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by Donna Shea & Nadine Briggs

Trash-talk can be fun when playing games 
with friends if the right tone is
communicated. Saying to an opponent, "You are sooooo going down," with laughter in your voice and a smile on your face is fun. When does trash talk become a put-down? It can be a fine line between having fun and hurting someone else's feelings. We also see a lot of kids who get caught up in bragging to other players about their own skill at a game which  leaves the other kids to feel upset or discouraged. The kids who use discouraging language or brag will typically find themselves not having anyone to play with after a short time.

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Donna Shea and Nadine Briggs are both accomplished social-emotional education specialists.  They each facilitate friendship groups at their respective centers in Massachusetts.  Both Donna and Nadine are parents of children with special needs.

Donna and Nadine offer consultation services for schools, parent groups, and human service agencies.  They are seasoned public speakers who travel across the country to bring workshops and seminars to schools, conferences and other venues. 

Donna and Nadine are certified in bullying prevention through the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center and are creators of the How to Make & Keep Friends Social Success in School Bullying Prevention Initiative that is used to provide classroom training and team-building activities at many schools.

Donna and Nadine would love to hear from you or your child if you have feedback about our books. They are also happy to speak with you about providing programming for children in your local area or just to keep in touch with you about new books and materials.
Email us: [email protected]

Donna Shea & Nadine Briggs | How to Make & Keep Friends, LLC | Shea 978-413-1965/Briggs 978-764-2758 | E-mail | Website

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