Dear Patron,

This budget season has been fraught with unwanted excitement, but it is finally over. Library advocates are already beginning to prepare for next year, though, because the town and the library will probably be in the same situation. You can join them tonight at the municipal center at 7:00pm if you want to get involved.

Enough on that front, though. What else is going on? We're getting ready for an exciting summer reading program. One of the things we will be doing this year is offering a library passport. If you pick up a passport here and visit six other libraries in the Blackstone Valley--collecting their stamps--you'll be entered into a drawing for prizes. We'll have separate prize groups for children, teens, and adults. We'll also be pulling out the super reader lawn signs for our most voracious literati who want to tout their bookishness. 

I've gotten a lot of feedback about Overdrive, and the desire for clearer, more accessible instructions. We now have updated pamphlets at the circ desk that have instructions and tips for using the software. Make sure to get the pamphlet that matches your device, though. We have one for Android, one for generic e-readers, one for Amazon kindles, and one for I-pads/phones/pods/whatevers.

Come check out sometime, too. It's neat. 

Thanks for Reading,
Justin Snook

Learn ukulele with Julie Stepanek on May 18th! Beginning at 6pm, she will be teaching an introductory lesson, leading a strum-along, and answering any questions you have about ukes. You can bring your own instrument or use one of hers, but reservations are required for this program and slots are filling up fast. Call today! All ages are welcome, from "young-enough-to-strum" to "Maryellen Aubin."

This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
Baby-Steps Toward Greater Accessibility

Our parking lot proposal has been approved by the planning board and is ready to move forward. The trees between the library and the Douglas House of Pizza have already been removed by our own board chairman Joe Biagiani and his guys at Arbor Alliance. 

The next step will be to move the granite retaining wall back to make room for more road!

Tired of climbing Mount Everest to return your books after hours? Now you don't have to. We'll do it for you. And by we, I mean Deb. Notice how thrilled she is!

The book drop has been moved to the bottom of the stairs and anchored into a concrete slab to provide easier access from the road. Adam Furno deserves thanks for the work, and the Friends of the Library deserve thanks for paying for the concrete. 

Adam has also been installing these bike racks throughout town that were awarded to Douglas through a grant. When he asked if I wanted one, my answer was an emphatic yes. In the summer, especially, some of our teen patrons carry their bikes into the library since there is nowhere to lock them up. Now, though, we can offer official bicycle parking.

Upcoming Book Clubs:
  • Greatest Book Club Ever: May 4 @ 6:30pm --Life of Pi by Yann Martel
  • Intrepid Readers: May 9 @ 6:30pm --Sisters in Law by Linda Hirshman
  • Young Readers Club: May 11 @ 6:00pm -- Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly
  • Book Bunch: May 25 @ 6:00pm -- Dear Mr. Henshaw by Beverly Cleary