Book Club Meets  on January 14
N ativity's Book Club will meet this Sunday after church to discuss the book "Room" by Emma Donoghue as well as view the movie based on the book.  We will head over to Barb Gigure's house (2205 Yardley Ct.) about one hour after church ends for the book discussion and fellowship.  Come and share your thoughts even if you don't have time to read the book... we thank Barb for her energy and hospitality!
Sunday's Givers!
Many thanks to Rev. Lou Schuetze for giving this Sunday's flowers!  Also, we are grateful to the Olechniwicz Family for hosting fellowship following worship.
Enrolling Now!
New sign-ups for flowers, candles and fellowship are now available in the Narthex... we need everyone to participate.  Bring a bouquet for flowers, drop $10 in the offering for candles, and bake or buy away for a tasty fellowship. Recognition for each is noted in the Connect.
Our fully outfitted nursery is ready for childcare...  even on the mornings when no staff is available.  We will attempt to offer any visitors who need it our undivided attention and assistance.  See Pastor if you have any questions.
Thanks to Carrie and our singers for  special music.  Voices young and old, new or experienced are always welcome. Simply show up at 8:45 am any Sunday and the rest will take care of itself! 
 Questions or  interest? See Carrie.         [email protected]
UCM  Notes...
UCM's Food Pantry wants to provide heart healthy, non-perishable food items to its clients, especially necessary these days are canned tuna and boxed cereals.  Cart for your donation is as always located in the narthex.  We've averaged over 1000 pounds of food for the past few years.  Our goal this year is to double that amount...  and we can do it!  But it's going to take everyone bringing something from your weekly shopping trip when you come to church on Sunday.  
The Last Word...
In searching for the proverbial peg upon which to hang this weekly hat, I keep returning to the calendar as the muse that will inspire us this this fragmented and diffuse society sometimes the day and date is about all we can count on having in common.  The trouble is I hate to repeat myself...I have already employed before both the church calendar, with all its saints, commemorations, and festivals, and the traditional civic calendar, with all its holidays and occasions, as grist for the mill.  Since my trusty Thrivent calendar has yet to arrive, I toured the internet and discovered there to be quite a few charts that traffic in neither the religious nor the well known civic events with which we're most familiar.  So since it was a muse I sought, I hope I shall find it (this week at least) in an amusing list entitled "Weird Holidays in 2018."  If the shoe fits...

Before we reveal this week's entry, we have some catching up to do.  You might have thought January 6th was Epiphany, and you would be correct.  But did you know it is also celebrated as "Bean Day?"  Of course you did!  Just to refresh those who didn't, the day that honors the oldest and most widespread of all the crops is observed on the death date in 1884 of scientist Gregory Mendel, whose breeding of the bean plant formed the basis for his becoming the "father" of modern genetics.  (If I felt a need to connect to "churchy" stuff, I would remind you he was also an Augustinian friar...but since I'm not needy, I won't).

If you're reading a traditional calendar you will note next Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day...but it is also "Blue Monday."  This is not to be confused with Blue Christmas, observed by many churches in December on the longest night of the year.  On that date we extended comfort to those who are saddled with or saddened by loss in what is supposed to be the happiest time of the year.  Blue Monday, on the other hand, is the result of a pseudo scientific formula that purports to factor the confluence of the arrival of post Christmas bills, the abandonment of New Year's resolutions, low sunlight levels, and cold weather...and fixes it to the nearest Monday (the most dismal day of the week.) 

Look, I'm not saying that persons of faith are to be constantly "happy, peppy, and bursting with love."  The reality of disappointment and discouragement and the resultant sadness and even depression are not to be wished or prayed away... outside sources of insight and comfort are indispensible in the face of pain and loss.  I am saying what I desire to be a word of hope.  Recognize why you're down and feeling the blues.  Know that the feeling is transient and healing could be right around the corner.  Never give up, especially when it's the shortest light and the coldest of temperature...just wait.  God knows your experience and God's resolution to love you always and see you through in all circumstances is what counts.   That is both the negotiable scrip and the script we follow that leads us through the valley and to the top...from the muddle in the middle to the happy ending.

Besides blue is my favorite color... bright blue skies, deep blue seas, baby blue eyes.  A blue Monday often precedes a terrific Tuesday...even if it takes more than the standard 24 hours to arrive.  Remember that it's God's time, not go ahead and take it.  At the very least, if you've got the blues, don't whimper or mumble...sing 'em!

Pastor Brent,
Next up...Jan 18th:Winnie the Pooh Day

January 14, 2018
Counters: Sandi Kottman & Pat Schneider

Worship Assistant:  Abbey Pope

  Billy Pope

Ushers:  Joe Mattaino & Pat Schneider

Altar Guild: Debbie Bowers
Down the Road
January 15
Office closed for MLK Day

February 14
Ash Wednesday Holy Communion, 7 pm

February 18
First Sunday of Lent


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When those Nativity emails get deleted, you can always find our Connects published on Facebook!   Liking us is an easy form of EVANGELISM and INVITING OTHERS to Nativity since your "Likes" show up on your daily feed.


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STAR Mission Statement

SEEK to grow in God's Word

TELL the story of Jesus' love & forgiveness

ACT as God's Hands in the world

REACH OUT to welcome all


The Rev. Brent H. Thalacker,


[email protected] 


Carrie Brutscher, Music Director

[email protected]


Bob Kehler, Council President


Brian Bauman, Vice President

[email protected]


Debbie Bowers, Treasurer 

Joe Mattis, Stewardship

 [email protected]


Sandi Kottman, Council Member

[email protected]


Marianne Wendel, Secretary

[email protected]

Weekly Calendar
January 14, 2018 thru
January 20, 2018

9:30 am
Holy Communion 
Fellowship following
11:30 am  COI Service
11:30 am Nativity Book Club (Home of Barb Gigure)
2:00 pm  Cristo te Llama
6:30 pm
Boy Scouts

Monday Church Office closed for MLK Day
1:00 pm  
 AA Meeting
7:30 pm 
 Cristo te Llama
1:00 pm  AA Meeting
2:00 pm MS Initiative


10:00 am  Pastor Brent in office

7:30 am  Business Roundtable
12 pm TADSAW
6:00 pm  Energetic Yoga

7:00 am  Yoga
9:00 am  Music Together


9:30 am
Music Together
6:00 pm
Cristo Te Llama