Vol. 7, Iss. 17
May 4, 2017
A message from BFA's Student Council...
A huge THANK YOU to the entire BFA community for a very successful Wish Week! To date, we have raised more than $9,800 to support Brayden. Congratulations to third grade for winning the super competitive Penny Wars and to the teachers/staff for winning the volleyball tournament! Also, a special thank you to the Student Council for organizing an amazing week to help Brayden's wish come true!
Thanks to all of you, Brayden is scheduled to enjoy time at a dude ranch in June. Brayden will do some horseback riding and learn the 'ways of the cowboy' during his stay. We can't wait to tell you all about it this summer. However, before he leaves, we have one additional fundraiser to ensure his trip is AMAZING! Please support the car wash from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 13, at BFA. The suggested donation is $5 to $10. Lets finish strong for Brayden!  
The Colorado League of Charter Schools asked us to pass along this message to our community:
There is only one week left in the 2017 Colorado General Assembly.

Legislation,(Senate Bill 61), which would provide the 115,000 students who attend Colorado charter public schools with an equal share of local mill levy override dollars, is making some serious headway. But anything can happen in the last days of a legislative session.

One thing is certain - unless the charter community continues to make its voice heard, our chances of success go down significantly.
Your legislators MUST hear from you! Help us keep up the pressure by asking your elected officials to support equal public school funding for all of Colorado's public school children. 
  1. Click here to send a pre-written message to your House Representative via email.
  2. Then share this email with your school's families, staff, board and other supporters.

