Low-Carbon Resilient Power for Hospitals in the Near Future. Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems are of high interest for their ability to provide resilient power to health care facilities. On April 20th, The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care hosted a webinar focusing on the EU's Horizon program on powering CHP with alternative energy systems specifically designed for European hospitals, and what is happening in Canada on CHP.  If you missed the webinar, you can download the slides and watch the recording here

Click here to learn more about the €1 million contest and what the EU is doing to encourage low carbon resiliency using non-fossil fuels to power cogen systems. Canadian health care facilities interested in purchasing cogen now should ask venders if systems can convert to other forms of fuel (i.e. from renewable sources) if needed. 
Canadian Hospitals Going Green.
Congratulations to the following organisations for taking action on going Green!  St. Mary’s General Hospital has taken delivery of 20 BioFree toilet seats complete with AereusShieldTM fast-acting, tarnish-resistant copper coating. This is the fourth Engineered Infection Prevention (EIP) technology the hospital has adopted. Other measures include Mobile UV, AutoUV, and Ice Zone. Kudos to Roger Holliss, Director of Engineering, for his leadership. Collingwood General & Marine Hospital installed a number of the innovative new SmartFLO3 sinks in their new Emergency Department renovations. They also included AutoUV surface disinfection and BioZone UV air disinfection in the ED public bathroom. Read more from CHAIR here.
Prescribing Active Travel for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet: A Toolkit for Health Professionals. Walking, cycling, and taking public transportation are great ways to fit physical activity into a busy schedule. CAPE’s new toolkit  Prescribing Active Travel for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet: A Toolkit for Health Professionals will help health professionals become advocates of active transportation and transit with their patients and in their communities. The toolkit is designed with five stand-alone modules so people can focus on the ones of most interest to them, and includes two fact sheets and brochures that health professionals can give to their patients, two backgrounders that can be used in meetings with the public or decision-makers, and a series of memes that can be used on Twitter or Facebook to make people think about the many benefits of walking, cycling, and transit for society as a whole. Read more.
Canada racks up LEED milestone. With a cumulative total of almost 3,000 LEED projects, Canada has been recognized as a top performing country by the U.S. Green Building Council for the third year in a row. This total also represents over one billion square feet in LEED-certified space — a major milestone for the Canadian green building industry. The numbers tell the story: 406 projects achieved LEED certification in 2016. Of these, 30 earned Platinum certification, 152 earned Gold, 154 earned Silver and 70 earned Certified status. By province, Ontario led LEED-certified projects in 2016 with 147, followed by Quebec (103), British Columbia (62), Alberta (61) and Manitoba (10).  Read more
Midland manufacturer innovating how sinks work in hospitals. If you have a stainless steel sink in your kitchen, there's a good chance it was made at Franke Kindred in Midland. The company has been manufacturing sinks for 55 years. The process has changed little in that time, but the company is looking to the future and for ways to boost sales in the United States. A rather new innovation developed at the plant is a sink created specially for hospitals. It has no faucet, knobs or levers and is designed to reduce splashing. Behind the cover it has a built in ozonator. “Infusing the water with ozone, it actually kills bacteria, both on the patients hands and the sinks surface, and most importantly in the drain,” says Shaun Desroches, VP of marketing for the Franke. Read more
World First: Antimicrobial Copper Ducts Installed in US Operating Theatres.  In a world first, the University of Miami Lennar Foundation Medical Center has installed antimicrobial copper ductwork throughout its eight operating theatres. Manufactured by US company Polar Air, the ductwork takes advantage of copper's well-known antimicrobial properties, helping to suppress the growth of mould, mildew and bacteria that cause odours, damage systems and reduce their efficiency. This is particularly beneficial for controlled air spaces such as operating theatres. "Alongside the benefits offered to patients and staff, the best aspect of the copper ductwork is that it doesn’t cost any more than rigid duct, with insulation," adds Jon Bell, President of Polar Air Supply. "You get the added hygienic benefits of copper for no extra cost. It’s a no-brainer." Read more
Health system deploys copper-infused surfaces to decrease infections. Sentara Healthcare is in the midst of a system-wide rollout of copper-infused linens, patient gowns and hard surfaces for all inpatient rooms at its 12 hospitals. The move is part of an effort to reduce health care-associated infections in its Virginia and North Carolina hospitals, and follows the results of a 10-month study published in the  American Journal of Infection Control last fall. The study compared pathogen rates of two patient towers at Sentara Leigh Hospital in Norfolk, VA. One of the towers was razed and replaced in 2014 and fitted with a host of copper-infused products for such high-touch objects as bedrails, bedside tables and linens. The other was given the same treatment in 2015. The results from the clinical trial showed that hard surfaces and linens infused with copper-oxide compounds contributed to an 83 percent reduction in  Clostridium difficile and a 78 percent overall reduction in multidrug-resistant organisms, including  C. difficile as well as methicillin-resistant  Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant enterococci, in a real-world clinical environment. Read more
Practice Greenhealth Announces Winners of Top 25 Environmental Excellence Awards. Practice Greenhealth, the USA’s leading nonprofit membership and networking organization for sustainable health care, has announced the winners of its annual Top 25 Environmental Excellence Awards.The award recognizes 25 health care facilities that exemplify the best in environmental excellence, and the highest standards for environmental practices in health care. Click here to see the winners.
Stamford Hospital aims to go Green with new building. As they prepared to observe Earth Day this last week, hospital officials said environmental awareness in their institution’s flagship 650,000-square-foot structure that opened last September is no gimmick. Hospital officials point to sustainability features as key to keeping costs down and creating a healthier and more welcoming experience for patients. Designing the hospital’s $450 million headquarters offered the opportunity to design a campus that would improve from top to bottom on the environmental efficiency of the old building. Hospital officials expected to run a new building that would use 12 percent less in utilities than comparably sized hospitals — an efficiency target they said they are already exceeding. Read more.
BWMC: New power plant to save hospital $750K per year. Baltimore Washington Medical Center says its new power plant will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save the hospital about $750,000 in annual energy costs. The cogeneration power plant — one of the first of its kind in the county  — cost about $8 million and took roughly 14 months to install, hospital officials said. The plant began running in January and, after some tweaks, it's fully operational. Cogeneration power plants make electricity that enables waste heat — a byproduct of creating electricity — to be repurposed. This green energy will power the hospital's lights and machines in the operating rooms, and the waste heat will heat BWMC year-round. The system is also powered by natural gas, as opposed to burning diesel fuel to make electricity. Read more
4 ways increasing energy efficiency reduces unexpected maintenance and costs. One big challenge businesses face is preparing for the unexpected. Uncertainty can take many forms, and all can pose a great risk to a business. Some events, such as swings in the economy, changes in regulations, and a moving political landscape, are beyond the control for most businesses. However, there are other areas of risk where business preparedness can lessen the effect of an unforeseen event, and the financial burden that comes with it. One area in which businesses can exercise control is their energy usage. Read more
Webinar:  Focus on Energy: Renewables and Alternatives for the 21st Century Hospital
Date: Thursday May 18th, 2017
Time: 11 AM - 12 PM EDT
Cost: FREE

