A warm hello to old friends and new patrons!
Welcome aboard the Spring edition of the SBS4DCC Backshop Flyer.
As I gather news for this edition I am surprised once again at the volume and pace of new products from my suppliers. There are so many new solutions to keep those bits on your digital railroad byte-ing... I'm about to flip!
I want to take this opportunity to point out to our friends that Streamlined Backshop is much more than DCC. I carry a wide range of model railroading products including:
N Scale Rolling Stock and HO Scale Rolling Stock with 1000's of great locomotives, freight and passengers cars from leading suppliers like Atlas, Broadway Limited, Fox Vally Models, InterMountain, and Kato.
N Scale Products including Atlas Code 55 and Atlas Code 80 track and switches, Kato Unitrack track and switches, Peco Code 55 and Peco Code 80 track and switches, and a wide selections of other things N Scale.
HO Scale Products which includes Atlas Code 83 and Atlas Code 100 track and switches, Kato Unitrack track and switches, Peco Code 83 and Peco Code 100 track and switches, and a wide selections of other things HO Scale.
HOn3 Scale Rolling Stock with 100's of great locomotives, freight and passengers cars from the leading supplier Blackstone Models.
I also encourage everyone to have a close look at the featured product in this edition, the latest offing from OpSIG Publications - A Compendium Of Model Railroad Operations - From Design To Implementation. I realize realistic operations are not for everyone, however, for me the concept of simulating operations really brings the railroad together and serves as the purpose for building the layout, for all of the trains, and for all of the DCC hardware and decoder installations.
It is the
IT in model railroading.
I encourage you to ask someone in your local
NMRA chapter about local operating sessions and try it out... just once. My only regret is I never have enough time to Op more. You can find out more by visiting the
OpSIG webite as well.
Stop Running Trains. Start Model Railroading!
Bryan Vianco Owner, SBS4DCC
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OpSIG Publications - A Compendium Of Model Railroad Operations - From Design To Implementation
Dispatcher to OpSIG Publication No. 2, you're... Ready to Roll!
A complete guide to all things operations, our latest offering covers every aspect of prototype operations and how to apply them to your model railroad - from design and staffing to yards and paperwork, from communications and signals to dispatching and car forwarding - in 310 full-color pages.
Written by ten of your fellow modelers and professionals,
The Compendium contains more than 350 photos, 120 illustrations, and countless tips, pointers, suggestions, and prototype information to help guide you on your journey. A must for any modeler interested in prototype operations, add it to your library today!
Table Of Contents
by Eric Lundberg
What to Model and Why Operate It? 1
by Craig Bisgeier and Phil Monat
Layout Design for Operations 19
by Byron Henderson
'The Crew': Your Operating Positions 45
by Jim Providenza
Fundamentals of Freight Operations 59
by Dave Clemens
Passenger Operations 101
by Doug Matheson
Yard Operations 141
by Phil Monat
Centralized Traffic Control & Railroad Signal Systems 169
by Michael J. Burgett and William J. Scheerer
Authorizing Train Movement 201
by Steve King
Model Railroad Communications 247
by Seth Neumann
Hosting An Operating Session 275
by Eric Lundberg & Detlef Kurpanek
Author Biographies 289
OpSIG is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. For information on how to join the
OpSIG, please visit
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New ESU Pricing and More Full Throttle Sound Files
Can you say "Price Rollback"...
Great news for
LokSound V4.0 fans.
ESU has lowered the price on may items including the
V4.0. Of course I have passed those savings along to you!
ALCO 6cyl 251C (FT)
ALCO 12cyl 251C C420 (FT)
Dual ALCO 16cyl 251C (FT)
EMD 12cyl 567B (FT)
EMD 16cyl 567C GP10 (FT)
EMD 16cyl 567D2 (FT)
EMD 12cyl 645E3 V2 (FT)
EMD 16cyl 645E V3 (FT)
EMD 16cyl 645E3 Silenced (FT)
GMD 16cyl 645E3B (FT)
And wow... they have also released their first sample of Full Throttle Steam sounds... and it sounds great!
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New ESU 50210 ECoS 2.1 DCC Command Station w/ 6A Power Supply
ECoS 50210 is already the second generation of our successful
ECoS command station. With the latest
ECoS command station,
ESU continues to offer state-of-the-art digital technology combined with contemporary functional range and easy handling all this for a fair price-performance ratio.
ECoS has - like most of the recent central stations - a large coloured display with high resolution. In combination with its ground-breaking and easily operated user interface and excellent contrast values of the coloured screen,
ECoS reaches unprecedented ergonomics: unlike all the other central stations, the
ECoS can be also operated without a stylus - all symbols and writings are hugely marked and clearly structured.
