In This Issue
Just One Drop of Oil Could Harm Arctic Birds
There's currently no safe way to drill in the Arctic Ocean. This comic explains what could happen to King Eiders and many other Arctic birds if an oil spill occurred in the region.
Policy Pulse: New Bills Threaten the Tongass
New bills introduced in Congress aim to continue large-tree, old-growth logging in the Tongass National Forest. The Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Transfer Act has been introduced in both the House and Senate, and it could be attached as a "rider" to other legislation. The State National Forest Management Act has been introduced in the House. This bill would give two million acres of the Tongass to the State of Alaska for mandated logging, with the choicest large-tree old-growth pre-selected.
Photo: Mark Kelley
Remembering Ken Leghorn
Some of you might have known Ken, but for those who did not, he spent most of his 40-year career as a Juneau-based wilderness guide passionate about getting people outdoors and inspiring them to care deeply about the birds and wildlife of Alaska. Ken was an invaluable member of the Audubon Alaska Board for many years.
Ken's commitment to the wildlife, landscapes, and communities of Alaska was inspirational. His wife, Julie Coppens, has encouraged everyone touched by Ken to continue his memory and "Be Like Ken" - be dedicated, generous, community-oriented, and adventurous. He will continue to be an inspiration to all of us.
Audubon Alaska recently presented about our upcoming
Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas at the
World Twitter Seabird Conference. We explained our complex data-to-design process for the Atlas in six, simple tweets, using our Horned Puffin maps as examples.
What do you know about Alaska's Teshekpuk Lake?
Birdathon is Flying Your Way!
May is when the biggest wave of migrating birds arrives in Alaska. This means it's time for the Audubon Alaska Birdathon competition!
What is Birdathon? In May, Audubon Alaska staff will form teams, go birding and count as many species as possible in a 24-hour period, and collect pledges per species as a way to raise money for protecting Alaska's amazing birds.
Name that Bird Photo Quiz
Photo by Francesco Veronesi |
This Month's Quiz Bird
The previous quiz bird was the Wandering Tattler! The Wandering Tattler is a
montane-nesting shorebird that migrates and winters along rocky shorelines.
This month's quiz bird is an uncommon forest breeder. This aerial insectivore was not on the 2010 Alaska WatchList, but significant population decreases have been detected, and it will appear on the 2017 Alaska WatchList.
March for Science - April 22nd
Audubon Alaska will be participating in the March for Science in Anchorage. The March will take place on Earth Day, April 22nd, starting at 10am on the Delaney Park Strip. The crowd will then march to the lawn of the Anchorage Museum for an Earth Day festival where we'll have an Audubon Alaska table. Come say hello!
Learn more.
There are satellite marches planned in communities across Alaska - in Anchorage, Homer, Palmer, Tok, Dillingham, Ketchikan, Seward, Skagway, and Juneau.
Birding Basics - May 3rd
Join us on Wednesday, May 3rd at REI Anchorage from 6:00-7:30pm to learn about the exciting world of birding! After this program, you will be able to operate binoculars, use a spotting scope, become familiar with bird identification apps, categorize a few birds by the shape of the body, and identify several bird habitats.
Max Goldman, Audubon Alaska's Arctic Marine Ecologist, will guide you through all of the basics, suggest local birding spots, and set you on the path to your own birding adventures!
Cartography Exhibit in Homer - May 19th
Join us on Friday, May 19th at the Islands & Oceans Visitor Center in Homer, Alaska for a Cartography Exhibit. The event will feature 20 Audubon Alaska maps that highlight the physical, biological, and cultural features of our dynamic Alaska landscape.
Learn more.
Spring & Summer Bird Walks
Audubon Alaska and the Alaska Department of Fish & Game will be hosting bird walks at Potter Marsh from May 20-July 29. These walks will be held every Tuesday evening from 7-9pm, meeting at the Potter Marsh boardwalk. ADF&G will also be hosting bird walks at Potter Marsh on Saturday mornings from 8-10am.
Learn more.
Anchorage Audubon Society and the Bureau of Land Management will be hosting morning bird walks on May 4, 11, 18, & 25 from 6:30-8:30am at the Campbell Tract, meeting in the Campbell Creek Science Center parking lot.
Learn more.