Family Events
10:30am Service

Sunday, May 8 
 is a Children's Eucharist with the 1st Graders leading the prayers.
Sunday, May 14 
 is the Annual Meeting at 10:15 - the last time to vote for Vestry is 8:30-9:00, before the 9:10 service. *During the Annual Meeting, the children (Primary class and older) will be together in Coburn Hall making crafts, making desserts for the Shelter, singing, and doing other activities similar to what will be happening at our Parish Weekend Away.
Thursday, May 18  
 End of the Year Eucharist & Hotdog Picnic in Central Park after Choir, We Love to Sing and Bible Stories & Legos.
Sunday, May 21 
  Recognition Sunday 9:10am--Thank you, Teachers and Youth Advisors! Choir recognition. Each class recites their passage. 3rd graders receive their Bibles.
Monday, May 22, 6:30-8pm Parents Party hosted by the Parents of Young Children. This is a wonderful time to meet other St. James' parents in a relaxed setting. Childcare is provided in the nursery.
Sunday, May 28  
Summer Sundays begin. 10:30 service. 

Children's & Family Ministries Banner

Banner Squares: Haven't quite clued in? Each year, at the end of the year, all of the children are encouraged to make a square (picked up in Church School or in the box under the Flowered Alleluia banner in Donegan Hallway) that will go on the 2016-2017 Children's Banner that will be up at Recognition Sunday and then hang in the kitchen/nursery hallway with the banners from past years.
Make the square and get it back to Vicki as soon as possible.

Need ideas? Walk down the hallway by the kitchen and look at banners from previous years.


Please collect when traveling and bring them to St. James' for our meal program guests!

Families @ St. James'


Summer is a time for Help! Thanks! Wow!
As Anne Lamott wrote in Help Thanks Wow: The Three Essential Prayers, "It is these three prayers - asking for assistance, appreciating the good we witness, and feeling awe at the world - that get us through the day and show us the way forward." For me, many of my experiences and opportunities over the summer are magnified moments of just these kinds of prayer. Many of us have the gift of times of slowing down, opportunities to do things a little differently with our families and try on some new ways of being, of getting through the day. In addition to paying attention to and making note of the Help Wow and Thanks moments, I'd love for you to put a copy of "A Family Book of Prayers," a small, but important tool, that was handed out at the last Parenting Forum, can be found around the church, and will be handed out on Recognition Sunday, in your purse or car or on the breakfast table or where you say prayers with your kids. (at home or on vacation!) One of our moms drives her children to school each morning and whoever sits in the front seat leads them in "In The Morning." Another family uses "In The Evening" at bedtime. Take a moment. Be intentional. Your children will thank you for it when they're older and have those prayers and memories embedded in their hearts.
But, before we get to summer, we have Recognition Sunday! Each class has been working on a bible passage that they will recite (with cheat sheets, if necessary) at Recognition Sunday on May 21st. I really want you as families to learn (adults and children together) the passage assigned to their class for memorization. The process of trying to memorize something makes it a part of you. It becomes part of your foundation.

Primary Class - The Lord's Prayer
1st Grade - The 10 Commandments (Exodus 20: 3-17)
2nd Grade - The 23rd Psalm
3rd Grade - Books of the Bible
4th Grade - Psalm 100
5th Grade - The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12)

Vicki Hall
Director of Children's & Families Ministries
Reach me at 212-774-4232 or [email protected]
Sunday School 
Sunday, May 28  Summer Sundays begin. 10:30am service.
Sundays in the Summer for Children at St. James':
The Nursery/Toddler room is open every Sunday 10-12:30.
For those 4 and older: (dress is summer casual)
Summer Sundays - May 28 through June 11 and July 16 through September 3, 10:30-12:00, in the Primary room. We learn the day's lesson in fun ways and then go upstairs for Communion.
Celebrating God's Creation in Central Park - June 18 through July 9, 9:30-noon.
                  A fabulous time to explore and celebrate God's creation in Central Park. We meet in the Primary room and venture off to explore, examine and enjoy God's incredible creation. Wear climbing shoes. Dress: Casual. Friends are always welcome. Requirement: child must be able to walk to Belvedere Castle and back. 

