Happy New Year to Our Newsletter Subscribers! 

May this year be filled with happiness, love, prosperity and good health, for your and your loved ones.   

Whatever this year may bring, remember to always prioritize your health (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual).  Practice self-compassion and self-forgiveness.  Designate time for yourself, each day, in order to do what you love and enjoy. Use your support network (friends, family, health care professionals) for guidance, help or advice. Work on eliminating any form of negative self-talk, such as phrases that start with 'I can't' or 'I'm not'. Most importantly, give thanks, be grateful and appreciate all that you have, and all of your accomplishments.

Wishing you all the best this year and always!

-Filomena & Gabriella


Colleague and fellow Registered Dietitian, Leslie Beck, summarizes the top nutrition and health issues that we should all be mindful about in 2018 and the reasons why:
  • Trans Fat Banned
    • Trans fat is soon to banned in 2018 from all products due to its high risk for heart disease! Until then, check all your labels and ensure that your choices contain 0 grams of trans fat.
  • Saturated fat...Good or bad?
    • It is recommended to limit your intake of saturated fat.
    • Research has shown that there are health benefits to replacing saturated fat with sources of unsaturated fat (nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruits, vegetables).
  • Childhood obesity at all-time high
    • Increasing your child's physical activity and presence in the kitchen are two ways to encourage long lasting healthy lifestyle choices and help combat childhood obesity.

  • Gluten free diets nutrition questioned
    • Beware that many gluten free options lack fibre, are higher in fat and calories, and lower in protein. 
    • Choose whole foods that are naturally gluten free and will provide you with the optimal nutrients and energy, such as 
      • quinoa, brown rice, buckwheat, sorghum, millet, flax
      • legumes & beans
  • Plant Protein Popularity Soars
    • The aim: consume at least 5 plant based meals each week!
Click here for the full article by Leslie Beck (1).

Bottom Line:
  • Avoid following the next FAD or diet to reignite your interest in healthy eating!
  • Follow a 
    balanced approach to healthy eating
  • Use credible nutrition sources (Registered Dietitians) for accurate nutrition information, that is appropriate and individualized for you!

in 2018... 


Grocery Innovations Canada (GIC) recognized the following top 3 grocery trends:
  • P ack it with protein
    • Consumers are showing increasing interest in protein sources, including the appropriate source and amount that is right for them 
  • Make it fresh
    • Consumers are more interested in their food's journey to the grocery store, and exploring pre-packaged fresh food options
  • Labels- Keep it simple and clean
    • Simplicity is in! Labels with words that are too difficult and long to pronounce is a challenge for all, and is influencing the way that consumers are now looking at and appreciating labels
Click  here for the full article, and for the top innovative food items for each category. See how the food industry is responding to consumer's needs and wants! (2)



In 2017, a hot topic for nutrition professionals was the connection between   food
 and nutrition with brain function and health. 
 There is no doubt that this topic will continue to grow this upcoming year!  

Looking to nutrition and food to delay cognitive illnesses, such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease is critical .

Research has suggested that the  MIND diet substantially slows cognitive decline with age  (3) .

What is the MIND diet?
  • Mediterranean-DASH Diet  I ntervention for  N eurodegenerative D elay 
    • This diet combines the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet, which both emphasize the importance of:
      • plant-based products
      • fruits and vegetables
      • healthy fats (nuts, seeds, vegetable oils)
      • fish
      • low-fat dairy products
      • limited intake of animal products (red meat) and high saturated fat foods
What should we eat to preserve our cognitive health?  Research found a strong association between delayed cognitive decline and the consumption of....
    • Both leafy green vegetables and berries contain vitamins and minerals that protect our brain (3)
  • FISH
    • Consuming fish 1 time per week was found to reduce the risk of dementia (Keep in mind that increased consumption is recommended for other health benefits and prevention of chronic diseases!!)

Interested in a 'Healthy Aging' Recipe?

Try this quick and easy, 

Recipe, by EatingWell Magazine.  (4 )

Feel free to add other leafy green veggies
 into the mix!    


Probiotics, prebiotics, and fermented foods have gained popularity in  2017.  It is safe to say Kombucha and kefir are products that many of us are now  familiar with! 

The role of our gut health  in relation to our overall health will continue to be emphasized in 2018. 

Be on the look out for gut healthy products in the grocery store this upcoming year!



Incorporating more plant-based meals is on the rise and will continue to be a
health and meal plan change that we are encouraging everyone to adopt in 2018. 

Google Trends has shown that searches such as:
  • 'what is a plant based diet?'
  • 'plant based on a budget'
  • 'plant based recipes'...reached breaking search levels!!
As well, more Canadians searched for 'plant based recipes' in 2017 in comparison to 
'meat based recipes'. 

Plant based options are here to stay!  Keep an eye out for more recipes that emphasize grains, legumes, plant based protein sources, and plant based beverages!

Looking for plant-based soup to keep you warm this Winter?

Try Fina Scroppo's Tomato, White Bean & Cauliflower Soup with Spaghettini

Not only is it delicious, but this soup is:
  • High in Fibre
  • Rich in Vitamin C & B1
  • Low in Fat
  • High in Protein
Click here for the recipe.

THIS 2018!

On January 1st, setting a New Year's resolution is very common.  Were you one of these people? Thinking back to previous years,  how successful were you in following through with past resolutions? If you were unsuccessful, you are not alone! Research has shown that about only 10% of us are able to achieve our goals! 

So what if we told you to rethink your resolution this year, or perhaps even scrap it?

Rather than setting a resolution, why not evaluate where you are in the  'Stages of Behaviour Change' cycle and see if you are ready to make a change.
Refer to the diagram below.

