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What to Expect
What's an audiogram?
An audiogram is a graph which plots your hearing test results. The main component is a record of one's thresholds which are the quietest tones they can hear for different pitches or frequencies.

Will it hurt?
Having a hearing rest is as painless as listening. It takes about an hour and you do not need a referral from your doctor to book the appointment.

May, 3 2017 
May is hearing and Speech Month in Canada. It is a great time to let the public know the importance of having their hearing tested every one to two years. Here's why: 

It's important to have a baseline of our hearing so we can determine whether there has been any change in our hearing over time. This came in handy for a client of ours whose hearing worsened after a head injury in an accident. Because we had a baseline audiogram, we were able to prove that her hearing had worsened after the accident which helped her with her insurance claim. 

Noise Damage
Having hearing tests every one to two years is the only way to tell whether someone's hearing is being damaged by exposure to loud sounds. If you have a noisy job or hobby, having regular hearing tests is highly recommended. If noise-induced hearing loss is suspected, recommendations can be made to lesson your risk for further damage. If occupational hearing loss is suspected, workers are encouraged to apply to WCB within five years of retirement. People who wait too long will be denied funding for hearing aids.

Ensuring hearing aids are providing optimal volume
It is especially important for people who wear hearing aids to monitor for possible changes in their hearing over time. Hearing aids can usually be reprogrammed to accommodate the change in thresholds. Having annual assessments is the best way to ensure hearing aids are providing optimal performance for your current hearing needs.
So whether you have never had a hearing test before or are due for a recheck, Hearing and Speech month is a great time to remove this item from your to-do list.

Happy hearing,

Sheri MacGregor

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Highland Hearing Clinic Ltd. | 902-863-0633 | [email protected] |
3988 South River Rd.
Antigonish, B2G 2H7