May 2017
I'm sure by now you've heard the news- Columbia City Council unanimously approved the resolution to form a food policy committee!

Thank you for answering the call to action and for showing up to express your support for South Carolina's first municipal food policy committee.  Food Access Task Force members attended the City Council meeting last month to make it clear the community supported the adoption of the proposal. 

John Newman (Midlands Food Alliance), Lauren Harper (Columbia Mayor's Office), Katie Welborn (Carolina Farm Stewardship), Carrie Draper (SC Food Policy Council), Susan Carson Lambert (Midlands Food Alliance) 

Our local governments play a critical role in the fight to increase food access for our neighbors. Fortunately, Columbia reminds us with their commitment to a food policy committee that progress is possible. 

I hope you'll be able to join us at the Food Access Summit in October, where we plan to take a closer look at ways to encourage and implement municipal food policy groups, among other things. In fact, this op ed makes a great case for a food policy council in SpartanburgLet's continue to support Columbia's efforts while working to ensure they are the first municipal food policy committee in SC, but certainly not the last. 

In partnership,
Anna Hamilton Lewin
Chief Operating Officer
USC's Center for Research in Nutrition & Health Disparities released their latest policy and practice brief. Learn more about composting and its role in reducing food waste. 
Columbia is reviewing a proposed project which would increase food access in the West Beltline and Booker Washington Heights areas. The project includes a co-op and garden space. 

Food waste affects people struggling with hunger, and it also affects our environment. Read more about the environmental impact of wasted food. 
The workshops will provide an introduction to SCCLF's policies and application package. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions about the lending process and discuss their individual projects.  Worskhops are currently scheduled for Sumter, Marion, and Barnwell.

Upcoming Events
Nov 3rd - May 10th l Catawba & Midlands Regions
These workshops will offer critical opportunities for local peer and resource networking, as well as provide additional instruction on production topics tailored for each region and managed by regional partners. 

May 13, 2017 l All Day l Throughout U.S.
NALC and Golden Harvest Food Bank again team up in the CSRA for the largest one-day food drive in the U.S. Place a bag of nonperishable food items in your mailbox for distribution to a hunger-fighting agency. 

June 1, 2017 l 9:00AM-2:30PM l Columbia, SC
Grow more food by increasing soil quality with this workshop hosted at City Roots Farm. Deadline to register is May 26th. 
July 13, 2017 l Columbia, SC
Don't Waste Food S.C. is a collaborative campaign that is actively bringing together partners from across the public and private sector to help reduce food waste in the state. Save the date for the summit in Columbia! Registration info coming soon. 
August 18, 2017 l 9:00am-4:00pm l West Columbia, SC
This free workshop is geared toward young, new, or small scale farmers, but all are welcome to attend. Topics include family finance, business plans, risk management, and applying for financing. 

Since 2004, we have provided 313 loans for $39 million in financing 
that facilitated more  than $246.3 million in community development projects; we 
financed 1,410 housing units, 9 healthy food outlets, 10 community facilities, and 16 
community businesses, creating or retaining 2,896 jobs and providing a safe, 
affordable place to call home for 3,525 individuals and families.