Lovejoy High School
A Message from the Principal
Lovejoy HS News 05 03 17 - Special Edition from the Counselors
Dear Parents and Guardians, 
Important Information about Netflix Series: 13 Reasons Why
A new Netflix series entitled 13 Reasons Why debuted this past month and is trending nationally, as well as in our school community. It is a 13 hour series depicting intense, graphic themes of suicide, bullying, sexual assault, drug use, and other social issues.  The series revolves around a 17-year-old student who takes her own life and leaves behind audio recordings for people who she claims were part of her decision to take her life by suicide.
While the show has become very popular, it is also generating a tremendous amount of controversy and concern among mental health experts. We found an article by the National Association of School Psychologists to be helpful in understanding cautions for teens and guidelines for parents concerning this series. Click Here for Article
On April 24, the LHS Counseling Department and Student Council presented information about Suicide Prevention to all students. During the presentation, a few students shared the impact that depression and suicide has had in their lives. Within the presentation, the following important information was addressed:
  •  Signs of depression
  •  Warning signs of suicidal thoughts
  •  Specific steps to take if concerned about a friend
  •  Importance of reaching out to trusted adults
  •  Help is available!
As a helpful resource, the phone number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is printed on the back of each student's LHS ID Card: 1-800-273-8255  or text "START" to 741741.
As always, please reach out to your student's counselor for assistance as we partner together.
LHS Counselors
Amanda Breeden
(Students A-Go)  
Lissa Testa
(Students Gr-O) 
Nancy Schweikhard
(Students P-Z)