~ TWIGS ~
Quarterly Newsletter of
Friends of Jensen - Olson Arboretum
Winter Issue December 2017
Quarterly News and Updates
In this issue: 2017 at the photos, and more...
2017...the year of infrastructure improvements...
and more to come in 2018!
We hope you enjoy this brief photo review of 2017...
Very best wishes to you and yours in 2018
from the Jensen - Olson Arboretum
The first year of JOA Docents: visitors report the program is a great success!
Many, many thanks to the 12 individuals who graciously volunteered, collectively, over 145 hours of service to the Arboretum's many visitors and guests this season.

Patricia Wherry, a "regular" here at the Arboretum had this to say about her experience working as a docent, "The Arboretum is a marvelous place to do outdoor volunteer work and learn at the same time. I met a broad range of folks, locals and visitors." Many visitors return to the Arboretum several times throughout the year to enjoy the changing landscape, and a couple after a few visits, were heard to say, "Who is docent-ing today? I'd like to ask a few questions..." What a great way to enhance the visitor experience.

We will conduct docent training workshops on an every-other-year cycle, so look for announcements in 2019 if you have interest in learning about the Arboretum and sharing your knowledge with others.

Please remember the Arboretum when you
Pick. Click. Give.
Sneak Peek: 
Juneau hosts the
American Primrose Society Annual Conference and Show
May 2018 
The Jensen-Olson Arboretum is a member of the American Primrose Society (APS) and also holds the nationally-accredited collection for the genus Primula - accredited by the Plant Collections Network of the American Public Gardens Association.
In 2016, the APS asked the Arboretum and the APS Juneau Chapter to host an upcoming annual conference and show. Membership in the Juneau Chapter is small and hosting this event will take a collective effort; Arboretum Manager Merrill Jensen discussed the possibility of co-hosting with the Juneau Garden Club - they agreed! Shortly after that, the Friends of Jensen-Olson Arboretum as well as the Juneau Master Gardeners offered their interest and assistance in the many planning and hosting duties.

Mark your calendars! May 4 - 6, 2018 the Arboretum staff, together with the organizations listed above will host the APS National Conference and Show here in Juneau.

It is an honor to be asked to host this event - the Arboretum staff will commit all its Spring efforts and energy toward a successful conference weekend and toward polishing the grounds for weekend visitors from across North America. With this in mind, the Arboretum will not participate in the annual Mother's Day Plant Sale during 2018, but we'll be back with full tables of primrose and other garden treasures in 2019.
FJOA Seeks Board Members
Do you love the Arboretum? Are you interested in volunteering your time and energy in support of its programs?  Become a Friends of Jensen - Olson board member! If you are interested in becoming a board member, please contact FJOA President, Pat Harris at or at 907.500.3366 to learn about the details.
~ Look for these highlights in the Spring issue of TWIGS ~
*May 2018 - a National Primrose Show...updates and registration details
*Where is the new Arboretum entry and who is partnering to create the interpretive signs along the trail?
Humulus lupulus 'Aureus'
Golden Hops Flowers
Autumn at the Arboretum, September 2017
*See your Inbox in early February for a special issue of TWIGS - 2018 Event Calendar

Is it time to renew your Annual Membership? 
Visit our website to renew today!
         Mission Statement              
  The vision of the Arboretum is to provide the people of Juneau a place that both teaches and inspires learning in horticulture, natural sciences and landscaping - to preserve the beauty of the landscape for pure aesthetic enjoyment - to maintain the historical and cultural context of the place and its people.
                                                                                                                         Caroline Jensen 
     Friends of Jensen - Olson Arboretum Partners  
Juneau Garden Club

Juneau-Gastineau Rotary Club
   Friends of Jensen - Olson Arboretum Board Members  
*Pat Harris, President *Morgan Humphreys Davis and *Julie Nielsen, Co-Vice Presidents 
*Kim Garnero, Treasurer *Vacancy, Secretary *Vacancy, Membership Coordinator
Members at Large: Chiska Derr, Laurie Lamm, Deb Rudis
Ex-Officio Member: Merrill Jensen
Newsletter Editor: Kelly Jensen
Friends of Jensen - Olson Arboretum |
Friends of Jensen - Olson Arboretum is a 501(c)3 charitable organization.
Contributions to FJOA are tax deductible.
Caring for Caroline's Garden
Jensen - Olson Arboretum
23035 Glacier Hwy       Juneau, Alaska 99801    907.789.0139
Visitor Hours: Wednesday - Sunday, 9am - 4:45pm, year round

Nationally Accredited Plant Collection of the genus Primula
Merrill Jensen, BS Ornamental Horticulture
Arboretum Manager and Horticulturist