Opponents of the bill recently circulated
this email.
PTO Logo
The PTO is delighted to announce the results of the 2017-18 BFA PTO elections.
Executive Officers elected to serve a 2-year term: 
  • President: Mollie Anderson
  • Treasurer: Lisa Watanabe
  • Co-Room Parent Coordinators: Emily Tenhundfeld & Amanda Trenck
Committee Chairs elected to serve a 1-year term:
  • Birthday Committee Chair: Mikey Dehner
  • Box Top Committee Chair: Jen Jones
  • Restaurant/Spirit Night Committee Chair: Sarah Hope
  • Teacher Appreciation Committee Chair: Natalie Lucero
  • Uniform Buy Back Committee Chair: Stephanie Ortiz
  • Virtues Awareness Committee Chair: Jodi Watson
The following Elected Committee Chair positions did not receive nominations in time for the elections. Thus, they will be appointed by the current BFA PTO Executive Board and results will be announced at the next PTO meeting on May 18: 
  • Middle School Social Committee Chair
  • Yearbook/School Pictures Committee Chair
The results of the Appointed Coordinator and Committee Manager positions are below:
Executive Officers appointed to fill open position:
  • Co-Social Coordinators: Katie Devlin & Kim Byers
Committee Managers appointed to a 1-year term:
  • Ben's Brigade Committee Manager: Tom Devlin
  • Benefit Bash Procurement Committee Manager: Shele Steele
  • Benefit Bash Auction Item Storage Committee Manager: Mindy Pooler
  • Benefit Bash Assistant Committee Manager: Celeste Johnson 
  • Father/Daughter Event Committee Manager: Sarah McMullen
  • Harvest Festival Committee Manager: Gwen Feifarek
  • Marketing Committee Manager: Briauna Smythe
  • Mother/Son Event Committee Manager: Julie Prutsman
  • PTO Web Page Committee Manager: Alyssa LeBoeuf
  • Spirit Wear Committee Manager: Rachel Molieri
  • Sponsor Committee Manager: Denise Battista
  • Welcoming Committee Manager: Christine Braden & Kimberly Blanchard (Co-Chairs)
Nominations for the following Committee Manager positions will be accepted until May 11. Please email PTO Co-Secretaries Mindy or Lisa if you are interested in any of these Committee Manager positions.
  • Baking Committee Manager
  • BFA Online Store Committee Manager
  • Bulletin Board Committee Manager
  • Washington D.C. Fundraising Committee Manager
  • Scrip Committee Manager
Thank you to all of the nominees for sharing their ideas and passion for BFA. Additionally, we are grateful to the BFA community for taking the time to be involved and vote. Your participation is what makes BFA such a great community!
B eing selected to participate in DI Global Finals is an honor and reflects positively on our school and the BFA community that supports them. BFA has approved additional (FUN!) fundraisers over the next few weeks to help support the students attending the competition:
Ben Franklin Bolting Fundraiser: Now through Friday, May 19
  • Lightning does strike twice - at least for some BFA families! In the past week, three BFA families have been bolted twice by different families. You can participate by "bolting" a fellow BFA family - once, twice or as many times as you'd like! This is the DI take on the traditional Flocking Flamingo Fundraiser. For a tax-deductible donation of $25 to the BFA PTO, you can cover the lawn of BFA families with a dozen (12) Ben Franklin Lightning Bolts! The family "bolted" can choose to have the Bolts moved to another lawn for $25 by placing an order on the BFA Store. The Bolts will be removed the following evening regardless of giving a donation. A lawn full of Ben Franklin Lightning Bolts is a "gift" that won't be forgotten and one that will be the "talk" in the lunchroom and recess!
  • The "bolting" has already started, but ends on Friday, May 19, so don't delay! Head to the BFA Store today and "bolt" another family. You will need the address of the family you would like to "bolt." In addition, you can remain anonymous or let the family know you "bolted" them! Helpful hint: Use the Directory On Tap app to look up an address to "bolt." 
  • Note: Bolting Bens can be delivered only to families currently attending BFA; they cannot be delivered to a public space, townhouse, condo or an apartment complex.
EXTRA Dress of Choice Day and Frozen Treat Sale: Friday, May 12, Sale at Second Recess
  • All students (with the exception of those going on field trips) can participate in an EXTRA Dress of Choice Day on Friday, May 12. To participate, send your child with $1 on May 12 (please have exact change!) to turn into his/her class/homeroom teacher, and s/he can join in the fun!
  • In addition, DI team members and parents will be at school on Friday, May 12, selling frozen treats for $1 each during second recess to all grades (and during middle school recess). If your child would like to participate, please make sure they hold onto their Frozen Treat money until second recess for purchase. Single bills are greatly appreciated!
  • Please note: Friday, May 12, is a previously scheduled Spirit Wear Day. If your child does not participate in the extra Dress of Choice fundraising effort, s/he is still welcome to wear a spirit wear T-shirt (includes former Field Day T-shirts) along with his/her uniform bottoms of choice. If your child chooses not to participate in the fundraising day or Spirit Day, s/he must be in full uniform.
Flapjack Fundraiser: Arrive anytime between 7:30-9:30 a.m., Saturday, May 13, Applebee's (8292 S. University Blvd., Centennial, 80122)
  • Breakfast really is the MOST important meal of the day, so enjoy a short stack for a tall cause by joining BFA teachers Ms. PoleschookMs. Gibson and the BFA Believers' DI team as they greet and serve you a pancake breakfast at Applebee's (corner of County Line and University). Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased on the BFA Store or from team parents (Ms. Poleschook, Ms. Gibson, Amy Sunahara, Missy Washeck, Nandini Sundaresh, Anna West). 
  • The meal includes pancakes, eggs, sausage and a beverage (orange juice, milk or coffee). If you purchase a ticket on the BFA Store, your name will be listed at the door instead of receiving a ticket.
If you are interested in donating to DI directly to support the BFA team, you can make a donation to the BFA PTO. (Please put 'DI' in the memo section.) Any donation is greatly appreciated, as the cost of attending the competition is significant - nearly $10,000 per team. Additional information will be in Thursday folders. If you have questions, please contact Missy Washeck at (720) 935-5791 or via email . Thank you for helping our DI Global Finals-bound team! 
DI is a volunteer-led, educational non-profit organization that teaches 21st century skills and STEAM principles to kindergarten through university-level students through creative and collaborative problem solving challenges. 
Ben's Brigade's new logo and T-shirts will be on display tomorrow, May 5, during morning and afternoon carpool for their first 'All Ben's Brigade' carpool day.
The spring workday is from 8 a.m. until noon this Saturday, May 6, at BFA. This annual workday has always been well attended by Ben's Brigade members. If you would like to come and pitch in, please sign up.
All incoming BFA Kindergartners are invited to sign up for a summer program designed to introduce students to kindergarten literacy and math. This Kindie boot camp is designed to provide an opportunity for new kindies to become familiar with BFA and the kindergarten classroom. Campers will learn a new letter every day, make new friends, and work on crafts.  There will be two boot camp sessions, and space is limited to 16 kids per session. The first camp will be held June 5-16, and the second is June 19-30; both are from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m., Monday through Friday, at BFA. The cost of the camp is $125 per session. Sign up for one or both sessions today!  
Have your kids had a growth spurt, or are you ready to get new uniforms for next year? If so, mark your calendars for the upcoming Used Uniform Sale from 9 - 11 a.m. on Saturday, May 20, in the Middle School Commons. Please note, the date has changed.

