Email Newsletter - May 19, 2017
May 21, 2017 - 6 th Sunday of Easter

Sermon: Rev. LeeAnn Inman
Closer & Closer Worship Series:
"Closer than You Think"

Scripture: Acts 17:22-28 (NRSV)

The apostle Paul describes the cosmic force, the Holy Spirit, as one "in whom we live and move and have our being". God is like the air to us, sky to the bird, or water to a fish. 

What would our community and our world look like if we saw every breath we took as immersing ourselves in God, and every exhaling as an opportunity to breathe God's liberating love back out to the wo rld?

A church member's daughter is in need of an immediate bone marrow transplant. She does not have a match within her family.  Please consider being a bone marrow donor.  Go to this website for more information: 
Peace Blood Drive - May 21
Blood is essential for life.  It carries oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, fights infection and helps to heal wounds.  Everyone has this self-generating resource that can be generously given to others-when and where it's needed most. Our next Peace blood drive is this  Sunday, May 21st from 8:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.  Don't wait for a tragedy to donate blood.  Cancer patients, trauma patients, premature babies and sickle cell patients need blood every day!  Please eat a good breakfast, bring a photo ID and come prepared to give! 
UMW Susanna Wesley Circle Meeting
- May 23
Susanna Wesley Circle, a United Methodist Women Bible Study Circle, will meet Tuesday, May 23 at 9:30 a.m. at Peace. We are studying a Bible Study entitled "Friendships of Faith: A Shared Study of Hebrews." (Study #15). All ladies of the church are invited to join us. Please call Deanna Greenman at  407-812-5499 or Roberta Jones at 850-819-5234 for more information.
Peace Youth Senior Sunday
- May 28
This is always a special time of the year for our Youth Ministry. The fundraising for the mission trips has finished, the planning for the summer is done, and the youth are itching to get out of school. However, it's also the end of an era for some youth. Peace United Methodist Church will be seeing a wonderful group of youth graduate and head out on the next phase of their lives. On Sunday, May 28th during our Youth gathering, we will be having a special ceremony for our youth, reflecting on their time here at Peace. If you are a parent of one of the graduates, or would like to be a part of this special night, please come and join us at 6:00 p.m Whether you can attend this service or not, please lift these graduates up in your prayers as they began the next step in their life journey.  Contact Brandon Sangster, Director of Student Ministries for further information: [email protected] or 407-932-8223
Spirit Journey Class Hosting Nursing Home Worship
- May 28
Come and join the Spirit Journey Class and be a part of our group that will be ministering to the Hunter's Creek Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. The date is Sunday, May 28 , and we will meet at the facility at 9:20 a.m. We are hosting the worship service which runs from 9:30 - 10:00 a.m.  Location: Hunter's Creek Nursing & Rehab,  14155 Town Loop Blvd, Orlando, FL 32837   Room : TV room.  Enter the facility and take a right at the first hallway.  The TV room is on your left at end of hall across from nurse's station. Contact Cheryl Rose at 407-440-4786 for more information.
Habitat for Humanity Workday - June 3
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity was founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a simple, durable place to live in dignity and safety, and that decent shelter in decent communities should be a matter of conscience and action for all. They are dedicated to eliminating substandard housing locally and worldwide through constructing, rehabilitating and preserving homes. It's not too late to be part of the Peace Habitat team on Saturday, June 3 rd . Volunteers are needed! Sign up on the table in the back of the sanctuary.  
Florida Annual Conference - June 8-10
Each summer our Florida Annual Conference meets to conduct the business of the church.  Delegates hear reports of past and ongoing work; adopt future goals, programs and budgets; and ordain clergy members. The Florida Conference Bishop (Kenneth H. Carter, Jr.) presides over the gathering. This year the Florida Annual Conference theme is "Revive Us Again" and it is being held in Orlando (East Central District). Volunteers are needed for daytime greeting, registration, welcome table, and guest services. Opportunities are also available to volunteer as ushers for the evening worship services. The Conference is June 8-10 at the Buena Vista Palace Hotel ( 1900 Buena Vista Drive) . Visit the Florida Conference website to learn more about Annual Conference 2017 and sign up to join the volunteer hospitality team. .
Summer Camp Coming This June
Enroll your children today for three exciting weeks of summer camp this June. Camp is for ages 4 years old thru 5th grade.  The cost is only $85.00 per week and space is limited! Early enrollment is recommended to ensure your child's placement-packets are available online or in the church office.