Register for Sunday School

Playgroups:  These groups are a wonderful way to meet parents of young children, ages 0 to 5, who are part of the St. James' parish. A dedicated "caregivers group" is offered for working parents: however, please note that caregivers are welcome at all playgroups whenever personal schedules make it difficult for moms or dads to accompany their child. All St. James' playgroups are adult/child. 
0-12 months: Wednesdays  10:30 a.m. - noon

12-24 months: Thursdays  10:30 a.m. - noon

24-36 months: Fridays  10:30 a.m. - noon

3-5 years: Tuesdays  3:30a.m. - 4:45 p.m.

Caregiver group: Mondays  10:30 a.m. - noon  (children of all ages)

Register for  Playgroups
Music for Children and Youth 
Choir Schedules & Calendar 

Click  here for the general calendar for the entire year - or pick up a paper copy on the second floor hall table.

Excitement over the new student hymnal continues - don't miss your chance to get one for your family!  (Click  here  to see it). Get one for your family, and one to share!

Summer will be here before we know it.  
Many of you already have your plans underway, but if you're looking for an incredible musical and social experience for your child, why not consider one of the outstanding choir camps available for a variety of ages?  Here are some of the best options you might consider.  For more information, feel free to ask me - I have sent students to all of these over the years:

Mrs. Enlow

Choirs: Being a chorister at St. James' is a wonderful way to experience music across the centuries and reinforce faith-based formation in the church.  Choristers learn healthy singing techniques and musicianship skills through fun and varied activities.

Cherub Choir 
Ages 4 & 5 
Tuesdays 3:45-4:15, Primary Room

Primary Choir 
Ages 6 & 7 (5 by interview) 
Thursdays 4:00-4:40, Ault Music Room

Junior Choir 
Ages 8-10 
Tuesdays 4:25-5:40, Ault Music Room

Youth Choir 
Ages 11-18 
Wednesdays 4:15-5:30, Ault Music Room

For more information, contact Loraine  Enlow
Music Associate for Children and Youth

What you should  know about being an acolyte at St. James:
  • Who can acolyte? 
Anyone third grade and older.
  • What do acolytes do?
Acolytes assist in worship, performing such functions as carrying crosses, torches,  banners and flags, helping take up the offering, assisting at communion, and doing others jobs  as needed during 
the liturgy.
  • How do I learn to do it? 
After school on Monday and Wednesday afternoons and some Saturday mornings.
  • Can't make these times? 
Contact Vicki to make other arrangements.
  • Why would I want to acolyte? 
It's fun! You'll have friends who are doing it. You will learn a lot about
what's going on in the liturgy as you help make it happen.

Contact Vicki for more information. 212-774-4232 or  [email protected]
Thursdays @ St. James'
Thursdays @ St. James' will be on hiatus for the Summer and return in the Fall!

Thursday afternoons:
4-4:45pm -- We Love to Sing, ages 0-4,
4-4:45pm; Bible Stories & Legos, ages 4-6
4-4:45pm Primary Choir, ages 6-7, 5 by interview.

4:45-6pm --Thursdays for Families @ St. James' is a family favorite and a defining experience for our children as they grow up in the Christian faith: An opportunity for mid-week worship, education, activities, and dinner for children and parents in a creative environment. A special component of Thursdays is our monthly Family Eucharist.

Ask Vicki: 212-774-4232 or  v [email protected]

Click here for more info Thursdays @ St. James '
Family Service Opportunities
Below are descriptions of ways for St. James' families to give back to the community.

Helping Hands Sundays - On Holiday weekends all Sunday School classes meet in the Primary Room for a service project. 

Reachi ng Out to our Neighbors - At the start of each Family Friday we make sandwiches for the NY Commo n  Pantry (NYCP), make cards for home-bound parishioners and assemble toiletry kits for our dinner and shelter guests.
Search and Care - Looking for an ongoing opportunity to share with your child? An hour a week or every other week will help keep a senior in their home through Search and Care. There are many clients who would love regular visits. A walk around the block, help getting groceries or medications, help with caring for their pet, the possibilities are limitless. If interested, contact Robin Strashun (212-289-5300 x203)

Bake for the Shelter
- bake cookies, cupcakes, brownies, etc. and deliver to the Shelter when the guests arrive.

Early Shift at the Shelter - perfect for families. 6:30-8:30pm shifts are available every night. Contact Susana Ferrer for more information.