If you would like to sell your clothes, please be sure your items are tagged and brought to the school with the inventory form no later than Friday, May 19. Please follow the tagging instructions and complete the inventory form. Please note that no clothes will be held after the sale. Any unsold items will need to be picked up after the sale. More information will come soon about pickup times and locations.

If you would like to shop the uniform sale, please note that at this time we only accept cash or check. We have uniforms in all sizes and genders, so be sure to check it out!  
Attention incoming fifth through eighth grade girls! Registration is now open for the girls volleyball camp which will take place Monday through Friday, July 10 -14 in the BFA Gym.  
Please see the attached flier for further description, times, and cost. Registration is open now. If you have any questions, please email coach Kristen Haufschild.  
It's that time again...BFA Boys Summer Basketball Clinic will be held from 9 a.m. until noon, July 24 - 28. 
Coach Knudsen and Coach Macias will be hosting a 5-day boys basketball clinic for grades 5-8. They will be working on dribbling, passing, shooting, and ball handling. They will hold a scrimmage game the last day. The cost is $125 per player which includes a T-shirt and prizes throughout the week. Registration is open now so sign up today!  
Congratulations Larry and Lisa DiLorenzo, the recipients of the Volunteer Quota Award parking spot for the month of May. The DiLorenzo family met their 30-hour volunteer requirement which qualified them for an entry into the monthly drawing. Please do not park in this (or any) designated spot because they earned it by completing their required 30-hour volunteer requirement.
Thank you to the DiLorenzo family for spending your time in the school and making it such an amazing place!
Attention all seventh grade parents--it's time to start thinking about sending your student to Washington, D.C. next school year. Many of our current eighth graders are in Washington, D.C. this week and are having a blast learning about the history of our great country and hanging out with each other.
We organize the trip for our students through World Strides, a company that specializes in educational travel opportunities. They offer incentives to sign up early, so please plan on joining Mrs. Simpson at the meeting next week to find out more. She is hosting an information session from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. next Wednesday, May 10, in the Middle School Commons.    
benefit bash
The 2017 Benefit Bash, "A Night at the Speakeasy," is BFA's major fundraiser for the 2017-18 school year. Procurement for the event is ramping up NOW and we need YOUR HELP! There are all sorts of procurement roles available and many of the tasks can be accomplished during the summer.
The event will take place on Nov. 11, 2017, with preparations happening now until event night. See the attached  flyer to find out how you can help.
Ice Cream Cone
The final Spirit Night scheduled for Tuesday, May 9, at Aspen Grove has been cancelled. Stay tuned for new fun spirit night events next school year.
Field day
There are lots of events to track the last month of school, so below is a summary of upcoming field day dates and reminders for your reference. Sunscreen should be applied before school, and be sure to send your student(s) in with a water bottle that can be taken outside. Your PTO is providing field day T-shirts again this year; so students should wear those along with athletic shorts that meet the Dress of Choice day standards. You never know what the weather will bring, so be sure to send jackets/layer clothing appropriately. Please remember that volunteers and spectators should check in at the front office. The theme this year is Arcade Games Come to Life!   
Field Day 2017-18:
May 18 - fourth and fifth grade
May 19 - kindergarten and first grade
May 22 - second and third grade
May 24 - middle school (see below) 
Middle School Field Day: 
The middle school field day will be held on Wednesday, May 24, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Redstone Park. The students will leave Ben Franklin around 8:30 a.m. and walk to the park with their advisory teacher; they will walk home after field day ends at 1 p.m.
We have partnered with TRAINOC again to help design the middle school events. They will have a 25-piece obstacle course and a 10-station field day game competition for 400 students. It is going to be an exciting day for our middle school kids, so be sure to complete the necessary information via the Field Trip link, as well as sign up through TRAINOC. Additionally, please be sure to read the middle school newsletter for important reminders from Mr. Macias.  
Library Books 
All BFA library books are due by the end of the day on Friday, May 12 . Any books checked out after this time will be assigned a fine. Please help your child remember to turn in all books before this day.