It's Hollywood - June 5th-9th 9:00-12:00 p.m . - Are you a movie star, or someone behind the scenes running the camera? Either way, use your imagination to create your identity.  Then prepare to share your amazing talent and walk the red carpet as we celebrate during our finale Friday celebration. Most importantly learn to live a life of worship through singing, prayer, serving, and giving. 

Heroes - June 12th-16th:  9:00-12:00 p.m. - Grab your mask and cape and step into a secret lair to fight injustice.  Also be inspired by heroes from the Bible like Noah, Esther, Abraham, Miriam and David or even with heroes of today.  Imagine and create a superhero of your own, then prepare to defend the Mega City on our Friday finale celebration. 
Prehistoric Pandemonium - June 19th-23rd:  9:00-12:00 p.m . - Hey dinosaur enthusiasts, let's explore dinosaurs and fossils together.  Create and imagine what these prehistoric creatures were like, then join us for our finale Friday celebration as we visit our dino zoo.  This one is going to be dinomazing! 

This year we will be offering extended day from 12:00-4:00 p.m.  For an additional $30.00 per week, your child can play the entire day.  Kids pack a lunch and get ready for even more fun. Questions?  Please contact Children's Ministry Director, Julie Chatfield [email protected] .
Vacation Bible School - June 26- 30
Imagine a world where curious kids become hands-on inventors who discover they are lovingly crafted by God!  Please join us for a week of Bible stories, outreach activities, games, crafts, snacks and lots of new friends.  Maker Fun Factory Vacation Bible School is from June 26th -30th from 6:30 p.m.- 8:45 p.m. To register your child or to volunteer just head to our web page at  and follow the instructions from there. It's fast and easy.  Please contact the church office for more information.  Invite your friends!
Text-to-Give Option for Summer Tithes & Offerings
This summer season, giving financially to Peace is easy with our Text-to-Give option.  Donating via text from your smart phone is a fast, convenient and secure way to give your tithes and offerings. Simply send a text to 407-269-8307 with the amount you would like to contribute. Make sure to include the dollar sign before the amount you wish to give and the word Contribution.  Example: $25 Contribution Text-to-Give donations are recorded to your annual contribution statement.  Because of your generous support, we are able to have a meaningful impact not only within our own church, but throughout our larger community and world. 
M.A.P. Meal Assistance Program
Many children go to bed hungry every night right here in Orange and Osceola counties.  The number of families in need of help with basic food supplies continues to grow.  Thanks to your generous donations Peace is able to provide a bag of food for these families in desperate need of assistance.  Each bag feeds a family of four for several meals. 
To make monetary donations: make a check payable to Peace UMC and specify "Meal Assistance Program" or M.A.P.  All food items that Peace purchases are on sale or purchased at a discount rate negotiated with Publix and other stores. We black out the UPC code on the labels so food cannot be returned and exchanged alcohol or tobacco.    
Peace Happenings: 

Peace Preschool graduation 2017!

Preschool students made a new friend this week - a ball python!

College students are returning home for the summer months! Brandon & Pastor Jim welcoming back Kennedy Hayles.

Peace United Methodist Church 
|407-438-8947|  Email  Website |

Rev. LeeAnn Inman, Lead Pastor
Rev. Jim Berlau, Associate Pastor

Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. & 
Fridays - 8:30 a.m. - Noon

For emergencies when the Church Office is closed, please call 407-438-8947 
Ext. 203 and follow the instructions to reach our staff member on-call. 
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