March is National Nutrition Month
 Here are five simple tips to help you kick off the month of March:
 Work on Behaviors
Don't be surprised if it takes a few days, or up to a week, to break a bad habit and start a healthier one. Sometimes your routine becomes so engrained, that you aren't even sure why you are eating something. Your environment impacts your behaviors too.
  • If sweets are an issue at home or work, remove the candy dish, or other temptation from sight.
  • Have you gotten into the habit of eating on the couch, at your desk, or in the car? Make an effort to eat at the kitchen breakfast counter or table.
  • Put a fresh fruit bowl on the counter in your kitchen, or at work.
  • Prepping your fruits and vegetables ahead (washed and cut) makes eating them easier to grab from the refrigerator.
  • Portion out "smoothie bags" (sandwich bag filled with berries, cut melon, chopped spinach) and store in the refrigerator so you can quickly grab them, dump into blender, add yogurt and ice, and whip something healthy up for breakfast or a snack on the run.
Change it up, and one day at a time, you'll get used to your new food choice or daily habit.

Monthy Raffle
White raffle

Congratulations Gal C. you're this months raffle winner!
We hope you enjoy your 
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