Book Fair
School is almost over--so that means it is time to stock up on books for summer reading at the By One, Get One Book Fair sale! Join us at BFA'S Scholastic Book Fair May 22-26 and keep your kids reading all summer. All books, posters and miscellaneous items will be buy one, get one free.

The schedule for the book fair is as follows:
  • 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.: Monday, May 22; Wednesday, May 24; and Friday, May 26
  • 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.: Tuesday, May 23, and Thursday, May 25 (Please keep in mind the office is closed from 3 - 4 p.m.) 
We look forward to seeing you there!
The 2016-17 "The Power of Yet" yearbooks will be delivered on Friday, May 19. Please email any questions to Katie Devlin, PTO yearbook coordinator.   
The middle school students at BFA are proud to present a festival of Spanish dances, songs and food beginning at 6 p.m. on Friday, May 12, in the small gym. Friends and family are welcome to come see their favorite C and D middle school Spanish students will participate in the festival. Spanish students in 'C-day' begin their program at 6 p.m.; and students in 'D-day' begin at 6:45 p.m.
There will be amazing food for sale as well beginning at 5:30 p.m. We will have two vendors; one of the vendors, " Tapas de Jerez," will sell food typical of Spain, and " Maria Empanadas," who was featured on the Food Network, will offer food typical of Venezuela. Admission is free, so please plan to come and support our students as well as enjoy wonderful food and entertainment.
According to state law, students entering sixth grade next school year must have received the Tdap vaccination to protect against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis. Students entering sixth grade, and students new to BFA for grades 6-8 must show proof of immunization. Records can be dropped off in the school health office, emailed to the health office, or faxed to 303-974-1738. For more information, please see this flier
BASE logo
Be sure to order your spirit wear soon! The BFA Online store will close to Spirit Wear orders on Monday, May 15; ordering will resume again in August.

BFA Summer Camp
It is hard to believe, but it's already time to start thinking about Summer Camp! Ben Franklin Academy is happy to announce that we will offer an exciting Summer Camp program again this year. 

Do you need full-time daycare for the summer? Or perhaps you want to schedule something fun for your kids once a week while you run errands. Maybe your kids would like to connect with other Ben Franklin Academy kids and enjoy fun, summer social time? Whatever your situation, our Summer Camp is sure to keep your kids safe and entertained. And, the best part is--the program is staffed by people you know and trust!
Program Details
Dates: May 31 - Aug. 11; Closed July 3-7
Hours: 7 a.m. until 6 p.m.
Days: Monday through Friday
Summer Camp is open to any currently enrolled BFA student age 5-years-old and above. Your child must be five on or before May 31 to participate.
Program Costs
Registration: There is a $35/per child one-time registration fee. All registered campers will receive a camp T-shirt and daypack.
Daily Tuition: The cost of the camp is $35/day/child for non-field trip days and $50/day/child for field trip days.

Begin the  registration process now!

Detailed daily activity schedules available below:
Denver Center for the Performing Arts
Now - May 7
1101 13th St, Denver, CO 80204 
$35 tickets (Promo code DCSD)
Limited tickets available!
Go to the Denver Center for Performing Arts to order.

