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December 2015
November's Photo Challenge Answer
Contributed by Ben Helle, Olympia Branch Archivist
The number of folks familiar with this structure was impressive! So many of you weighed in with guesses ranging from Lake Quinault Lodge to Longmire, all very good guesses! The correct answer? This is the old Mt. Baker Lodge before it burned in 1931. Karen Johnson, of the Olympia Tumwater Foundation knew the answer based on a colorized post card she has of the same structure. Interestingly, she discovered that the Schmidt family of Tumwater was very involved with the Mt. Baker Lodge. The Schmidts were stockholders in the Mount Baker Development Company, which owned the lodge when it burned in 1931. Read Karen's fascinating post here, and take a look at the Mt. Baker Development Co.'s Articles of Incorporation from our collection here.

Small world...or at least a small state! (Unless you're driving across and back in a day.)

Once again, thanks so much for playing!
January Photo Challenge
Contributed by Mary Hammer, Digital Projects Archivist

What a lovely winter scene! Skis encircling a bonfire and a lighted tree.

Can anyone name the location of this lodge?

Email your guess here, and watch for the answer coming in January!
Out With Logic, On With Lunacy!
Contributed by Amber Raney and Mary Hammer, with additional help from Molly Rooney

In 1976, candidates of the OWL Party (whose name meant "Out With Logic, On With Lunacy") polled about 3 percent of the vote for governor and other state offices. The group, started by Red Kelly, began as a joke alternative to candidates of the time.

At that time, a minor political party could register candidates simply by collecting one hundred signatures at a nominating convention--for which Red and friends called a gathering at their jazz club, the Tumwater Conservatory--to win a ballot slot. For a small filing fee, the jovial candidates were able to insert their photos and 'statements' in the official Voters' Pamphlet and the campaign was on. Read more about the court case that ensued on the Legacy Project's website.

In October, staff sat down with some of the OWL Party participants. Many stories were told, and much hilarity was enjoyed. Watch this teaser video to see more, and look for a full-length video to be released in the near future.
Did you know...
...that the infamous lawman Wyatt Earp used to have a business in Seattle? He and business partner Thomas Urquhart opened the Union Club at the present-day location of 111 Second Ave. S. near Yesler Way in Pioneer Square.

While not necessarily the larger-than-life figure of today, Earp's presence garnered attention nonetheless. Read the full story here, and find archived editions of local papers at the Library of Congress' Chronicling America.
Mother Joseph in both Washingtons
The National Statuary Hall in the United States Capitol Building is a collection of 100 statues, 2 from each state, donated to pay tribute to notable people from each state's history. One of the statues from Washington State is Mother Joseph.

Sister Joseph led a group of enterprising nuns on a 6,000-mile journey from Montreal, Quebec, to Fort Vancouver in December 1856 at the request of Bishop Blanchet of the Nisqually Roman Catholic Diocese. Sister Joseph was a trained carpenter, architect and builder, leading the women as they not only constructed schools, hospitals and orphanages, but also built communities through their compassion and selflessness. She later became Mother Joseph of the Sacred Heart.

Read more of her amazing story here, and visit the Legislative Building in Olympia to see a duplicate of the above statue that also graces the Capitol Visitor Center in Washington, D.C.
Digital Archives tops Family Tree Magazine's Best Of List for 2015
Once again, Family Tree Magazine has included the Washington State Digital Archives among its 75 Best State Websites! The list honors the best websites that specialize in genealogy research for one of the 50 US states. The 75 websites represent the go-to online destinations for tracing American ancestors, state by state. Their hope is that this article highlights valuable, often-overlooked resources for genealogical research.

Employee Spotlight
Meet Molly Rooney, State Acquisitions Archivist, Olympia
Contributed by Mary Hammer, Digital Projects Archivist   

As Acquisitions Archivist, the hundreds of archival records collected per month from Washington's 194 state agencies go through Molly first! She attempts to find space for them, catalogs the collections, communicates with agencies, and so much more.

Click here to read about the Cap'n, and find out where drugs are hidden in the Archives.
News from the OSOS blog
The Office of the Secretary of State routinely updates a blog entitled "From Our Corner,"   in order to provide from-the-source information about important state news and public services.  Often, stories of note from the Archives are included on this page. Click here to check out past stories.
Washington Remembers WWII project
This three-part project includes online stories with individual veterans; Faces of Heroes page, where the public can share a photo of their WWII veteran; and an exhibit, which opened August 20.

We hope you enjoyed this edition of "Out of the Archives!"

 Banner Image: Paradise Inn/Photograph by Mr. Questa, ca. 1930, Questa, General Subjects Photograph Collection, 1845-2005, Washington State Archives, Digital Archives.   
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