URGENT: House Will Vote TODAY on Bill that Cuts Medicaid, Hurts People with Pre-Existing Conditions
The House is scheduled to vote TODAY on harmful cuts to Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act. Please call your representative in Congress as soon as possible and voice your opposition! We must stop proposed changes that will decimate the Medicaid program with an over $800 billion cut and will repeal major parts of the ACA like getting rid of coverage protections for pre-existing conditions. Recent attempts to fix the repeal of protections for pre-existing conditions do not fix the fundamental flaws with the legislation.The fixes are not enough to protect individuals and families. 

Take Action:
We must keep up our calls to Congressional offices. Even if you have called already,   call your Member of Congress again and ask them to vote "no" on the American Health Care Act. 

Here's what to say:
  • I am a member of The Arc.
  • I am a person with I/DD, or I am a family member of someone with I/DD, or I am a professional in the disability field.
  • Do NOT support the American Health Care Act, the bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  
  • Do NOT allow cuts to critical Medicaid services to pay for tax cuts.
  • Do NOT allow states to opt out of requiring health plans to cover basic health care and keep it affordable for people with pre-existing conditions.
By inputting your address, this web site will identify and provide phone numbers for your Representative in Congress and your two Senators. 

For additional information, see The Arc's fact sheet about Medicaid 
How else can you help?

Share on Facebook and Twitter this video below about  Calvin who has bilateral frontoparietal polymicrogyeria and cerebral palsy, and who relies on the ACA for the supports and services he needs to grow and thrive Send the video to your Member of Congress -  find yours here

Meet Calvin

We appreciate all your calls and advocacy over these past few months and we know we can count on you to keep fighting. 
Your Advocacy Tool Belt
We know that calling your representatives may feel overwhelming. We want to help you feel more comfortable and confident in your advocacy role. Below are some resources to help. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us [email protected].