Elitch Gardens Douglas County Community Days 
Take advantage of Elitch Gardens discount tickets and pay only $27.99 per admission (ages 3 and under are free) from June 2 - 4. If you purchase tickets by May 31, you will receive a free return ticket to the park valid mid-August through mid-October. Please remember to use our school code (BFA) at checkout and $4 from each ticket purchased will be donated to our school. Go to the Elitch Gardens website for more details and to buy tickets. 

Celebrating birthdays at BFA is fun! For $10, your child will receive the following:
  • A bag full of goodies, such as erasers, pencils, bouncy balls, etc. (no food or candy will be in the bags) delivered to their classroom by eighth graders
  • A personalized note from you (if requested)
  • Eighth graders singing happy birthday to your child in his/her classroom while delivering the bag
Did your student already celebrate his/her birthday? Is his/her birthday in the summer? We also will deliver "unbirthday bags" for students who have already celebrated their birthday or "half-birthday bags" for summer birthdays. 
Thank you for supporting the eighth graders' trip to Washington, D.C.!
To order your birthday bags, go to the BFA Store. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Simpson.
Today, May 4 

To celebrate Space Week, Mrs. Ward is bringing the Starlab portable Planetarium to our school! Students in grades K-5 will be able to sit inside the planetarium and see the night sky displayed.

TOMORROW, May 4, at 7:30 p.m. your BFA Board of Directors is having a special meeting via conference call in the BFA Conference Room. 

Music Notes
On Thursday, May 4, the Band will be having a potluck and concert beginning at 5:30 p.m. 
Saturday, May 6 

Ben's Brigade is having a Spring Work Day to get things done around the school. BFA Dads - if you would like to come and pitch in, please sign up.
Monday, May 8 

There is a Finance Committee Meeting from 5 - 6 p.m. on Monday, May 8, in the BFA Library. 
Tuesday, May 9 

The Math Olympiad year-end competition is being held at 1:15 p.m. on Tuesday, May 9, in the Middle School Commons.  

Ben Franklin
The BFA Board of Directors is scheduled to meet beginning at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May  9, in the BFA Library.
Wednesday, May 10 

Mrs. Simpson is hosting an information session for seventh graders regarding the eighth grade Washington, D.C. trip from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 10, in the Middle School Commons. 
Thursday, May 11 

Musical Theatre
Ms. Johnson is hosting an event for the after school musical theater (both jr. and 3-8 grade) at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 11, on the BFA stage.     
Friday, May 12 


All students (with the exception of those going on field trips) can participate in an EXTRA Dress of Choice Day on Friday, May 12. To participate, send your child with $1 on May 12 (please have exact change!) to turn into his/her class/homeroom teacher, and s/he can join in the fun!

BASE logo

Friday, May 12, is a previously scheduled Spirit Wear Day. If your child does not participate in the extra Dress of Choice fundraising effort, s/he is still welcome to wear a spirit wear T-shirt (includes former Field Day T-shirts) along with his/her uniform bottoms of choice. If your child chooses not to participate in the fundraising day or Spirit Day, s/he must be in full uniform.


DI team members and parents will be at school on Friday, May 12, selling frozen treats for $1 each during second recess to all grades (and during middle school recess). If your child would like to participate, please make sure they hold onto their Frozen Treat money until second recess for purchase. Single bills are greatly appreciated!

Saturday, May 13 

E njoy a short stack for a tall cause  by joining BFA teachers  Ms. Poleschook Ms. Gibson  and the  BFA Believers' DI team  as they greet and serve you a pancake breakfast at Applebee's (corner of County Line and University).  Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased on the BFA Store or from team parents  ( Ms. Poleschook, Ms. Gibson, Amy Sunahara, Missy Washeck, Nandini Sundaresh, Anna West ).    

Please support the Student Council's car wash from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 13, at BFA, to support Brayden's wish. The suggested donation is $5 to $10.
Additional Upcoming Events: BFA Calendar
Middle School: Blog | Athletics 
Ben Franklin Academy
2270 Plaza Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Main Office: (720) 383-4519 
Attendance: (720) 432-9239 
Fax: (303) 974-1738
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, and literacy. We will be a data driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering the arts, sports, nature, and character.
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.