This webinar is the third in a series of three hosted by the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care as part of the 2016 Green Hospital Scorecard program. Join us as we  highlight the most energy efficient hospitals as well as innovative energy initiatives in health care.

Did you miss the first two webinars in this series? Recording and slide decks posted at
Canadian Network for Human Health and the Environment Webinar on Formaldehyde

The CNHHE will be holding a brief information webinar/teleconference on formaldehyde on Wednesday, May 10th, at 1:00 PM EDT. This is to prepare for CMP consultations as they develop Canadian formaldehyde emission standards for building materials.

To register, please contact Liz Smith.

National Health Leadership Conference
Value-based healthcare: Embracing a patient and family-centered approach    

June 12-13, 2017     
Vancouver, British Columbia
This conference is the largest national gathering of health system decision-makers in Canada including trustees, chief executive officers, directors, managers, department heads and other health leaders representing various sectors and professions in health regions, authorities and alliances, hospitals, long-term care organizations, public health agencies, community care, mental health and social services. As well, the conference draws participants from government, education and research organizations, professional associations, consulting firms and industry.

The conference will include two sessions dealing with sustainability issues: 

1. Finding and Framing the Value of Food in Health Care, offered by NOURISH program participants Shelly Crack from Haida Gwai Hospital and Michelle Nelson from Covenent Health and leaders from the McConnell Foundation Beth Hunter and Hayley Lapalme. See more info at: 

2. Come Hell or High Water: Building Resilience, Managing Risk and Gaining Returns from Climate Change, presented by the Coalition's Green Health Leader Neil Ritchie, Deanna Fourt from Island Health and Angie Woo from Lower Mainland Health. See more detail at:

Call for Applications to  Al Gore's next Climate Reality training session !
Date: June 27-29, 2017
Location: Seattle, Washington

Join the Climate Reality Leadership Corps for training and work with former US Vice President Al Gore and renowned climate scientists and communicators to learn about what’s happening to our planet and how you can use social media, powerful storytelling, and personal outreach to inspire audiences to take action. Come for three days and leave with the tools to change the world.

Climate Reality Leadership Corps Trainings are completely self-funded by attendees. There is no fee to attend the training, but you will need to pay for your own travel and lodging. During the training, The Climate Reality Project will provide all training materials. To become a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps, you must be accepted and attend the training.

Applications are now being accepted! Apply HERE.
Knowledge Sessions 2017
Accelerating Circular Economic Behaviour and Waste Reduction in the
IC&I Sector
Thursday, June 8, 2017 
Beanfield Centre, Toronto

Waste reduction is a key performance indicator for environmental performance and facility management efficiency. Given the direct links between waste elimination, greenhouse gas emissions reductions, and growing policy interest in advancing Canada's circular economy, there are exciting opportunities to rethink procurement practices, on-site operations, and customer and vendor relations. 

That's why Recycling Council of Ontario convened an advisory committee made up of leading organisations that own and manage significant real estate portfolios in Canada to acquire further insight on the opportunities and barriers to improve waste reduction and advance circular economy practices in the IC&I sector.

Through discussion and deliberation, the Advisory Committee identified areas of interest that will form the basis of the Knowledge Sessions: Accelerating Circular Economic Behaviour and Waste Reduction in the IC&I Sector.

RCO Member Rate: $300
Non-Member Rate (early bird to May 25): $375
Non-Member Rate (May 26 - June 6): $425

Register Now.

Registration for CleanMed 2017 Now Open
Anchoring Healthy Communities
May 16-18, 2017
Minneapolis, Minnesota

This year, CleanMed will introduce “Mind Meetings” through the CleanMed mobile app. Attendees can download the app and connect in 10-minute rapid-fire meetings on the expo floor with other attendees, speakers, coaches, staff, and others they may want to chat with. More information and registration at      

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