ECoS has 9 function keys per integrated cab. The light-, and function keys 1 to 8 show the current state of the function via LEDs.
Discover the fascinating possibilities of the
ECoS command station on the following pages. But take heed:
ECoS performance is so good, that even we had to re-read a few passages to believe it!
New ESU 51968 21-HW - 21MTC Adapter Board w/ AUX 3, AUX 4, AUX 5 & AUX 6
Old model packaging states
AUX 3 & AUX 4. New model packaging states
AUX 3 - AUX 6.
The change was made to match the capability of the newest model of
21MTC hardware that features 4 standard and 4 logic level functions.
More Great New ESU Products Announced
ESU, LLC has announced a slew of new products for 2017.
New products include:
The long awaited N scale drop-in decoder from
has been officially announced.
Fingers crossed we will see these in 2Q.
One more noteworthy new product that deserves a bit of discussion is the new...
So just for the record...
54700 hardware is 100% identical to the
73700. The only difference between the two is the firmware, therefore, they will have identical specifications.
Part numbers and pricing are official, delivery is pending. Of course I have them on order already! I carry the best selection of
ESU products in the world wide web.
MRC - Model Rectifier Corporation
MRC 1530 Prodigy WiFi - Smartphone and Tablet Control For Prodigy DCC Systems
MRC has released the
1530 Prodigy WiFi - Smartphone and Tablet Control For Prodigy DCC Systems.
Features and Specifications include:
- Requires an MRC Prodigy DCC system.
- Works With ANY Brand Loco or DCC Decoder.
- Plug-N-Play Setup and Operation.
- Module acts as an interface between the two most popular smartphone apps:
- WiThrottle for iPhone®, iPod®, iPod Touch® available on the Apple Store
- Engine Driver® for Android™ devices, available on Google Play™
- No JMRI® Software to Navigate or Computer Interface Needed.
- No Bluetooth® Connection, Complex Wiring, or Home Network Needed (Router/Modem)
- The MRC WiFi Module Will Run Up to 8 Smartphones or Tablets.
- Create & Store Rosters, Custom Label Functions
- Advanced Features Include Creating, Storing, and Operating:
- Lighted Accessories/Accessories
- Throw Track Switches
- Universal Consists
MRC 1416 Prodigy Advanced 2 Squared Wireless DCC Command Station
MRC has released the
1416 Prodigy Advanced 2 Squared Wireless DCC Command Station which replaces the original Model 1410 Wireless set.
Based the on the standard
Prodigy Advance2, this wireless system offers untethered walk around control. Optional wireless or tethered handhelds can be added to the system without any upgrades or modification.
Prodigy Advance2
- 3.5+ Amps of Power
- 28 Accessory Functions
- Program all CV's
- Two or Four digit addressing (0-9999 addresses available)
- Advanced and Universal consisting
- Simultaneously run multiple throttles
- Program CV's on the main
- Program on the main or on the program track
- Recall and stack features
- Decoder Readback
- Set handheld for "yard" mode or "mainline" mode
- Turnout Routing
- Accessory button
- Fast Clock with adjustable ratios
Wireless Handheld with:
- Back lit display
- Direct CV Programming on the main while in operation
- 60+ fee of range
- Battery voltage display
- Rechargeable batteries for handheld
Console with:
Easily Upgradeable to any future NMRA protocols
Computer Interface adaptable
NCE - North Coast Engineering
NCE N14K1 DCC Decoder Kato Drop-In Board Replacement
NCE has released the
N14K1 DCC Decoder Kato Drop-In Board Replacement decoder
for Kato N scale which INCLUDES pre-soldered motor clips.
The new decoder fits the following models:
- Athearn EMD F45
- Athearn EMD FP45
- Kato "Gevo" ES44AC
- Kato AC4400
- Kato C30-7
- Kato GE C44-9W
- Kato SD40-2 early versions
- Kato ES44
- Kato SD40
- Kato SD40-2 SNOOT
- Kato SD45
- Kato SD70MAC
- Kato SD70
NCE N14K2 DCC Decoder Kato Drop-In Board Replacement
NCE D13J DCC Decoder NMRA 9-pin Integral JST Plug
NCE has released the
D13J Decoder, a new smaller replacement for D13SRJ.
Direct plug into Athearn and other locos
equipped with NMRA 9 pin DCC "Quick Plug".
Dimensions: 1.03 x 0.630 x .185 inches - 26 x 16.5 x 4.7 mm
NCE D13W DCC Decoder Hardwire
NCE has released the
D13W Decoder, a new smaller replacement for D13SR.
Hardwire connection for easy installation in any suitable model locomotive
Dimensions: 1.03 x 0.630 x .185 inches - 26 x 16.5 x 4.7 mm
NCE D13WP DCC Decoder NEM652 8-pin Wired Plug
NCE has released the
D13WP Decoder, a new smaller replacement for D13SRP.
Direct plug into Athearn and other locos
equipped with NEM652 / NMRA 8 pin DCC "Quick Plug".
Dimensions: 1.03 x 0.630 x .185 inches - 26 x 16.5 x 4.7 mm
NCE DCC Light-It Programmable DCC Lighting And Signal Decoder
The Light-It is a multi-purpose programmable DCC lighting decoder.
One Light-It contains three programmable lighting outputs with a complete array of lighting effects.
Suitable for signal heads, passenger cars, locomotive lighting, cabooses, structure lighting, and many other uses.
NCE DCC Illuminator Scenic Lighting Decoder For Woodland Scenics Just Plug System
The Illuminator is a Plug and Play multi-purpose programmable DCC lighting decoder.
One Illuminator contains three programmable lighting outputs with a complete array of lighting effects.
Suitable for signal heads, passenger cars, locomotive lighting, cabooses, structure lighting, and many other uses.
NCE Layout Wire Products
NCE has released a whole series of products to simplify layout construction and help organize the task of wiring a layout for DCC.
NCE Decoder Installation Products
NCE has released a whole series of products to simplify layout construction and help organize the task of wiring a layout for DCC.
CLICK HERE to see the full list of retired products.
The following is an official statement from QSI.
To our valued and loyal customers:
Because of on-going unresolved distribution and support problems with QSIS (QSI Solutions), we are currently unable to supply new aftermarket products. At this time, all aftermarket inventory, if it exists, is available only from QSIS.
With the exception of the Titan-U, the FX-SD and the FX-DO (used in OEM installations by Atlas, Atlas O and Sunset Models among others), all other aftermarket product designs are owned by QSIS and are not the property of QSI and are not supported. We will try our best at QSI to resolve individual customer aftermarket problems directed to our e-mail address regarding QSI products, but are limited in our ability to do so because of component availability. This also applies to our legacy products such as early 3-rail systems and accessories.
If you have unresolved issues with returns or repairs that you have already purchased or sent to QSIS, we are unable to assist you. We will advise if conditions between QSIS and QSI change.
We will continue to supply and support our OEM Titan products that are designed for factory installation.
SoundTraxx has discontinued the ECO-21P Econami NMRA 21MTC DCC Sound Decoders in favor of the NEM specification adopted by the OEM model and other DCC manufacturers.
The change affects the following model decoders:
Old Model |
New Model |
Steam |
881003 |
881006 |
Diesel |
882003 |
882006 |
For those interested, here is the whole story on the change and why it matters.
While not clear in the
SoundTraxx documentation, this effectively means the ECO-21P now has 4 standard outputs and 2 logic level outputs.
More Info
Sprog DCC Pi-SPROG One Raspberry Pi Complete DCC Controller/Programmer
Pi-SPROG One is a DCC interface with an integrated 2.5 Amp booster that will drive a wide range of layouts, depending on the total current requirements of the loco fleet and accessories.
You can also connect further boosters such as our own
Using a Raspberry Pi 2 model B with a WiFi adapter, or a Raspberry Pi 3 model B with built-in WiFi you can easily build a fully featured DCC system with wireless throttles using Apple iPhones/iPods with the WiThrottle app or Android phones with the Engine Driver app.
Free versions of both apps are available from the respective app stores.
Paid for version of the apps are also available with greater functionality.
TCS - Train Control Systems
TCS WOWKits with WOW-121 DCC Sound Decoders For Atlas, Athearn, Bachmann, and Walthers Models
TCS continues to add to their unique and expansive line of
WOWKits with eleven new kits including their first models for some very popular steam engines
New options include:
The WOWKit is a DCC sound total conversion solution which includes all of the components necessary to convert your engine to WOWSound with a Keep-Alive.
Purchasing these various items in a single kit not only provides an economical solution it also gives you the assurance that you'll have everything you need for your install.
WOWKit makes for a simple and easy installation so organized and clean it makes everyone look like a professional!
WOWKit has beautiful installation pictures on our website which will guide you confidently through the installation process.
WOWKit is designed to fit a specific set of models. Always refer to the
TCS website for the most current application information.
This 6-function, 21-Pin, Plug-in sound decoder brings the superior audio quality and operational performance of
WOWSound to your diesel or steam locomotive. Included are all of the amazing
WOWSound features including Audio Assist, Realistic Braking, and Prototypical Operation.
For a complete list of sounds available on this decoder visit the
sound list here.
- Includes 567 Non-Turbo, 567 Turbo, 645 turbo, 710 turbo sounds.
- In addition to the original four EMD Prime Movers we are now adding: Alco 251, GE FDL16, and 2 versions of the 7FDL16. Also added are the GE "Whoop" compressor, Hancock Air Whistle, and an E-Bell.
- True CD Quality Sound! No one else even comes close.
- 44,100 Samples Per Second at 16 bit resolution.
- Prototypical Operatio for naturally realistic engine sounds.
- Optional Keep-Alive for skip free sound and uninterrupted performance.
- And many more features. Check back for feature updates!
TCS Decoders offer the following features:
NMRA DCC Compliant
DC or DCC Operation, 2 or 4 Digit Addressing, 14-28-128 Speed Steps, and Consisting
- TCS Exclusive Auto-Adjusting BEMF
- Quiet Drive for super quiet engine performance
Three-step or Loadable Speed Table
Variable Momentum for custom accelleration curves
Function Mapping and Multiple Ligthing Effects
Adjustable Dimmed Brightness
Superior Ditch Light control with realistic alternating pulsing
Adjustable Mars, Gyra, and Rotary Beacon
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ZIMO MX660 Micro DCC Sound Decoder - Universal Drop-In with Large Solder Pad
ZIMO has announced the
MX660 Micro DCC Sound Decoder - Universal Drop-In with Large Solder Pad, a universal drop-in board style "micro model" for N scale sound in the
ZIMO decoder range. This revolutionary new format is perfectly suited for N scale narrow hood diesels and other applications where height and width are limiting factors. The board style format is only 9.5mm wide and 2.2mm thick and is blank on one side. It features a robust 0.7A motor circuit, 1.1W amp, 6 normal function outputs, and connections for external energy storage, especially important for uninterrupted sound.
MX660 is the perfect micro sound decoder for narrow hood diesels because it is the thinnest sound decoder on the market today, measuring just 2.2mm tall. The footprint is compact so it fits easily into almost any Kato, Athearn, Atlas, Intermountain, or other narrow hood diesel. This model will be perfect for compact HO scale models as well..
Flag Stop...
What YOU See Is What I Have
Welcome to SBS4DCC ...
Real-Time Stock Status
SBS4DCC "Sugar Cube" Speakers
... the
SWEETEST speaker available today!
4 Sizes ... 10 Baffles
40 Sweet
peaker Options
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SBS4DCC Wheel and Axle Wipers
... Add
Power Pickup to your models
Z, N, and HO Scale versions
Wheel and Axle Wipers
Good Deals DCC "The Programmer" Test And Programming Track
Perfect for clubs, modulars, or workbenches, the
Good Deals DCC "The Programmer" is a portable, durable, convenient testing and programming track. It is available in nearly every scale from N to O as well as combination scales for those who love trains of all sizes.
Custom designed units are also available.
Model Railroad Technologies Accutrack II Train Speedometer
MRT Accutrak II Speedometer is a free standing, battery operated scale speedometer.
Ideal for DCC speed matching DCC
Operates on 2 AAA batteries
Scale Selectable - N (1:148 and 1:160) or OO/HO (1:76.4 and 1:87)
Display in mph or kph
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DCC Specialties RRampMeter
DCC Amp/Volt Meter
RRampMeter is a multimeter designed to accurately measure the
voltage and amperage output of DCC command stations.
RRampMeter is used to:
- Measure locomotive stall current
- Report command station or booster voltage and amperage consumption
- Troubleshoot electrical problems
- Create and edit custom sound file
Available in 4 models.
ZIMO MXTAPS DCC Decoder Test and Connector Board
The ZIMO MXTAPS is a stand-alone DCC Decoder Test Station compatible with any brand of decoder or command station.
Quick Terminal
Next18 NEM661
6-Pin NEM651
8-Pin NEM652
PluX NEM658
21MTC NEM660
15 Function LEDs
5-pole Motor
13x18mm Speaker
Large scale
MXTAPV version also available
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ESU 53900 LokTester V2.0 DCC Decoder Test Station
The ESU LokTester is a stand-alone DCC Decoder Test Station compatible with any brand of decoder or command station.
Screw Terminal
Next18 NEM661
6-Pin NEM651
8-Pin NEM652
PluX NEM658
21MTC NEM660
6 Function LEDs
5-pole Motor
20mm Speaker
ZIMO MXULFA Decoder Update
Module with LCD Display
ZIMO MXULFA Decoder Update Module is a
communication device to connect your decoder to a PC to simplify programming and to facilitate firmware and sound file updates..
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ESU 53452 LokProgrammer Set
ESU LokProgrammer Set is a communication device to connect your decoder to a PC to simplify programming and to facilitate firmware and sound file updates.
- Update decoder firmware
- Edit CVs on any ESU product
- Load downloadable sound files
- Create and edit custom sound file
- Test Decoder Installations
Works only with
ESU products.
And don't forget I carry a fantastic selection of DCC products from all of the