Those who are working towards the Action stage ("I am ready to make a change" stage) are more likely to be successful in tackling a goal/resolution because:
  • They have worked through all the details of the goal 
    • Why am I setting this goal? How can I accomplish this goal/resolution?
  • Established the pro's and cons to making a behaviour change

  • Received feedback and support from friends and family in making a change

  • Recognize the barriers and obstacles to completing the goal and found ways to be successful

  • Understand the importance of making a change

Rather than thinking about a resolution this year,  start thinking about how you can make changes in your everyday life to make achieving your short-term and long-term goals easier!


Is being active part of your 2018 plan? 
IT SHOULD BE ! But not just this year, every year. 

Here are some benefits to being  physically  active (6):

  • healthy growth and development  
  • prevent chronic diseases such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease
  • makes us stronger 
  • gives us energy 
  • decreases stress 
  • prolong independence as we age
Below is the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines for adults, 18-64 years old (7). Have you been meeting the recommendations?
Click here for more information on the Guidelines.

Are you trying to incorporate more exercise into your daily life, yet experiencing or have experienced difficulties sticking to the plan? 

Here is a list of recommendations that can help you stick to your exercise goal this 2018:
  • Be specific
    • Don't just plan 'to exercise more'. Figure out the details ahead of time. What type of activity will you do? When will you do it? How will you get there? How many times a week will you exercise?
  • Do an activity that YOU will enjoy
    • Find an activity that you are excited to do! It will be much easier to stick with your exercise goal if you enjoy it.
  • Spice up your exercise routine!
    • Research has shown that making changes in your exercise routine, rather than doing the same routine daily/weekly, has a positive impact on exercise adherence (8).
    • Use social media to your advantage! Youtube has many great exercise routines and videos for all age groups and levels.
  • Partner/Group motivation 
    • Finding a partner or a group of people to exercise with helps maintain motivation and accountability.  It is important to find a person or group that shares similar goals, and will be a perfect fit to your routine.
  • Convenience/Proximity
    • If you are signing up for a gym membership, make sure that is close to home or work; this will make it easier to stick with your plan. Distance and travel may be an obstacle! If it happens to be farther away, try carpooling with a friend.
  • Think outside the box!
    • Don't sacrifice your activity time in the case that 'something came up'. Think outside the box- Think about what you can do at home to get those steps in: walk/jog around the block; body weight exercises you can do at home (squats, lunges); invest in some free weights.


January 17th, 2018


Preventing the crash with high-protein meals

Start your year off on a high note with foods that fill you up wit h loads of energy. 
Join us and learn about  tips for incorporating rich sources of protein in every meal, whether you're at work, running errands or back from a workout.

Location Longo's 
(Weston and Rutherford)

Time: 7 pm - 9pm 

Please register in advance by callin g Longo's

Click  here to view the January Flyer
February 21st, 2018
THE DASH DIET PATTERN:  Why researchers say it's the only diet to follow
T he DASH way of eating helps achieve and  sustain good  health, without any  gimmicks or the elimination of any food groups.   G et the 101 on the Dash Diet, including what foods are included and how to incorporate them in meal planning. 
Location Longo's  (Weston and Rutherford)
Time: 7 pm - 9pm 
Please register in advance by callin g Longo's

March 21st 2018


Where do you get your fibre? If you said the cereal box, 
you are missing out on ot her key fibre benefits.
Join us and learn  all about fibre and how to incorporate it into your diet.

Location: Longo's (Weston and Rutherford)
Time: 7pm - 9 pm
Please register in advance by calling Longo's

                                       April 18th, 2018

SPRING CLEAN YOUR DIET: Fresh, spring bowls that'll fill you up and get you moving
Interested in tasty meal ideas that are served in a bowl? We will dive into meals that will fill you up and deliver on serious taste. You'll also learn to eat a clean diet with a focus on spring seasonal fare, no-fuss condiments and easy preparation methods.
Location: Longo's (Weston and Rutherford) 
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Please register in advance by calling Longo's

(905) 850-6161.  

Please indicate that you are calling to reserve a spot for the cooking class, hosted by Filomena and Fina.
Thank you.

(1) Beck, L. (2017). Five health issues that should be on your radar in 2018. Retrieved from https://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health-and-fitness/taking-a-look-at-the-year-in-nutrition/article37360955/
(2)Nutrition for Non-nutritionists. (2017). Top 3 trends & winners at grocery innovations Canada 2017. Retrieved from http://www.nutritionfornonnutritionists.com/2017/11/top-3-trends-winners-at-grocery-innovations-canada-2017/
(3)Morris et al. (2015). The MIND diet slows cognitive decline with aging. Alzheimer's Dementia, 11(9), 1015-1022.
(4) EatingWell (2011, Nov). Garlic roasted salmon & brussel sprouts recipe. Retrieved from http://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/252493/garlic-roasted-salmon-brussels-sprouts/
(5) The stages of behaviour change (image). Retrieved from: http://slco.org/healthy-lifestyles/blog/stages-of-change/
(6 )Government of Canada. Physical Activity. Retrieved from: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/health-promotion/healthy-living/physical-activity.html
(7)Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines. Retrieved from: http://www.csep.ca/CMFiles/Guidelines/CSEP_PAGuidelines_adults_en.pdf
(8)Sylvester et al. (2016). Variety support and exercise adherence behaviour. experimental and mediating effects. J Behav Med, 39, 214-224.

Filomena Vernace-Inserra | d[email protected] 
905-265-2140 | w ww.innerhealth1.ca