Thank you for taking the time to read our Newsletter. 

It contains Important information for your attention.

Thou ght of the day...

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, 
but their echoes are truly endless." 
   Mother Teresa  

. . .  H e a d  l i n e s  . . .
  • Making Tax Digital (MTD) - What's happening?
  • The Worst Excuses
  • Pension Auto Enrolment Prices
Making Tax Digital (MTD) - On Hold?

Here is the most recent update on the proposed Making Tax Digita
Due to Parliament being dissolved in preparation for the General Election, some of the clauses of the Finance Bill were put aside. One of these clauses was relating to MTD , so for now, it's implementation and future is uncertain.

It is expected that MTD is likely to be re-introduced once the new Government is formed but it's timescales and roll-out are unclear at this time. There is also no guarantee that a different Government will have the same objectives.

In the meantime we will be considering the requirements as we believe it is inevitable that it will become enforced at some point in the future.

We will keep you updated so.. ." Watch this Space!"

If you would like to see a more in depth list of items that were put aside, 

If you would like a copy of the proposed MTD guide
Worst Excuses Ever!

Investigators from  HMRC  have revealed some of the worst excuses given to them by employers caught out for underpaying their employees.
Here are just 6 of them.

I thought it was ok to pay foreign workers below the National Minimum Wage as they aren't British and therefore don't have the right to be paid it.

She doesn't deserve the National Minimum Wage because she only makes the teas and sweeps the floors.

I've got an agreement with my workers that I won't pay them the National Minimum Wage; they understand and they even signed a contract to this effect.

My workers like to think of themselves as being self-employed and the National Minimum Wage doesn't apply to people who work for themselves.

My workers are often just on standby when there are no customers in the shop; I only pay them for when they're actually serving someone.

 My employee is still learning so they aren't entitled to the National Minimum Wage.

By law, all workers must be paid at least £7.50 an hour if they are aged 25 years and over, or the National Minimum Wage rate relevant to their age if they are younger.
Pension Auto Enrolment

Many Clients are staging for Auto enrolment in the next 12 months. here is a reminder of our fees for administering your pension compliance alongside your payroll.

One Off Setup Fees
Administrate the set up of the scheme online
Initial Workforce Assessment
£20 per employee
Register Compliance with Pension Regulator

NB. there has been a slight decrease
in our monthly processing fees from April 2017 

Monthly Fees
Basic scheme process fee

Plus processing fee per Employee enrolled:
Up to first 10 employees
Over 10 employees

Contact us: Unit 4, Dragon 24, North Dock, Llanelli, SA15 2LF

Tel: 01554 751032 Fax: 741577 [email protected]

or visit our website: