Lesli Johnson, MFT

Sayulita Nayarit Mexico ~ December 2017

We are all leaves of one tree.
We are all waves of one sea.
Thich Nhat Hanh

Happy New Year from! I'm wishing you all an abundance of laughter, love, peace and creativity in 2018. What are your intentions for this year? A few of mine are to laugh (even more than I do), work hard, play harder, and complete some projects both personally and professionally that I've been putting off for no good reason! I also intend to continue to surround myself with friends, community, mentors and the people I choose to love and be loved by. 
This matters to me. 

I'm feeling grateful and hopeful despite some mind-blowing things that are happening around our world. I continue to see people doing good and practicing kindness. My head isn't in the sand but I do believe in the end, kindness wins! 

The Dalai Lama wisely advises: For those who feel helpless in the face of insurmountable suffering, we are still in the early years of the 21st century. There is time for us to create a better, happier world, but we can't sit back and expect a miracle. We each have actions we must take, by living our lives meaningfully and in service to our fellow human beings - helping others whenever we can and making every effort to do them no harm.

A good message. 


This year I will continue to write for Good Therapy, as well as other publications and will also continue having fun creating with Haley Radke of AdopteesON , Anne Heffron and others.

Speaking of Anne, she is hosting an adoptee retreat in February with Pam Cordano. You can get more information here

I've extended the special package rate for Adoptive Parent Coaching sessions through January 31st 2018. (You just have to purchase the sessions by 
January 31. The sessions never expire.) 

Please contact me directly to learn more. 


Join us for Teen AdoptCONNECT!

Teen AdoptCONNECT meets the 
of each month 
7-8:30pm in Pasadena. Our next meeting is:
January 11th, 2018. 
This group is free but we'd appreciate an RSVP.
(You can download a flyer and registration form below.)


As always, please feel free to reach out and ask any questions about the above or anything else that's on your mind.

I'll leave you with this beautiful poem by John O'Donahue:

For One Who is Exhausted, A Blessing 


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With gratitude,
Lesli Johnson, MFT

You'll receive occasional updates and information.  I will never share your email address.


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